Monday, January 23, 2017

Is It Possible To Use Adobe Premiere Pro To Check Your DCP?! Well, Yes! Sort Of.

I never tried that before, interestingly enough, PP can open a DCP - j2K and pcm mxf(s) components, and let you bring them into a Timeline and playback!
DCP Playback inside Premiere. Groovy!

I know it does not replace checking your DCP on-site / in a theater / on proper DCP servers, but it's an easy way to at least check for gross error (or lack of thereof) in your encode.
PP performs the XYZ -> YUV correction on the fly as you can see in the screen grab above.

On my MacPro I can playback at 1/2 in real time, with synced audio so I can check that as well. And I can play the whole DCP. I say it's pretty dandy!

Coupled with Easy DCP Player Demo to check for the DCP integrity, it's a step towards controlling the quality of your creation.  In Easy DCP Player you can playback the first few seconds, after that the quality of the image is severely degraded, and the audio is muted, unless you buy the full version.
DCP Check with EasyDCP Player Demo (playback quality degraded after a few seconds)

Note that you can also check your DCP in Resolve, thanks to the bundled Easy DCP Creator/Player Demo plug-in, but high quality playback is limited to a few seconds here as well. You can however just scan through without playing just to quickly check how it looks, without degradation.
DCP Playback in Resolve (scanning through the timeline in pause keeps the image in high quality - unlike playing back.)

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