Showing posts with label RawPCM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RawPCM. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

More Adobe Premiere Pro Bugs - It's Endless

 Here is another bug! Premiere is so buggy, stay away from it!

When you try to transcribe, or in my case re-transcribe, a Sequence, I get this error message and nothing gets done:

A low-level exception occurred in RawPCM (Exporter:17)

Great! Worked fine on the assembly timeline though. Oh! Wait, apparently if you use any audio FX, or even, god forbid, if you adjusted any levels in the timeline, Premiere throws this shit in your face and does nothing.

Lovely! Users only reported this bug 6 month ago, we only had two or three versions of Premiere since then. The bug is still there.

Wonderful, thank you Adobe!

--- UPDATE ---

You won't believe this! So I had enough with premiere and I went for a walk to lower my blood pressure. Lo and behold I come back to the same Sequence, same Project, everything the same as I left it an hour ago. I didn't touch anything. For the life of me I click on Re-transcribe sequence and... It goes through and is currently transcribing!!!

Meaning the workarounds and/or whatever reasons peeps believe Premiere is giving this error message are all BS. My Sequence is completely mixed, with clips, and tracks levels, and sound effects galore! And this time it has decided that it would go through with transcription.

What the F*U#% IS THIS ADOBE???

It's maddening I tell you. Adobe Premiere, the most unreliable NLE software champ 🏆 ever.