Showing posts with label Premiere Rush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premiere Rush. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Adobe Premiere Rush on macOS First Impressions

My first impressions on Adobe Premiere Rush on macOS.

- It's fast and relatively intuitive: drag, drop, move things around, click on icons do do specific things, keyboard shortcuts for most things.

- Good for quickly putting together a short video. Journos will love this.

- It uses the superior FCPX Magnetic Behavior (only works for video clips, not audio clips), and Connected Clips behavior (for both video and audio.) 

- 4 Video Tracks (video + synced audio), 3 Audio Tracks (mono or stereo.) Enough for small projects.
- Fast and feels good scrubbing in the Project Assets Panel (= FCPX Browser), and in the Timeline.

- Share (= Media Export), by the way this is the wording as FCPX, is possible to the local computer, in addition to direct publish to Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Behance. Not for me but since this is geared towards Youtubers, makes perfect sense.
- Selectable frame rates (?)

- Wide selection of Titles.
- Basic transitions available. Duration Editable.
- Color tool with: Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Temperature, Tint, Vibrance, Saturation, Faded Film, Sharpening, and Vignette. Build-in Presets, and ability to Save Your Own Presets.
- Audio Tool with: Volume, Mute, Auto Volume, and single Channels mutability. Selection of Type of Audio (Voice, Music, Other) opens specific tools for each. Auto Duck for Music, and for Voice Balance sound, Reduce Background noise, Reduce echo and enhance speech (with Male / Female options.)
- Transform tool with Horizontal and Vertical positioning, Rotation, Scaling with or without maintaining proportions, Cropping, Opacity (YEAH!) and Edge feathering. Scaling goes BEYOND the frame, up to 200%. Much better than iMovie which is pretty terrible in this department.
- All tools have on/off buttons.

- Preview quality selectable between High/Medium/Low.

- Full screen playback available. Monitor size is adjustable.

- Expand Audio button to see waveforms better.

- Mute, Lock and Hide track controls.

- Has access to Audio In/Audio Out Mac devices, including USB interface.

- Pre-rendering ON/OFF turnable.

- Media Import folder selectable (on Local computer.)

- Media is either imported "in place" or copied to the Media Import Folder (if the Copy Media box is checked before adding the Media to the Project.)

- Open Premiere Rush Projets into Premiere Pro, no problemo. Only the PP Project panel is the same unorganized mess as it is in Rush.

- I assume it saves Premiere Rush projects files in the Cloud ONLY (?) I cannot find a file corresponding to my Project. I hate this. But wait, when I turn off Syncing, I can still open my project, so it must be stored locally. Only not as a common file. WHY? I don't like this Adobe.

- Cannot rename Clips in the Project Assets Panel.

- Cannot organize the Project Panel: no folders, no bins, nothing just a bunch of clips. Can only Sort by Names and Filter by Type of Clip/Media. Cannot resize Clips in there. Sequences are stored in this Project Panel as well... They look like Clips. What a mess!
- Cannot organize the Your Projects Panel either as far as I can tell. I mean Youtubers? They make tons of videos, it will quickly be a sorry mess in here!
- Media Import Folder has no subdivision, all imported Media go in there, no matter what project it's for. Oh boy!  Hold on! There is also a Manage Media Folder.  Hmmm, not sure how these work, some digging to do.
- Setting Clips I/O is a weird two/three steps: Open the clip, then set I/O, drag to the Timeline if you wish from here, but then click on Back to Grid View to close and go back to the assets... Pfff, pfff, too many clicks. FCPX is superior here.

- Cannot drag Clip from Timeline to the Project Assets Panel. Another FCPX behavior, not my fav actually.

- Share has only MP4 available, and only Facebook and Youtube Settings. Pretty basic, maybe on purpose. I'm sure this will grow in the future.
- No Title Safe. Who cares anymore?

- No Timecode, only a counter. Timecode? Whats' Timecode anyway?

- Open Premiere Rush Projets into Premiere Pro ONLY via Cloud Syncing? What?? Really Adobe? Really?

- It's a work in progress, not bad for a first version.

- Feels fairly stable and reactive. Fun and fast, I might say better than iMovie! I will try it on iPad, if it works just as good it will surely get some traction.

- Project Assets Panel is sorely missing in features.

- Hiding Project files, not explaining how this works, Cloud only saving - all deal killers for me. NO WAY Adobe!