Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Final Cut Pro Error: RequestFrameAt returned: 3 for absolute frame: 312

 Final Cut Pro is flashing an Error on Share via a custom h264 Compressor Setting:

The footage consists of Multicam clips comprised of one HEVC image + stereo audio file, and one multitrack separate audio file comprised of one stereo and two mono tracks.

The Share exports just fine if I do not change anything in the audio panning mode - at the multi clip level, or at the individual tracks level, does not make a difference.

As soon as I change the default "None" panning mode to "Dialog" Amount 100%, which is what I want, I get this error on Share and the export fails.

This audio panning mode "None" exports just fine every time.

This audio panning mode "Dialogue" 100% fails every time.

This error message is not helpful in tracking the problem. Nothing remarkable happens at frame 312 in my case. It's clearly linked to audio.

Now if I export as ProRes (proxy in my case) it goes through the Sharing with no Error massage, but the export is fucked-up. The image is OK, the audio is thrown out of sync from the beginning and stays out of sync until the end. Damn it!

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