Showing posts with label Premiere Pro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premiere Pro. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

More Adobe Premiere Pro Bugs - It's Endless

 Here is another bug! Premiere is so buggy, stay away from it!

When you try to transcribe, or in my case re-transcribe, a Sequence, I get this error message and nothing gets done:

A low-level exception occurred in RawPCM (Exporter:17)

Great! Worked fine on the assembly timeline though. Oh! Wait, apparently if you use any audio FX, or even, god forbid, if you adjusted any levels in the timeline, Premiere throws this shit in your face and does nothing.

Lovely! Users only reported this bug 6 month ago, we only had two or three versions of Premiere since then. The bug is still there.

Wonderful, thank you Adobe!

--- UPDATE ---

You won't believe this! So I had enough with premiere and I went for a walk to lower my blood pressure. Lo and behold I come back to the same Sequence, same Project, everything the same as I left it an hour ago. I didn't touch anything. For the life of me I click on Re-transcribe sequence and... It goes through and is currently transcribing!!!

Meaning the workarounds and/or whatever reasons peeps believe Premiere is giving this error message are all BS. My Sequence is completely mixed, with clips, and tracks levels, and sound effects galore! And this time it has decided that it would go through with transcription.

What the F*U#% IS THIS ADOBE???

It's maddening I tell you. Adobe Premiere, the most unreliable NLE software champ 🏆 ever. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Adobe Please Add This Feature Request To Premiere That 400+ Users Are Asking For

Reorder / Rearrange Video and Audio Tracks

It would be amazing to simply grab a track and move it up or down in the order of the sequence. This was something I could do easily back when I used Vegas Pro. Occasionally, I have big, complex sequences and would like to reorder the tracks for organization purposes or for shipping off to audio master. Thanks!

Seriously, yes!

Adobe, users have been asking for this feature for 4 years now. Please add it to Premiere ASAP, it is mind boggling that it it still does not exist in Premiere. It should be a priority.

Every other NLE / DAW does it. Even your own Audition does it! Why not Premiere?

On top of it, as of version 22.6.2 on Mac M1: Premiere screws up h264 footagePremiere has a Warp Stabilizer bug. Premiere has a bug displaying Multicam audio waveforms. AME has a Create New Ingest Preset bug.

What are you guys doing, Adobe?

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Premiere Pro, Adobe Media Encoder - h264 Exports Problem, Image Tearing Up

  Mac mini M1, macOS Monterey 12.3.1, Premiere 22.5.

 Footage is h264 1080p 59.94. Editing Multicam 2 angles (same thing happens with non Multicam Clips btw.) Hardware acceleration is enabled (Same thing happens when Hardware Acceleration is turned off.) Exporting h264 VBR 1 pass, (the same thing happens with CBR.)

 Why on earth is Premiere Pro crapping up h264 exports? This is what I get in the exported file:

Last image before a "problem" cut, looks fine

First image after the cut, what the hell is this?

It goes on being total crap for 21 frames

Then for some reason it's back to normal at frame 22

 Why is this happening Adobe? What makes it even more infuriating is that it feels TOTALLY RANDOM. Why does it happens on this cut and not on another one? I'm not cutting at the very first frame or at the very last frame of a Multicam Clip.

 They are hundreds of other cuts exactly like this one in this piece. I'm far from fast cutting. The shots in this Sequence are between 2 and 19 seconds. All cuts are fine but for two that are severely damaged on export, like what you see in these picts.

 Note that nothing is visible on playback in the Program window at 1/2 res, it all looks good.

 Sequence is not rendered, but if I force render, the same thing happens. If I check use Previews for Export, the same thing happens.

 When I try to change the position of the cut, the crap goes away on the next export. But then some OTHER cut gets damaged that wasn't before! Totally at random, totally AGGRAVATING!!

 What a waste of time...

 This is painful!!! This should not be happening! Adobe FIX this abnormal behavior now!!!

--- I tried to Flatten the Multicam Clips on each side of the cut, and lo and behold, now I can SEE the tear in the image, but only if I go frame by frame over the cut. Playback is still just fine and shows absolutely nothing. Bizarrely, the tear appears on the second frame after the cut, not the first one like in the exports. If I stop the cursor over the teared image, it goes back to normal after about a couple of seconds!! What??! 

--- If I add an Adjustment Layer over the "problematic" cut, and play frame by frame, the tear is gone. But it's still in the export... Same thing if I overlap the clips a little.

--- If I do not use GPU, same thing happens.

--- If I use Software Only, same thing.

The only thing that works is to change the position of the cut. But since you cannot predict what will happen, you have to change the cut position, export the section with the cut, QC that, and if the image is still tearing up, adjust some more until it doesn't.



Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Premiere Crashing on Checking "Enable Display Color Management" in the Preferences

Premiere is crashing when I check the "Enable Display Color Management" in the Prefs.
And then I get a black empty Program window and a black empty Viewer window on trying to re-open my project. Second try, all I get are BLACK WINDOWS. Nothing loads.
Super Premiere, really cool. OK third time is a charm, re-opened finally. "Enable Display Color Management" has turned itself OFF. I guess it will stay that way.

(Mac Pro 5,1 with Sapphire AMD Radeon 7950 for Mac.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Adobe Premiere Rush on macOS First Impressions

My first impressions on Adobe Premiere Rush on macOS.

- It's fast and relatively intuitive: drag, drop, move things around, click on icons do do specific things, keyboard shortcuts for most things.

- Good for quickly putting together a short video. Journos will love this.

- It uses the superior FCPX Magnetic Behavior (only works for video clips, not audio clips), and Connected Clips behavior (for both video and audio.) 

- 4 Video Tracks (video + synced audio), 3 Audio Tracks (mono or stereo.) Enough for small projects.
- Fast and feels good scrubbing in the Project Assets Panel (= FCPX Browser), and in the Timeline.

- Share (= Media Export), by the way this is the wording as FCPX, is possible to the local computer, in addition to direct publish to Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Behance. Not for me but since this is geared towards Youtubers, makes perfect sense.
- Selectable frame rates (?)

- Wide selection of Titles.
- Basic transitions available. Duration Editable.
- Color tool with: Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Temperature, Tint, Vibrance, Saturation, Faded Film, Sharpening, and Vignette. Build-in Presets, and ability to Save Your Own Presets.
- Audio Tool with: Volume, Mute, Auto Volume, and single Channels mutability. Selection of Type of Audio (Voice, Music, Other) opens specific tools for each. Auto Duck for Music, and for Voice Balance sound, Reduce Background noise, Reduce echo and enhance speech (with Male / Female options.)
- Transform tool with Horizontal and Vertical positioning, Rotation, Scaling with or without maintaining proportions, Cropping, Opacity (YEAH!) and Edge feathering. Scaling goes BEYOND the frame, up to 200%. Much better than iMovie which is pretty terrible in this department.
- All tools have on/off buttons.

- Preview quality selectable between High/Medium/Low.

- Full screen playback available. Monitor size is adjustable.

- Expand Audio button to see waveforms better.

- Mute, Lock and Hide track controls.

- Has access to Audio In/Audio Out Mac devices, including USB interface.

- Pre-rendering ON/OFF turnable.

- Media Import folder selectable (on Local computer.)

- Media is either imported "in place" or copied to the Media Import Folder (if the Copy Media box is checked before adding the Media to the Project.)

- Open Premiere Rush Projets into Premiere Pro, no problemo. Only the PP Project panel is the same unorganized mess as it is in Rush.

- I assume it saves Premiere Rush projects files in the Cloud ONLY (?) I cannot find a file corresponding to my Project. I hate this. But wait, when I turn off Syncing, I can still open my project, so it must be stored locally. Only not as a common file. WHY? I don't like this Adobe.

- Cannot rename Clips in the Project Assets Panel.

- Cannot organize the Project Panel: no folders, no bins, nothing just a bunch of clips. Can only Sort by Names and Filter by Type of Clip/Media. Cannot resize Clips in there. Sequences are stored in this Project Panel as well... They look like Clips. What a mess!
- Cannot organize the Your Projects Panel either as far as I can tell. I mean Youtubers? They make tons of videos, it will quickly be a sorry mess in here!
- Media Import Folder has no subdivision, all imported Media go in there, no matter what project it's for. Oh boy!  Hold on! There is also a Manage Media Folder.  Hmmm, not sure how these work, some digging to do.
- Setting Clips I/O is a weird two/three steps: Open the clip, then set I/O, drag to the Timeline if you wish from here, but then click on Back to Grid View to close and go back to the assets... Pfff, pfff, too many clicks. FCPX is superior here.

- Cannot drag Clip from Timeline to the Project Assets Panel. Another FCPX behavior, not my fav actually.

- Share has only MP4 available, and only Facebook and Youtube Settings. Pretty basic, maybe on purpose. I'm sure this will grow in the future.
- No Title Safe. Who cares anymore?

- No Timecode, only a counter. Timecode? Whats' Timecode anyway?

- Open Premiere Rush Projets into Premiere Pro ONLY via Cloud Syncing? What?? Really Adobe? Really?

- It's a work in progress, not bad for a first version.

- Feels fairly stable and reactive. Fun and fast, I might say better than iMovie! I will try it on iPad, if it works just as good it will surely get some traction.

- Project Assets Panel is sorely missing in features.

- Hiding Project files, not explaining how this works, Cloud only saving - all deal killers for me. NO WAY Adobe!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Premiere, I Do Want To Replace This File! Go To Hell!! (Part2)

Oh Yeah!!  Wonderful results! This is what my replaced, renamed, relinked file looks like after Export:
Just lovely Premiere! Or AME, whomever is responsible for this CRAP!

And why "No Preview Not Available"?  WHY???
At the very least I could SEE that you are fucking up with my Export.

Allright, time for a Reboot, Restart, Trashing all the useless junk cache files, and hopefully you will behave normally again.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Pesky, Slow, Intrusive Audio Waveform Generation in Premiere Pro

FOUND IT!  How to get rid of these pesky waveform generation in PP: it's in the Prefs!
Turn off the Automatic audio waveform generation, right there.

Aaaaa! I have to remember to check the Prefs each and everytime, else beware the waveform generation will get you STUCK with a BLACK SCREEN until it's done with its deeds.
Premiere generating waveform... Taking forever... ... ... Whoa! This black screen really looks great Adobe! Especially when I cannot do anything with my edit when this is happening.

On large projects it can take a long %#&%^ time!!! And you can do NOTHING but stare at the empty screen while this happens.

So Close the damn Project, go to the Prefs and TURN THIS OFF! Unless you really really need the damn waveform display, which of course we often do. Then GO GET A COFFEE or JUST GO HOME and let it rip. You've been warned.

Adobe, we pay good money every month to get cutting edge software. It's 2018, can you make these bolts and nuts click and clank IN THE BACKGROUND!? Without interrupting our workflow? We need to edit, right now!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Final Cut Pro X is optimized for speed

One thing that often get lost in discussions: in addition to some of its uniqueness (trackless, magnetic timeline, roles...) FCPX is optimized for speed. It uses the hardware better than PP during editing (more of a fluid response) and during export (faster exports.) 

From a 90 min. ProRes Timeline, with ProRes clips, with color correction applied, EQ and compressor applied to audio, FCPX exports a ProRes 422 file in less than 30min. without pre-rendering. It uses at least between 580% and 830% of CPU, most of the time around 750% of CPU, and something like 4.65GB of RAM.

Export from FCPX, six cores in action.

In comparison, Premiere Pro/ Adobe Media Encoder takes 94min. for the same task (again without pre-rendering), and it uses the CPU at under 500% at best, and about 9GB RAM.

Export from Premiere/AME (Queued), same six cores.

Again, a 90min. Timeline exports in 30min. with FCPX. It takes 94min. in PP, THREE TIMES LONGER!

These are my numbers on a MacPro 5,1 mid 2012, 3.46Mhz six core with 32GB RAM, macOS Sierra 10.12.6 and a Sapphire Radeon 7950 3GB VRAM.

Do you have a Nvidia card in a similar specced system? Do you have a system that fares better? Would you be nice enough to send real test numbers my way? Make a HD Timeline with Prores 422 clips, add some color correction and EQ+compressor on audio and Export away to ProRes 422 - no rendering allowed. Start your timer and report in the comments. Thanks!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Premiere New Folder Window STUCK!!!

OK, to reproduce this problem do this in Premiere:
  • File/New Project.
  • In the New Project Window, click onto Location/Browse.
  • Click on New Folder.
  • Click onto a Safari web browser page.
  • Click on the Location/Browse Window again...
The FREAKING New Folder Window HIDES ITSELF! All of a sudden, IT'S GONE!

It hides itself somewhere and I cannot find it, I cannot click on it, I cannot cancel.

Other Premiere windows are probably hiding it, but I cannot move them away. Premiere keeps on beeping, ding, ding, I cannot close windows, I cannot escape, nada. I have to Force Quit!

I just lost 1hr. of work - last time I saved. Not true of course, evidently I have AutoSave turned on and saving every 10min. So I actually only really lost 10min. But man! Premiere is lame sometimes.

---- UPDATE 

If this happens to you: click at the BOTTOM of the 
Location/Browse Window and move it aside. It's likely the New Folder Window is hiding behind it.

The thing is, you cannot move the Location/Browse Window by clicking on the top bar. Only if you click I the bottom section does it allow you to move it.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Premiere Pro Export Media How to Set the Proper Folder for Output Via Media Encoder (Queuing)

When I export multiple Media from Premiere, it remembers my Preset, but when I hit Queue, Media Encoder Output stubbornly points to the wrong Folder, over and over again.

Its a freaking pain having to click onto the Output Name in AME and setting the proper folder here EACH TIME as it does not remember the previous setting for some reason.

Instead, click on the Output Name in the Export Settings Window BEFORE hitting Queue.

From there, select the proper folder you want to output to. Next time you Export Media from Premiere IT WILL REMEMBER the correct Folder as the proper Output in AME.

It only sticks in AME if you set it first in the Export Setting Window. Doing it in the AME Window doesn't stick when Exporting from Premiere, unlike when you are dealing with a file.

Kind of counter intuitive, but at least this works.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Premiere Pro - Generating Peak Files & Workspaces Aggravation

I wish Premiere would not generate f*&^# Peak Files constantly. What does it even have to do this? Modern NLEs should be able to deal with this shit behind the scenes with no impact on performance.
Why on earth does PP need to do this? I worked all day yesterday onto the same project, didn't add any Media whatsoever.

Now let me tell you, the way PP manages Workspaces / Windows / Tabs is at least as arcane as the way Avid manages Workspaces and Windows. I wonder if I even prefer how Avid does it.

Adobe, this is a LAME way to deal with this, it's 2018! This is all too convoluted, we spend way too much time dealing with these freaking Windows / Panels / Tabs / Docking / Undocking / Workspaces / Layouts; find a better way already!

- And now to all NLEs manufacturers: why is it that we cannot control simple things with our VOICE? "Open file", "Get selection tool", "Cut", "Play", "Stop"? We can control our houses with our voice damn it! Why not NLEs?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Adobe Premiere Pro Proxies

I'm testing the Proxy workflow with Adobe PP on a project shot in UHD, that will be delivered in HD. Ultimately I think that it's not a real advantage to use this proxy workflow against simply converting the original footage to something the computer can handle more easily - like Prores or DNxHR/HD.

I'm dealing with footage from two Sony cameras 
recorded internally in UHD 3840 x 2160 at 23.976.

A Sony FS5 recorded in MXF OP1a, XAVC Long QFHD, h264/MPEG-4 8bit 4:2:0 at 100Mbps. Clips have 4 mono audio channels.

A Sony A7RII recorded in MP4, XAVC-S, h264/MPEG-4 AVC Long Gop 8bit 4:2:0 at 100Mbps. Clips have one stereo audio channel.

Importing original MXF and MP4 footage into PP is no problem, but PP playback of original UHD footage is very clunky for both the A7RII MP4 and the FS5 MXF at any settings: full, 1/2, 1/4.

So I created two Proxy and Ingest Presets in AME, one for each audio config, and I'm transcoding to Prores Proxy HD 1920x1080.

It took approximately 4 hours for AME to transcode 120GB of footage overnight which is about 2hrs and 15min. in duration. So roughly TWICE real time. The resulting proxy files are roughly HALF the size of the originals.

Premiere hanged during that process, I had to restart the app. On restart, all the footage from Day2 was not in the project. I re-imported the footage from Day2 in PP. The Proxies didn't show in the Browser.

I selected all clips and selected Proxy/Attach Proxies and then pointed at the first Proxy file. All files got reconnected automatically to their proxies.

I have separate folders for Day1 and Day2, both for originals and Proxies. This is due to the fact that I have duplicated clip names, so I want to keep things compartmented.

Toggling Original and proxy footage is seamless, just use the toggle button. Playback of proxies is smooth.

Export Media automatically reverts to using the original UHD footage. Exporting a 5min. UHD Timeline (or HD Timeline with all clips at 50% scale)\ to Prores Proxy 1080p or to h264 720p takes about 6min., so a little more than real time.

OK, so that's Proxies so far.

Now instead of working with the proxy workflow, I can upfront convert the UHD XAVC footage to Prores UHD. PP is perfectly capable of smooth 4K Prores playback on my machine. Export Media time also falls to near real time. So, it is not 4K that taxes the machine as much as it is the Sony XAVC codec.

If I edit 50% scaled UHD Prores clips into a HD Timeline, PP playback is flawless as well. Export Media time is below real time.

AME conversion time to transcode to Prores UHD is roughly twice that of transcoding to HD Proxies. In this case it will take 8 hours vs. 4 hours as mentioned above. That's one drawback.

So, ultimately I think I will use the non proxy workflow. I don't see why I would want to go back to a clunky codec at any time during post. Remember with PP proxy workflow, you are dealing with original media XAVC codec on export. That is a real slowdown.

Transcoding to UHD Prores has all the advantages: UHD frame size allowing for repo in a HD Timeline, an easy to deal with codec for the computer, and relatively fast export times. If something is not right with a Prores clip, it's easy to re-transcode from the original.

Granted files are bigger in UHD Prores HQ, five time as big as the original XAVC files, that's the second drawback, but drive space is cheap, so not an issue on this project.

Transcoded to Prores HD, the size would be somewhat less, and it might take less time for AME to transcode, but it would restrict the reframing possibilities that UHD has to offer.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Media files disappearing from Adobe Premiere Pro 2017.1 - Fixed in v. 11.1.1

Adobe has addressed the bug and fixed it in v. 11.1.1 of the software. So update!

I haven't experience this bug, thank you very much, but be warned!

Click these links below and read on and act appropriately in order not to loose them precious files. Hopefully Adobe will discover the problem and issue a fix soon.

This news come at a time when I have been thinking of storing all apps caches onto a separate SSD to speed up things. Well, good thing I haven't implemented that plan yet.

Another reminder to always have a backup up-to-date.

Be wary of the Media Cache!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Why you need to be patient when updating to Adobe Premiere Pro 2017.1

After finally updading the Adobe App Manager, I updated Premiere - now at v. 2017.1

It's all good for me, old projects (v. 2017) need to be converted and saved for the new version:
I still have this "Audio Filter Obsolete" recurrent message from previous PP version as I started this particular project with PP 2015, but the EQ still works, so I won't bother with it at this point:
It took several minutes to load all the media for this project, (approximately 5000 items, mix of video, sound, still images, and graphics; 250GB worth.) Premiere displays progression stats at the bottom of the screen. Until all media is loaded, you might experience the "Media Offline" on-screen message, so be patient.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Is It Possible To Use Adobe Premiere Pro To Check Your DCP?! Well, Yes! Sort Of.

I never tried that before, interestingly enough, PP can open a DCP - j2K and pcm mxf(s) components, and let you bring them into a Timeline and playback!
DCP Playback inside Premiere. Groovy!

I know it does not replace checking your DCP on-site / in a theater / on proper DCP servers, but it's an easy way to at least check for gross error (or lack of thereof) in your encode.
PP performs the XYZ -> YUV correction on the fly as you can see in the screen grab above.

On my MacPro I can playback at 1/2 in real time, with synced audio so I can check that as well. And I can play the whole DCP. I say it's pretty dandy!

Coupled with Easy DCP Player Demo to check for the DCP integrity, it's a step towards controlling the quality of your creation.  In Easy DCP Player you can playback the first few seconds, after that the quality of the image is severely degraded, and the audio is muted, unless you buy the full version.
DCP Check with EasyDCP Player Demo (playback quality degraded after a few seconds)

Note that you can also check your DCP in Resolve, thanks to the bundled Easy DCP Creator/Player Demo plug-in, but high quality playback is limited to a few seconds here as well. You can however just scan through without playing just to quickly check how it looks, without degradation.
DCP Playback in Resolve (scanning through the timeline in pause keeps the image in high quality - unlike playing back.)

Why Premiere Pro is so sloooooow at startup (not always, only from time to time...)

Normally PP starts in a few seconds on my machines. Once in a while it takes muuuuuuch longer though. Can someone explain to me why from time to time Premiere takes such a long time to start? Is there some kind of scheduled process that forces PP to validate plug-ins and fonts and whatever else it's doing at startup every week or month or what is going on??

Ah! and now as I started Photoshop... this:
So this morning PP starts without any problems, but Photoshop is giving me the finger...
Allright, downloading the AAM now, let's see what happens.

Well, again I'm stuck with the Error 86 and not able to update Application Manager.
Time for a chat with Adobe.
After a remote session with Adobe (44min.), the update went through and the above message is gone. So back to work.

FYI it involved a lot of force-quitting processes from the Activity Manager:
Creative Cloud, CoreSync, CCC Process, CCC Library, Adobe Desktop Service, PC Broker...

Then had to trash Adobe Application Manager from Applications, then trash OOBE from /Library/Application Support, and maybe a few more things I'm not 100% sure, the guy controlling my computer was too fast.
Finally, after all the quitting and trashing, he had me download the Application Manager Installer from Adobe and we installed that. And... Bingo!

Still now with Adobe CC you must have an internet connection open at all times, since you never know when something is gonna get stuck, and the only way to unstuck it is to get Adobe support onboard - via internet/remote sessions.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Premiere Pro: "This project contained a sequence that could not be opened..."


I need to do a quick fix on a short film, I'm launching Premiere to work on the cut, I duplicated the Project file first to work on a new increment.

Adobe flashes a window asking of I want to use the 7 days Demo mode, or if I want to sign-in??? I do sign-in. Premiere then takes a good 3+min. to launch, loading all the components.

Finally it's up, I open my duplicated Project and... Premiere starts with an error:
"This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."

Lovely. Don't we all need this level of stress added to our everyday professional life?

Looking for the problem, I find this page:

Oh boy... I don't want to spend three hours troubleshooting this damn app. My blood pressure is raising.

I will take it one baby step at a time, I'll quit Premiere and relaunch as starter.

Premiere takes another 3+min. to launch.

I open the Project, and... Yeah! This time it loads just fine. I duplicate my Cut19 Sequence, rename it Cut20, and off I go.


So if you get that error message, before jumping the gun and going into full-on troubleshooting mode, just quit and start Premiere again.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Premiere vs. FCPX - Part 4

When there are lots of media files inside a folder (I have folders with 800 files in them) Premiere does not load all media and skips files (randomly? I can't tell...) That's NOT GOOD! How am I supposed to track what's been ingested, and of what's not???

I talked to the DP and he was referring to a particular shot that I had not seen in my bins. Bizarre, I had to go back to the drive to look at the original media, and bingo! The shot was there and it had not been imported! I had to go through all my import bins, and I found out a bunch of files that were missing, I had to re-import them one by one. Adobe you MUST FIX this!


Now, what?  I needed to use my media drive onto another machine, when I came back to continue editing in Premiere it lost track of some files... Why is that?  It's the same drive, same folders, same folder structure. How is that possible? Got the relink window open waiting for me to point at media files... Forget this.

OK so after I closed everything and restarted and launched Premiere and opened the project again, the third time Premiere started finding the missing media by itself, good.  Now it's recreating waveform and all this crap, so I got to wait.   All right, the cut is back, at least nothing is missing.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Premiere vs. FCPX - Part 3

Premiere is very sluggish on this short film, granted I'm not using the proxy workflow, and I have a lot of disparate materials. And some large stills.

FCPX seems to degrade the playback on the fly in such case, but never gets stuck the way PP does. I'm set at 1/2 playback by the way, and sometimes a few seconds pass without anything happening on screen, then it catches-up all of a sudden, and I've missed everything in-between.  All audio goes bonkers as well, it degrades to the point of unbearable noise being introduced. Solution? Stop, and play again.

I like a lot the fact that FCPX always keeps the timing right, no stuttering, only in rare occasions, and the image is never degraded to the point that Premiere degrades it if you playback at 1/4 for ex. That's very, very comfortable. Premiere (and After Effects) still lack on this point.

Even at 1/4, PP is not reacting fast enough to show you images of each clip if you hold the up or down arrow to navigate the timeline. FCPX does, it does not skip clips randomly the way PP does.

Man I HATE this zooming feature of Premiere, and I keep hitting Shift+Z to make my cut fit the Timeline. What is the shortcut to do that in Premiere? Ah! It's "\", well I am remapping this to "Shift+Z" in PP Keyboard Shortcuts. There, and "\" now goes for Zoom to frame.

Grrr, while I'm at it, I am also remapping Add Edit and Add Edit to All Tracks to "Command+B" and "Shift Command+B", instead of "Command+K".