Showing posts with label error. Show all posts
Showing posts with label error. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2024

Bitwarden desktop (macOS Apple Store version) does not recognize my email + password combination all of a sudden (with Solution)

 Bitwarden desktop for macOS is acting up today, not recognizing my credentials. I tried several times, no go. I tried to uninstall the app, but then encountered a problem on the Apple Store:

"We could not complete your purchase. Bitwarden can’t be installed on “Boot Mac Mini Intel Catalina” because macOS version 12 or later is required."

So now I can't install Bitwarden, even an older version, because I'm on Catalina 10.15, the new version is for 12 and above, and Apple Store / Bitwarden is not offering to install a previous version.

SOLUTION: go to, select Download, Desktop, DO NOT CLICK on MacOS because it will open Apple Store and we are back to our problem.
Instead, Open the drop down menu: "View desktop installation guides".
Scroll down pass the Windows installers to macOS (Mojave 10.14 and later.) There is a link to Standard installer (you can also click on the following link: Bitwarden.dmg.)

Click on the link to download the installer and install manually. Voilà!

On reopening Bitwarden everything works as it should, no more error message with my credentials.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 ( Error code -1609629690 Exporting h264, And Solution

Premiere Pro throws an error compiling movie on exporting a h264 file:

Error compiling movie.

Render Error

Render returned error.

Writing with exporter: H.264

Writing to file: /Volumes/G Vulcan 4TB/[2152] MCV OpenHands/MCV OH Chuck/ Masters/Masters Web/CP_OHC_Chuckwild_01.mp4

Writing file type: H264

Around timecode: 00:00:02:00 - 00:00:02:05

Rendering at offset: 0.000 seconds

Component: H.264 of type Exporter

Selector: 9

Error code: -1609629690

 The media / clip itself is h264, editing into a default Timeline.

Other people have been reporting the same error, and for them turning off "Hardware Encoding" seem to work, albeit slowly.

For me, it's turning off "Use Maximum Render Quality" (leave it unchecked) that does the trick. 

If I check the "Maximum Render Quality" box, it leads to the error, no matter what. It's perfectly happy with "Hardware Encoding" always on.

Mac M1, macOS Ventura 13.6, Premiere

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Final Cut Pro Error RequestCVPixelBufferForFrame returned: 3 for absolute frame xxx

I'm getting "Error RequestCVPixelBufferForFrame returned: 3 for absolute frame xxx" on a project involving a mix of XAVC Sony A1, and AVC iPhone footage.

Impossible to export the Projects without getting errors. Duplicating doesn't work, XML round trip doesn't work.

What works SOMETIMES, is to force render the Timeline (I usually never render anything), not just once, but multiple times, because one rendering leaves non rendered frames scattered all over. And from one time to another, the frames concerned are different, and their count is different as well.

Eventually after several Render Selected AND Render All commands, the entire Timeline is rendered and the export goes through.

But then, it does not always work.. What a pain.

Please Apple, FIX THIS!!

Mini M1, macOS 12.6.6, FCP 10.6.6

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Final Cut 10.6.5 Share h264 Video + Audio Settings, Result Is Audio Only ?! It's A🪳

 Final Cut Pro 10.6.5, Monterey 12.6.1 on Mac M1 continues to give me a hard time. Today I'm exporting (Share) a h264 preset, two projects at once.

The first Project exports correctly. The second one does not, I get a notice: Share has failed.

Resulting in a QT file for the second Project has no video in it, only audio... What is going on???

Upon restarting FCP, the Export / Share goes through no problem.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Final Cut Pro 10.6.5 The Operation Couldn't Be Completed. Invalid Argument. Error Message

 FCP 10.6.5 is giving me a hard time. I've created a Snapshot of a Project. I want to move the Snapshot from the Event it resides currently, into another Event.

FCP does not comply and gives me this error message:

The Operation Couldn't Be Completed. Invalid Argument.

Workaround: Duplicate the current Snapshot, then the new Snapshot can be moved to the other Event without problem.

Only... I cannot delete the original! FCP is being stubborn and I can't move this Snapshot to the trash. Something is rotten.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Final Cut Pro Error: RequestFrameAt returned: 3 for absolute frame: 312

 Final Cut Pro is flashing an Error on Share via a custom h264 Compressor Setting:

The footage consists of Multicam clips comprised of one HEVC image + stereo audio file, and one multitrack separate audio file comprised of one stereo and two mono tracks.

The Share exports just fine if I do not change anything in the audio panning mode - at the multi clip level, or at the individual tracks level, does not make a difference.

As soon as I change the default "None" panning mode to "Dialog" Amount 100%, which is what I want, I get this error on Share and the export fails.

This audio panning mode "None" exports just fine every time.

This audio panning mode "Dialogue" 100% fails every time.

This error message is not helpful in tracking the problem. Nothing remarkable happens at frame 312 in my case. It's clearly linked to audio.

Now if I export as ProRes (proxy in my case) it goes through the Sharing with no Error massage, but the export is fucked-up. The image is OK, the audio is thrown out of sync from the beginning and stays out of sync until the end. Damn it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

mac os mojave sharing error "The operation can't be completed because the original item for "###.public folder" can't be found"

After a Mojave security upgrade I get this error message trying to connect to a remote Mac:

"The operation can't be completed because the original item for "###.public folder" can't be found"

Deeply annoying since it was working just fine before the update.

I was able to fix it with a few operations:

1) In System Prefs/Network/Advanced/TCP/IP, switch Configure IPv6 from Automatically to Link-local only. (Do that for all connected networks.)

2) Create a new Sharing Test Folder in your user folder, and under System Prefs/Sharing add the test folder to the list of shared folders.

3) Test to remotely connect to the Test Folder. In my case it worked just fine, only the previously created and shared folders didn't work.

4) OK, so now go to the Public folder and whatever folders you used to share but now refused to work and change the permissions. Select the folder, Command+I, in the Sharing and permissions, ADD administrator / read and write, and Apply to enclosed items.

5) Log out and relaunch each computer and voilà! Back in business and able to connect to all my shared folders remotely.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Adobe Encore - Internal Software Error Message On Build

 I was ready to build my project when Encore flashed the following error:

" adobe encore internal software error: /Volumes/Builds/Amawat/Main/XcodeProjects/AuthorCore/../../Sonic/DVDCreator/FormatLib/Vobulator/TitlePlanner/CVOBUPlanner.cpp, line 332"

What a mouthful! I Google the whole thing and it looks like there are a few different things that can generate the error. This eehelp forum posts from god knows when was helpful in putting me on the right track.

As it happened the culprit was an end marker too close to the end of the movie/file.

This last marker is too close to the end.

Moving the marker back one notch and the build flew right through.

This is good.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Every Time I Quit Premiere

Every time I Quit Premiere... It does not quit and instead it hangs.
I have to Force Quit, and every single time...
Thanks for nothing Adobe.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Have a great WE y'all!


Do you realize it's Friday 3pm mothafooger?! I'll rip your heart out!!!