Wednesday, December 20, 2017

FCPX Missing Plug-in (Effect) difficult to track down - pt5 (X-FX Handler)

Couldn't hunt this missing Effect down, so I downloaded X-FX Handler from Spherico:

Exported an XML of the Project, loaded it into X-FX Handler, and Kaboom!
Look at this missing Hawaiki Effect! FASLE! That's right! But, but, hold on a second... That's fine and dandy, but WHERE CAN I FIND IT IN THE TIMELINE?

Ah! Ah! Here is the secret weapon: double click on the missing Effect and Kabaaahm!
It's enabled on CLIP0000180 - THAT I CAN SEARCH FOR IN THE INDEX.

Three Clip0000180 in my Timeline indeed, and the third one wins the missing Effect prize.
(It was actually OFF!) Delete. Good riddance.

Thank you Andreas Kiel, Spherico.

FCPX Missing Plug-in (Effect) difficult to track down - pt4

Here we are again at this topic: how to ID and find missing Effects, Titles and Transitions in FCPX? An ongoing battle.

See my two previous rants here:

Allright, so I discovered by inadvertence that FCPX (10.3.4) is giving SOME hints as to what is missing if you select the Project in the Browser, it will show SOME information.
Right, right, Hawaiki Color is missing, and Adjustment Layer is missing. That's progress.

It's better than showing this, right?

Unfortunately it doesn't help with finding the missing elements in the Timeline. I would like to jump to the actual place in the Timeline where this or these missing elements are being used and review and/or delete them. But I can't. Well for Titles, yes I can since I can isolate Titles in the Index.

So if there is already Titles listed in the Index, it's not too much asking that all other Effects, Generators and Transitions be added to the list, is it? And maybe it's not too much asking that any missing element be FLAGGED in the Index list, is it?

Thank you Apple.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How to render Apple Motion Projects by dropping them directly into Apple Compressor

I don't know if a lot of users are aware of this: you can render a Motion Project by dropping the file directly into Compressor.

I am working on a project with a really tight deadline and lots of graphics. To speed things up I am rendering graphics in Motion at Draft Quality settings, dropping them into the cut in order to expedite a screener for client approval.

For the final version though,  I want to re-render all my graphics at Better Quality settings, which is more time consuming.

Instead of loading each graphic into Motion, changing the settings to Best, and hitting Command+E, waiting for the render to complete, closing the project, opening the next one... There is a better option. It's kind of like "Send to Compressor", but better.

Open all Motion projects and switch the settings to Best and save them all. Then grab all the Motion Projects files and drop them into Compressor. Select the Preset, select the destination and let Compressor batch rendering! Much faster and streamlined.

Unfortunately, prior to batch rendering with Compressor, you must save each Motion project with the actual Render settings you want Compressor to render at. If the Project is set to render at Batch Quality inside Motion, that's what Compressor will render at. That's kind of a limitation.

There should be a way to override the Motion Render settings inside of Compressor, even better, since Compressor "understands" Motion project files, we should have access to all the Motion Render settings in the Job window inside Compressor. That would make this workflow more efficient, but I am not seeing anything of the sort.

 If you have a tip, please let me know in the comments. Thanks!

Monday, December 18, 2017

FCPX 10.3.4 The operation couldn't be completed. Invalid argument

Getting the error message from FCPX 10.3.4: "The operation couldn't be completed. Invalid argument" when trying to move a clip between Events.

Well the culprit in this case is a filename containing a dot (in addition to the dot extension), something like: "clip.ver.mp4"

FCPX doesn't like the dot in the filename, so I renamed the clip: "clip_ver.mp4", relinked the file and all is good.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Apple Compressor still cannot deal with XAVC-S or MXF files from Sony A7RII and FS5

Compressor 4.3.2, the current one, cannot open A7RII MP4 files.

It has no clue with FS5 MXF footage either and transcodes to an all black/empty file.

OK, mmhm, how long has this Sony codec been out again? Is this another codec war Sony and Apple are waging?

Short of using Sony's Catalyst software, you have Adobe Media Encoder and EditReady that can transcode your Sony footage to Prores on a Mac.

Good luck.

Adobe Premiere Pro Proxies

I'm testing the Proxy workflow with Adobe PP on a project shot in UHD, that will be delivered in HD. Ultimately I think that it's not a real advantage to use this proxy workflow against simply converting the original footage to something the computer can handle more easily - like Prores or DNxHR/HD.

I'm dealing with footage from two Sony cameras 
recorded internally in UHD 3840 x 2160 at 23.976.

A Sony FS5 recorded in MXF OP1a, XAVC Long QFHD, h264/MPEG-4 8bit 4:2:0 at 100Mbps. Clips have 4 mono audio channels.

A Sony A7RII recorded in MP4, XAVC-S, h264/MPEG-4 AVC Long Gop 8bit 4:2:0 at 100Mbps. Clips have one stereo audio channel.

Importing original MXF and MP4 footage into PP is no problem, but PP playback of original UHD footage is very clunky for both the A7RII MP4 and the FS5 MXF at any settings: full, 1/2, 1/4.

So I created two Proxy and Ingest Presets in AME, one for each audio config, and I'm transcoding to Prores Proxy HD 1920x1080.

It took approximately 4 hours for AME to transcode 120GB of footage overnight which is about 2hrs and 15min. in duration. So roughly TWICE real time. The resulting proxy files are roughly HALF the size of the originals.

Premiere hanged during that process, I had to restart the app. On restart, all the footage from Day2 was not in the project. I re-imported the footage from Day2 in PP. The Proxies didn't show in the Browser.

I selected all clips and selected Proxy/Attach Proxies and then pointed at the first Proxy file. All files got reconnected automatically to their proxies.

I have separate folders for Day1 and Day2, both for originals and Proxies. This is due to the fact that I have duplicated clip names, so I want to keep things compartmented.

Toggling Original and proxy footage is seamless, just use the toggle button. Playback of proxies is smooth.

Export Media automatically reverts to using the original UHD footage. Exporting a 5min. UHD Timeline (or HD Timeline with all clips at 50% scale)\ to Prores Proxy 1080p or to h264 720p takes about 6min., so a little more than real time.

OK, so that's Proxies so far.

Now instead of working with the proxy workflow, I can upfront convert the UHD XAVC footage to Prores UHD. PP is perfectly capable of smooth 4K Prores playback on my machine. Export Media time also falls to near real time. So, it is not 4K that taxes the machine as much as it is the Sony XAVC codec.

If I edit 50% scaled UHD Prores clips into a HD Timeline, PP playback is flawless as well. Export Media time is below real time.

AME conversion time to transcode to Prores UHD is roughly twice that of transcoding to HD Proxies. In this case it will take 8 hours vs. 4 hours as mentioned above. That's one drawback.

So, ultimately I think I will use the non proxy workflow. I don't see why I would want to go back to a clunky codec at any time during post. Remember with PP proxy workflow, you are dealing with original media XAVC codec on export. That is a real slowdown.

Transcoding to UHD Prores has all the advantages: UHD frame size allowing for repo in a HD Timeline, an easy to deal with codec for the computer, and relatively fast export times. If something is not right with a Prores clip, it's easy to re-transcode from the original.

Granted files are bigger in UHD Prores HQ, five time as big as the original XAVC files, that's the second drawback, but drive space is cheap, so not an issue on this project.

Transcoded to Prores HD, the size would be somewhat less, and it might take less time for AME to transcode, but it would restrict the reframing possibilities that UHD has to offer.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Export paths from Illustrator and convert them to Apple Motion paths with Motionize!

Motionize is great for importing Illustrator paths into Apple Motion paths.
Installation is easy, but the workflow is a bit convoluted, so I will list the steps below.

1. Trace your paths in Illustrator, SAVE AS Illustrator CS. Motionize won't work with newer versions. (Actually it does not work with CC in my experience, and I haven't tried other versions of CS.)

2. Select the paths or groups you want to export (Motionize supports Illustrator groups.)

3. Select File/Script/Motionize and save the ".motn" file to a folder of your choice.

4. MOVE this Motion file INTO: BootHD/Users/your user/Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/Favorites (...Make a shortcut.)

Do not forget step 4!!! If you try to open the ".motn" file directly from Motion (File/Open) it will be EMPTY. And you will think Motionize does not work. IT DOES!

5. Access your file inside Motion (works with 5.3.2 no prob') through the Library / Favorites.

Thank you Scott Ash another human for a great script! 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Apple Motion: Smooth Motion Path + Grow/Shrink settings

A combination of Motion Path + Grow/Shrink is an animation I often use. The default setting for the Grow/Shrink behavior is "Natural Scale" which is great. But the default setting for the Motion Path behavior is "Constant". Combined as-is, the results are often completely off.
In combination with Grow/Shrink "Natural Scale", I find that the better setting for Motion Path is "Decelerate".

Apple Motion Wobbling Text in PDF

I animated a PDF page of Text created in Adobe Illustrator, exported as PDF into Apple Motion, and even though I unchecked "Fixed Resolution" for the Media, it animated badly. The text was all wobbling and unstable as I scaled up/down and moved around.

I was cursing Motion again, until I read the chapter on PDF (p.240) in the Motion User Guide:

Mixed Content Within PDF Files
Although PDF files can simultaneously contain PostScript-based art, PostScript text, and bitmapped graphics, all of these types of image data do not scale the same. PostScript-based art and text scale smoothly, but bitmapped graphics that are embedded in a PDF file are subject to the same scaling issues as any other bitmapped graphics format. As a result, they may soften if scaled larger than their original size.

Ah, ah! Spot on! I was using an Adobe TypeKit font. As soon as I changed it to an OpenType font... Perfect!

User beware!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Gmail crapped on me!

Was writing a long email with a bunch of specific notes that relate to a cut I was ready to send a client.

I lost connection somehow, couldn't get Gmail to respond for a long while. I had to restart the computer and my draft email was EMPTY! Except for a couple of lines, all GONE.

This is the old ghost creeping in, what's not on your computer... Can you really trust it? Does it really save your work all the time?  Answer: NO! IT DOES NOT!

We are offered a convenience with no guarantee in exchange for our personal data. No guarantee.

Lesson learned, I will type my emails in TextEdit before I Copy n'Paste and send at once.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Emojis on macOS Sierra

Call on emojis on Mac by punching: Control + Command + Spacebar. Boom, the emoji/symbols window pops-up.
[Control, ⌘, Spacebar]

As demonstrated by Ben Mercer and Jan Willem den Bok among others, it's a great way to quickly visualize information in FCPX. For example I like to add a ❌ to my "do not use" cuts, and a ✅ to my current cuts.

This way I see immediately that FCPX has opened the proper cut or an old cut in the Timeline without deciphering the names themselves.

I'm still experimenting, and I suppose if you use too many emojis, things start to get blurry again, so it's a balance.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

FCPX 1.4 announced at FCPX World - Also link to macOS Sierra installer (via

FCPX 1.4 announced at FCPX World:

Geez, so much about 360º stuff.

Remarkably, Michael Hancock gives us a link to macOS Sierra installer from Apple. For the ones of you who forgot to download it from App Store before the update to High Sierra. Thanks MH!

Michael Hancock · 
Here's how to get Sierra from the app store, since Apple unlisted it. Scroll down an click on "Get Mac OS Sierra" and it will open the App store and you can download it and upgrade from El Capitan.

No more Dolby AC3 in Adobe Media Encoder 2018

I can confirm that AME 2018 lacks Dolby AC3 settings.

AME 2018 - No more Dolby AC3. Only Mpeg and PCM

I installed the new version and forgot to uncheck "Remove Old Versions", so I re-installed AME 2017 from CC App Manager.

If you need AC3, go get AME 2017 now while it's still available, and remember DO NOT REMOVE OLD VERSIONS next time you update.

AME 2017 - With Dolby AC3

Interestingly, after two installs of AME 2018 and 2017, I cannot install another older version. Only option now is to Uninstall.

Are we limited to installing two versions of the same App?

Friday, October 27, 2017

TIFF 2017 Robert Guediguian & Ariane Ascaride discussion

Great discussion with Robert Guediguian & Ariane Ascaride at TIFF last September.
(It's in French. Google Auto-Translate to English is pretty terrible.)
- We do not do cinema for nothing. Films must serve justice, ask questions, try to understand the world, denounce and fight injustice and offer alternatives. We think and speak for others. There is always a point of view.

- Working with others is trusting them to propose ideas, and then choose. Not imposing your preconceived ideas onto others. Directing is simple, it's just saying yes or no.

- I cannot live in a ghetto, I must rub with people and know how people live in their own world. Some people have much more pressing stories to tell than the stories we tell in the west. These are the stories I'm interested with.

- Identities are chosen, I see them as juxtaposition, as layers. You are responsible for your own identity.

You are one of a kind! Thank you Robert!!

Also, AF Toronto, can you please QC your videos...? That's the problem with direct upload, you do not see the results until it's posted. Oops! Too late!  Guess what NLE is being used?

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Adobe Creative Cloud Price increase in March 2018

Here we go... Adobe raising the monthly fee for CC from $49.99 to $52.99 in March of 2018.

Adobe is invested in accelerating the creative process for everyone with the world’s best creative apps. After more than five years of continuous innovation, we’re making a modest adjustment in Creative Cloud commercial pricing for North America customers, which will take effect on March 1 or at the next contract renewal. Until then, renewing subscribers can experience the value of the new features and products announced and available today and new subscribers can lock in a year subscription at the current price with no additional charge:
  • Our current STE Student/Education, Creative Cloud Photography and XD plans will see no pricing adjustment.
  • Creative Cloud for Individuals All and Single App plans will increase by 6%. For example, the new price for Creative Cloud All Apps annual plan will be $52.99 per month from $49.99.
  • Creative Cloud for Teams plans will increase by 14%. For example, the new price for Creative Cloud for Teams All Apps annual plan will be $79.99 per month from $69.99.
For more on what we’re sharing with the creative community at Adobe MAX this year, watch the Adobe MAX keynotes or learn more on
Modest adjustment? I say this sucks. I already think $49.99 is TOO MUCH since I am not using all apps or services offered for this price.

Adobe, you must widen your offering. I would like a "pick your apps" plan let you select 1, 2, 3, 4 or more apps for a more affordable price.

There are a bunch of apps in this bouquet that I never use (Dreamweaver, XD, Character Animator) and probably never will. Look at this list! Red crosses everywhere...

Currently I'm only using 8 out of 58 apps or services (14%.) !!!
But I pay for all of it = 100%. Is this fair?

Even with a sort of a weighting system, I use 6 out of 29 Desktop Apps (20%), 1 out of 18 iOs Apps (6%), 1 out of 11 Services (9%)

Even considering the non-Desktop apps as fluff - which they aren't when you need them and use them for work. Even considering that some apps weigh more than others: Photoshop say, I'm not hitting HALF of the value.

What's your stance with this? 

How to Find and Install Previous Versions of Apps in Adobe Creative Cloud 2018

From the Creative Cloud App Manager, select the Apps Tab and select either All Apps, or My Apps.

Next to each app, you will see a button marked Open with a small arrow/triangle to its right.

Click on the triangle, it will reveal a short pull down menu. In the case of Photoshop CC, you will see:

- View Tutorials
- Other Versions
- Uninstall

Click on Other Versions and you will see a list of available previous versions for installation.
Click on Install to Install the version of your choice.

Note that the list depends on the App. Audition CC (2018) for example only offers CC 6.0 and CS6 5.0

Adobe Creative Cloud 2018 Individual Apps Installers - No more - Now Dolby AC3, MTS is missing

Adobe CC 2018 is here!  Wait... It's still 2017. Oh well, Adobe Apps still look like it's 1983.

Update from the Adobe CC App Manager, or download individual installers from this Adobe page:


1) As of 10-31-17 Adobe has removed these individual installers links from their webpage. Only update option now is through the App Manager.

2) There seem to be some sneaky business going on as Adobe removed Dolby AC3  from Media Encoder 2018 without telling users - all the while raising their subscription price, thank you. Shameful non-communication on Adobe's part.

Possible workaround to bring back Dolby codecs to AME 2018 here. (Update: this page has been deleted by Adobe - Thanks!)

If you are upgrading, be safe and deselect the Remove Old Versions option. Although there is no guarantee it will keep the Dolby Codec in place.  Any user can confirm this?

On my other machine, I have Encore CS6 (the last available version) with Media Encoder CS6, so the Dolby options are still there in the old version of AME, but I wonder if I install 2018, will it be gone from CS6 as well?  I don't want to risk it.


Dolby is still there in AME CS6 after the 2018 upgrade. I paid attention to not Remove Old Versions of AME. I also re-installed AME 2017 on my other machine, and AC3 is back on it as well. Crisis avoided. For now.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Updated to Avid Media Composer 8.9.2 on macOs Sierra 10.12.6

Updated "manually" again via downloading the installer from my Avid Master Account.

I always Uninstall the previous version completely before I install the new one. Worked great this time, no problem whatsoever, all plug-ins up to date, all good. :))

If you are updating via the Avid Application Manager, a reminder that the app downloads the installer(s) into the following folder: MacHD/Library/Caches/Avid/AppManager/Downloads

From the AppManager, I update in two steps: I click "Update" in the App Manager window. It first downloads the installer - you will see a progress bar.

Step 1 - Downloading

When this is done I do not click "Install" from the App Manager, instead I Quit the app, go to the Installer, and move it to a different location.

Step 2 - At this point, Quit the app, do not click "Install".

Step 3 - Copy/Move the installer to wherever you want it.
(I keep all installers together in case I need them later.)

Step 4 -  install "manually" from the newly copied installer.

This way I'm not dependent on AppManager behavior and I can keep the installer where I want it. After installation, the app restarts automatically.

In the case of MC itself  I can uninstall before I install, note that the Installer for the AppManager does not offer the option to uninstall.

I've had less problems doing it this way than blindly clicking "Install" from the AppManager.

Friday, October 13, 2017

How to copy a Mask Path into a Shape Path in After Effects

I always forget this...

Select the Layer containing the Mask
Hit "M" on the keyboard to reveal the Mask, or expand Mask > Mask
Click on the Mask Path with the Hourglass next to it and Copy
Select or create the Shape Layer
Select the Pen Tool and draw any kind of shape, this will create a new Shape/Path within the Shape layer
Expand Content > Shape > Path1 > Path to reveal the Path with the Hourglass next to it.
Paste the Mask Path into this newly created Path. Voilà!

The trick is to Copy / Paste the actual keyframes from the Mask Path to the Shape Path. The Path is actually buried one step below what you expect. You have to see the Hourglass to copy the keyframes, else you only copy the Mask from Layer 1 to a new Mask on Layer 2. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Has anyone found a solution to Apple Motion banding Light Object???

Here I am outputting some Motion (5.3.2) graphics with light, and again it has banding all over the exported QT file. 😩

Doesn't matter if it's set to Normal, Best, with or without Alpha, ProRes 422, ProRes4444XQ, Normal Gamut, Wide Gamut, export directly from Motion, send to Compressor, Dither, Anti-Alias - They all fail and they all have nasty banding! Why?

This is a year later and this problem is still not fixed. Actually, a quick Google search shows this problem creeping as early as 2011.

That was the early Motion version 5, we are now at 5.3.2

Anyway, as it is Motion is useless as soon as you want to lit your scene. No light, all is good and dandy. Add a Light Object, all goes down to the drain 'cause... ugly banding.

And no, adding noise is not a fix. Adding noise does not clean the banding away. It just adds noise and your graphic is all dirty instead of clean with a smooth gradient.

Indeed, exporting using Compressor Settings and selecting Animation Codec results in a smooth gradient. And because of the codec, QT Player has to convert the file before opening it.

Mind you it looks perfect in Motion's Canvas, but on QT export, ugly banding all over. Exporting a single frame as TIFF or PNG looks just fine though. So why? Why can Motion export a still perfectly but not a .mov?

See for yourself (click on images to see larger versions):

Motion Canvas, just fine.

QT export (ProRes4444XQ Best) - Terrible ugly BANDING!

Exported as single PNG - No banding, looks just fine

Rahhh! Now I have to recreate my graphics in After Effects.

I resubmitted feedback to Apple. Do so yourself if this is driving you crazy as well.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Sapphire Radeon 7950 Mac Edition on MaPro 5,1 macOs Sierra

I moved my Sapphire Radeon to my MacPro 5,1 over a year ago and everything has been fine. I have no glitch and things are smooth. I wish I could upgrade to a Sapphire RX580 8GB and get more power with FCPX, Premiere, Resolve, Motion and After Effects - my staple apps.

Apple has announced some support for external GPUs in masOc High Sierra, and the Radeon 580X is one of the few card that seem to be supported. Although as a single GPU in a MacPro we probably wouldn't see the splash screen at startup. The card is hard to come by though. I am still on Sierra, and I might wait until the end of the year to upgrade os + GPU. We'll see.

The card has seen a lot of usage, and has been working flawlessly, so I'm not complaining. I read on the internet that the 7950 glitches happened in a single monitor configuration. Might be why I have been immune on my station since I am using two monitors. My previous post about this problem was back in 2014 in a MacPro 3,1:

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

For original content from the source, please visit:

For original content from the source, please visit:

Adobe Creative Cloud App

For the first time the Adobe CC Manager App (v. updated itself without crashing or getting stuck in the process, (read my tribulations here.) On both my Macs under macOs Sierra. No need for the cumbersome workaround.
Cheers to that Adobe!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Native eGPU support in macOS High Sierra!

Yep, you read this correctly. Buy an compatible external Thunderbolt 3 GPU chassis, add any freaking video card(s) of your choice, AMD Radeon or Nvidia Pascal video card and boooooom! You are no longer limited by your Mac built-in GPU. Native support is the big news here. Even though it's not fully implemented yet, it shows promises.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

What's with this oversimplification of user interface in apps? I want progress info!

I really do not like that some Apple Apps do no display progress. New to the list, the App Store now does not show any progress when installing/updating.

Here is the App Store, I'm updating FCPX and it shows no progress whatsoever,  NOTHING.

Meanwhile, Launchpad displays Progress nicely. The slider, and "Downloading, 88MB of 150MB." Great!

Is this too much to ask? 

Friday, May 12, 2017

What is off limits to commercial photography? A lot! - An Adobe Stock list

Adobe Stock has a great list of restricted subjects. Ouch, it's a long list! And it's a sea of NO.

Media files disappearing from Adobe Premiere Pro 2017.1 - Fixed in v. 11.1.1

Adobe has addressed the bug and fixed it in v. 11.1.1 of the software. So update!

I haven't experience this bug, thank you very much, but be warned!

Click these links below and read on and act appropriately in order not to loose them precious files. Hopefully Adobe will discover the problem and issue a fix soon.

This news come at a time when I have been thinking of storing all apps caches onto a separate SSD to speed up things. Well, good thing I haven't implemented that plan yet.

Another reminder to always have a backup up-to-date.

Be wary of the Media Cache!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How to mark all messages in a Gmail mailbox as read

Gmail allows you to mark emails as read only on one page worth at a time. Infuriating if you have a backlog of unread messages in your mailbox - as I do.

How to mark ALL messages in the mailbox as read at once?


Select All or Unread messages on the page, at which point you will see a little message at the top of the list: "All XX conversations on this page are selected. Select all YYY conversations in "MailBox"

Click on this "link": Select all YYY conversations in "MailBox"

At that point you will see the message: All YYY conversations in "MailBox" are selected. Clear selection

Now that all messages are selected, click on More/Mark As Read.

Confirm the bulk action...


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to Copy and Paste keyframes from Object to Group in Apple Motion

You might think that's not possible to copy keyframes from an object to another object or a Group in Motion, but it is totally doable.

The trick is to first Select the Object in the Keyframe editor. By default it is not selected and the Paste function does not work.

Keyframes added on the Circle Object

Select all (Command A) and Copy (Command C)

Trying to Paste to a different Group or Object (Command V), nothing happens :((, no Keyframes added. That's because you must first select the Group or Object.

First Select the Group, then Paste, Boom! Keyframes added.

First Select the Rectangle Object, then Paste... Wham! Keyframes added!