Showing posts with label Premiere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premiere. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

BlackMagic Design Desktop Video Updated To 12.8, Now Works On macOS Sonoma 14.2.1... But Only With Resolve...

 DV version 12.7.1 was broken with Apple update to Sonoma, not even launching.

BMD just updated their DV app to version 12.8. It is now recognized by Macs M1s with macOS Sonoma 14.2.1.

Shows up in system report, good.

Launching fine, great.
Version 12.8

It works fine with Resolve, I can output to my external monitor without problems, so that's progress.
It shows in Resolve settings, and it outputs playback just fine from Resolve!

--- Now it still does not work with Final Cut Pro... 😩 Weirdly the Video Standard for Final Cut Pro is empty. Nothing under the drop down menu, it's empty. 😕

No way to select anything in FCP Video standard. That's not normal.

In FCP Playback settings, no way to select BMD output, it's not there.

--- It doesn't work with Premiere Pro either... Even though in Premiere case, it shows in the Playback settings.
Blackmagic Playback available from Premiere's preferences.
It shows in Premiere, but no output...

So, some progress, but it looks to me that Sonoma 14.2.1 is still blocking the output to Blackmagic devices.
I feel BMD has figured it out for Resolve, since it's outputting on playback no problem, but Final Cut Pro nor Premiere is able to output.

In the Read Me document, BMD state that Sonoma, listed devices and listed softwares are supported, but that's not entirely the case in my experience. 😞

About Blackmagic Desktop Video Software

Welcome to the Desktop Video software for macOS!

This software includes everything you need to set up your DeckLink, UltraStudio and Intensity for video capture and playback with your macOS computer.  

What's new in Desktop Video 12.8

New features and bug fixes for DeckLink IP models:

• Fix an issue where Rec.2020 video was incorrectly tagged.

• Ensure audio is passed through during keying.

• Add support for PTP follower only mode.

• Fix an issue where audio is captured on the wrong channels.

• Fix an issue where corrupted video is sometimes received during loopback capture.

• Ensure all flows are stopped after a video format change on the source.

• Fix intermittent issue where black video is captured after changing video input format.

• Fix issue where network settings would sometimes disappear in Setup utility.

• General performance and stability improvements for all models.

Minimum System Requirements

• macOS 14.0 Sonoma or later.

• macOS 13.0 Ventura.

• macOS computer with either Thunderbolt or PCIe slot.

• 8 GB of system memory.

Note: The following products are supported on macOS Ventura and Sonoma:

Apple silicon and Intel Macs:

- DeckLink Duo 2

- DeckLink Quad 2

- DeckLink Quad HDMI Recorder

- DeckLink 8K Pro

- DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G

- DeckLink IP HD

- DeckLink IP HD Optical

- DeckLink IP/SDI HD

- DeckLink Micro Recorder

- DeckLink SDI Micro

- DeckLink Mini Monitor HD

- DeckLink Mini Monitor 4K

- DeckLink Mini Recorder

- DeckLink Mini Recorder HD

- DeckLink Mini Recorder 4K

- DeckLink SDI 4K

- DeckLink Studio 4K

- UltraStudio Recorder 3G

- UltraStudio Monitor 3G

- UltraStudio HD Mini

- UltraStudio 4K Mini

- UltraStudio 4K Extreme 3

- Intensity Pro 4K

- DeckLink 4K Pro

- DeckLink 4K Extreme

- UltraStudio 4K

- UltraStudio 4K Extreme

Intel Macs only:

- DeckLink Mini Monitor

- DeckLink HD Extreme 3

- DeckLink HD Extreme 3D

- DeckLink SDI

- DeckLink Duo

- DeckLink Quad

- DeckLink Studio

- UltraStudio Express

- UltraStudio Mini Monitor

- UltraStudio Mini Recorder

- Intensity Pro

- Intensity Shuttle Thunderbolt

Third Party Software Support

• DaVinci Resolve 17 and 18.

• Fusion Studio 17 and 18.

• Apple Final Cut Pro.

• Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2022 and 2023.

• Adobe After Effects CC 2022 and 2023.

• Adobe Photoshop CC 2022 and 2023.

• Adobe Character Animator CC 2022 and 2023.

• Autodesk Flame 2024.

• Avid Media Composer 2023.

• Avid Pro Tools 2023.

• The Foundry Nuke (Intel Macs only).

If you have installed the drivers prior to installing any of these applications, we recommend that you uninstall and reinstall the drivers. This will ensure that all relevant components are installed in their required locations.

Additional Information

Please check for additional information on third party software compatibility and minimum system requirements.

Some applications may use third party code under license. For details please refer to the included "Third Party Licenses.rtf" document.

Copyright 2024 Blackmagic Design. All rights reserved. 'Blackmagic Design', 'Blackmagic', 'Blackmagic Cloud', 'DaVinci Resolve', 'Fusion', 'Fairlight', 'Ultimatte', 'HyperDeck', 'DeckLink', 'HDLink', 'Videohub', 'Intensity' and 'Leading the creative video revolution' are registered trademarks in the US and other countries. All other company and product names may be trade marks of their respective companies with which they are associated.

Updated January 24, 2024.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Adobe Premiere Pro Recommended Hardware 64GB RAM Minimum

OK so Adobe in its mansuetude recommends 64GB of RAM minimum to run PP in a professional environment:

64GB Minimum! WHAT??

This info is taken from Adobe's "Best Practices & Workflow Guide" that you can download here

64GB, this is a huge amount of RAM. And they even say to go higher for complex projects. How much higher? 128GB? 256GB?

Yes, I know Premiere will work just fine with less, duh! That's not my point. Adobe recommendation is 64GB or more. Who are we? Rockefellers?

I mean, I agree that more is better, but it's also expensive and inefficient at some point. Fast cores, sure, more cores, of course, it will help rendering speed. Faster ssds and drives, faster ethernet, obviously.

Adobe justification for this is rather vague:

Video frames decoding, OK sure, 6k, 8k, 12k is gonna tax the system RAM. How many pros work with higher than 1080/4k 24/30 resolution though, I'd be curious. Also this function is shared with hardware / GPU, and with these getting more and more powerful, less system RAM should be needed, not more.

Project data... Gobbling RAM like this? And how much of it is really used? And why is it not more efficient at using RAM? At some point throwing more raw power at bad code is not making the software better.

So how about looking hard into optimization for a change Adobe?

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Adobe Premiere, Why on F#$%^#* Earth Do You Put A Black Frame At The End Of My Video????

 Adobe Premiere is such a piece of garbage.

I export a h264 video selecting an In and an Out points. The Out point is 1sec into a graphic, the same graphic continues for a whole 10seconds after the Out point. On export the resulting h264 file last frame is black.

Why is it not showing my graphic? WHY??????

I mean ADOBE? What do you have to say? It's been documented FOR YEARS! Just Google "Adobe Premiere puts a black frame at the end of my h264 export". It's a BUG!!! 🪲🪳🦟 BUG, BUG, BUG!!! Fix it already.

If I Send To Adobe Media Encoder instead of direct exporting from Premiere, SAME THING!!! By the way, selecting Hardware Accelerated or Software Only doesn't not make an iota of difference, same fuckup. So now I have to export a ProRes version, that works just fine, and then encode a h264 with AME? Nope! Doesn't work either. 🖕

Apple Compressor to the rescue. APPLE COMPRESSOR, works just great with h264, Adobe???

 What a mess. Premiere "Pro" Uh???? It would be laughable if it wasn't disgusting.


Adobe Media Encoder 24.1.1 SEEM TO BE WORKING FINE NOW.

I tested Export on Premiere 24.1, and the bug is FIXED with Premiere as well! No more black frame at the end of h264 exports. Yeah! Finally.

Thanks Adobe!

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 ( Error code -1609629690 Exporting h264, And Solution

Premiere Pro throws an error compiling movie on exporting a h264 file:

Error compiling movie.

Render Error

Render returned error.

Writing with exporter: H.264

Writing to file: /Volumes/G Vulcan 4TB/[2152] MCV OpenHands/MCV OH Chuck/ Masters/Masters Web/CP_OHC_Chuckwild_01.mp4

Writing file type: H264

Around timecode: 00:00:02:00 - 00:00:02:05

Rendering at offset: 0.000 seconds

Component: H.264 of type Exporter

Selector: 9

Error code: -1609629690

 The media / clip itself is h264, editing into a default Timeline.

Other people have been reporting the same error, and for them turning off "Hardware Encoding" seem to work, albeit slowly.

For me, it's turning off "Use Maximum Render Quality" (leave it unchecked) that does the trick. 

If I check the "Maximum Render Quality" box, it leads to the error, no matter what. It's perfectly happy with "Hardware Encoding" always on.

Mac M1, macOS Ventura 13.6, Premiere

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Adobe Premiere Does Not Draw Waveforms Properly, Another Bug 🪳

The bugs 🐛 🪲 🪳 are crawling around with Premiere. This time it's in the form of finicky waveforms drawing... Or lack of shall I say...

Isn't this a wonderful behavior?

Good luck keeping your sanity with this kind of waveform drawing! Oh! By the way, as you see here, it will draw eventually after you playback or zoom-in/out, but next time you open the same file, the same empty sections reappear.

I always remember Premiere being shitty with waveform drawing, so it's not like this problem is brand new. Who cares? Just delete these pesky peak (.pek) files once in a while, what are you complaining about?

Who f$c^*ng cares!?? Not Adobe obviously! Good luck editing audio.

The bugs 🐛 🪲 🪳 are everywhere with Premiere!

More Adobe Premiere Pro Bugs - It's Endless

 Here is another bug! Premiere is so buggy, stay away from it!

When you try to transcribe, or in my case re-transcribe, a Sequence, I get this error message and nothing gets done:

A low-level exception occurred in RawPCM (Exporter:17)

Great! Worked fine on the assembly timeline though. Oh! Wait, apparently if you use any audio FX, or even, god forbid, if you adjusted any levels in the timeline, Premiere throws this shit in your face and does nothing.

Lovely! Users only reported this bug 6 month ago, we only had two or three versions of Premiere since then. The bug is still there.

Wonderful, thank you Adobe!

--- UPDATE ---

You won't believe this! So I had enough with premiere and I went for a walk to lower my blood pressure. Lo and behold I come back to the same Sequence, same Project, everything the same as I left it an hour ago. I didn't touch anything. For the life of me I click on Re-transcribe sequence and... It goes through and is currently transcribing!!!

Meaning the workarounds and/or whatever reasons peeps believe Premiere is giving this error message are all BS. My Sequence is completely mixed, with clips, and tracks levels, and sound effects galore! And this time it has decided that it would go through with transcription.

What the F*U#% IS THIS ADOBE???

It's maddening I tell you. Adobe Premiere, the most unreliable NLE software champ 🏆 ever. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Adobe Please Add This Feature Request To Premiere That 400+ Users Are Asking For

Reorder / Rearrange Video and Audio Tracks

It would be amazing to simply grab a track and move it up or down in the order of the sequence. This was something I could do easily back when I used Vegas Pro. Occasionally, I have big, complex sequences and would like to reorder the tracks for organization purposes or for shipping off to audio master. Thanks!

Seriously, yes!

Adobe, users have been asking for this feature for 4 years now. Please add it to Premiere ASAP, it is mind boggling that it it still does not exist in Premiere. It should be a priority.

Every other NLE / DAW does it. Even your own Audition does it! Why not Premiere?

On top of it, as of version 22.6.2 on Mac M1: Premiere screws up h264 footagePremiere has a Warp Stabilizer bug. Premiere has a bug displaying Multicam audio waveforms. AME has a Create New Ingest Preset bug.

What are you guys doing, Adobe?

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Adobe Premiere And Media Encoder Are Totally UNRELIABLE On Apple M1 Silicon macOS Monterey

 Premiere 22.6.2 and Media Encoder 22.6.1 have been pissing me off for the past few weeks. I had to take over this project that was started in Premiere, and I have experienced problems after problems with Sony MP4 and GoPro footage.

Image tearing up randomly, no matter what I try, it happens one way or the other. Premiere or Media Encoder, Silicon or Intel version, GPU, no GPU, Hardware accel, not accel, whatever I try, nothing works and I end up with tears and macro blocking on export.

I finally got fed up and transcoded everything to Apple ProRes. It's just 10 x the media size, whatever.

 Guess what. Freaking AME teared random images in the middle of random clips! I kid you not, this is not even edited, this is a raw MP4 clip from a Sony camera, transcoded to ProRes with AME.

And this is happening, at random:

What on earth is going on Adobe? Look at this macro blocking! Two minutes into a 10 minutes clip. This total crap goes on for a full 30 frames!!! An entire second of media screwed by Adobe.

This is a second attempt at the same transcode. Perfect. Wait, what???

Conclusion: Adobe is not ready for Silicon M1 Macs. Do not use Premiere or AME for reliable operation if you are on a Silicon Mac with Monterey.

Adobe, FIX THIS NOW!  And don't tell me it's Apple's fault. FCP and Resolve work reliably with MP4 footage. There is zero reason why this is happening but your laziness. At this point you should give me money to use your a$$ software, not the other way around.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Adobe Media Encoder Stops Encoding In The Middle Of A Job - Warp Stabilizer Bug

Mac M1, macOS Monterey, Premiere Pro 22.6.2, AME 22.6

  Two weeks on Adobe Premiere / AME and I'm fighting hell daily. Premiere is the plague of the business.

OK so after the unresolved issue of Premiere tearing up h264 footage on export, now AME decides to stop in the middle of a job (Premiere Project / Timeline / Export Media / Send to Media Encoder.)

The program is 21min., AME stops at 11min. No warnings, no message, nothing, just stops as if it was done. Whatever Entire Source or In/Out Selection is used, same result.

Checking the Timeline I see that Warp Stabilizer has been used on some clips (I inherited this project) right where AME calls it quit.

In the Timeline it actually shows a black frame at the tail of each of these Warp Stab clips. Why? Another Premiere bug.

I killed all these stabilization effects, and what do you know, it goes through encoding the entire program this time, no problemo.

So basically Warp Stabilizer in Premiere is UNUSEABLE, at the minimum UNRELIABLE and it makes AME stop encoding the program as soon as it is encountered.

Adobe, fix this NOW!