Monday, April 16, 2018

Premiere New Folder Window STUCK!!!

OK, to reproduce this problem do this in Premiere:
  • File/New Project.
  • In the New Project Window, click onto Location/Browse.
  • Click on New Folder.
  • Click onto a Safari web browser page.
  • Click on the Location/Browse Window again...
The FREAKING New Folder Window HIDES ITSELF! All of a sudden, IT'S GONE!

It hides itself somewhere and I cannot find it, I cannot click on it, I cannot cancel.

Other Premiere windows are probably hiding it, but I cannot move them away. Premiere keeps on beeping, ding, ding, I cannot close windows, I cannot escape, nada. I have to Force Quit!

I just lost 1hr. of work - last time I saved. Not true of course, evidently I have AutoSave turned on and saving every 10min. So I actually only really lost 10min. But man! Premiere is lame sometimes.

---- UPDATE 

If this happens to you: click at the BOTTOM of the 
Location/Browse Window and move it aside. It's likely the New Folder Window is hiding behind it.

The thing is, you cannot move the Location/Browse Window by clicking on the top bar. Only if you click I the bottom section does it allow you to move it.


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