Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Adobe Encore - Internal Software Error Message On Build

 I was ready to build my project when Encore flashed the following error:

" adobe encore internal software error: /Volumes/Builds/Amawat/Main/XcodeProjects/AuthorCore/../../Sonic/DVDCreator/FormatLib/Vobulator/TitlePlanner/CVOBUPlanner.cpp, line 332"

What a mouthful! I Google the whole thing and it looks like there are a few different things that can generate the error. This eehelp forum posts from god knows when was helpful in putting me on the right track.

As it happened the culprit was an end marker too close to the end of the movie/file.

This last marker is too close to the end.

Moving the marker back one notch and the build flew right through.

This is good.

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