Showing posts with label Bug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bug. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2022

DaVinci Resolve 18.1 Continues To Have A Bug 🪲 In Video Monitor Look Up Table

 When applying a LUT to the Video Monitor, it should only affect the output, in my case the SDI out from the UltraStudio Monitor 3G.

Unfortunately it also affects the Scopes in the Edit and Cut Pages even though No LUT Selected is selected in the preferences for the Scopes Look Up Table.

Bizarrely, and thankfully, the Scopes are not affected in the Color Page, at least that's where it's most important. 

SMPTE Bars looking correct on the Scopes

When No LUT selected for Video Monitoring

SMPTE Bars displayed incorrectly on the Scopes in the Edit and Cut Pages. Why?
In the Color Page at least the Scopes look correct.
Note the LUT applied to Monitoring only, not to Scopes.

That's a BUG 🪲 that's been plaguing Resolve version after version for long time:

Why has this inconsistent behavior not been fixed by now BMD? 😡

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Adobe Premiere Does Not Draw Waveforms Properly, Another Bug 🪳

The bugs 🐛 🪲 🪳 are crawling around with Premiere. This time it's in the form of finicky waveforms drawing... Or lack of shall I say...

Isn't this a wonderful behavior?

Good luck keeping your sanity with this kind of waveform drawing! Oh! By the way, as you see here, it will draw eventually after you playback or zoom-in/out, but next time you open the same file, the same empty sections reappear.

I always remember Premiere being shitty with waveform drawing, so it's not like this problem is brand new. Who cares? Just delete these pesky peak (.pek) files once in a while, what are you complaining about?

Who f$c^*ng cares!?? Not Adobe obviously! Good luck editing audio.

The bugs 🐛 🪲 🪳 are everywhere with Premiere!

More Adobe Premiere Pro Bugs - It's Endless

 Here is another bug! Premiere is so buggy, stay away from it!

When you try to transcribe, or in my case re-transcribe, a Sequence, I get this error message and nothing gets done:

A low-level exception occurred in RawPCM (Exporter:17)

Great! Worked fine on the assembly timeline though. Oh! Wait, apparently if you use any audio FX, or even, god forbid, if you adjusted any levels in the timeline, Premiere throws this shit in your face and does nothing.

Lovely! Users only reported this bug 6 month ago, we only had two or three versions of Premiere since then. The bug is still there.

Wonderful, thank you Adobe!

--- UPDATE ---

You won't believe this! So I had enough with premiere and I went for a walk to lower my blood pressure. Lo and behold I come back to the same Sequence, same Project, everything the same as I left it an hour ago. I didn't touch anything. For the life of me I click on Re-transcribe sequence and... It goes through and is currently transcribing!!!

Meaning the workarounds and/or whatever reasons peeps believe Premiere is giving this error message are all BS. My Sequence is completely mixed, with clips, and tracks levels, and sound effects galore! And this time it has decided that it would go through with transcription.

What the F*U#% IS THIS ADOBE???

It's maddening I tell you. Adobe Premiere, the most unreliable NLE software champ 🏆 ever. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Adobe Media Encoder Stops Encoding In The Middle Of A Job - Warp Stabilizer Bug

Mac M1, macOS Monterey, Premiere Pro 22.6.2, AME 22.6

  Two weeks on Adobe Premiere / AME and I'm fighting hell daily. Premiere is the plague of the business.

OK so after the unresolved issue of Premiere tearing up h264 footage on export, now AME decides to stop in the middle of a job (Premiere Project / Timeline / Export Media / Send to Media Encoder.)

The program is 21min., AME stops at 11min. No warnings, no message, nothing, just stops as if it was done. Whatever Entire Source or In/Out Selection is used, same result.

Checking the Timeline I see that Warp Stabilizer has been used on some clips (I inherited this project) right where AME calls it quit.

In the Timeline it actually shows a black frame at the tail of each of these Warp Stab clips. Why? Another Premiere bug.

I killed all these stabilization effects, and what do you know, it goes through encoding the entire program this time, no problemo.

So basically Warp Stabilizer in Premiere is UNUSEABLE, at the minimum UNRELIABLE and it makes AME stop encoding the program as soon as it is encountered.

Adobe, fix this NOW!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Adobe Media Encoder Create New Ingest Preset Bug on Silicon Mac

 Adobe is such an unnerving company. If you try to create a new Ingest Present for Premiere Pro on a Mac Silicon using the AME Silicon version, you're out of luck and you will go crazy trying to figure out why the stupid app refuses to create a new Ingest Preset.

If you click on Create New Ingest Preset, you will not go anywhere, the Preset won't be saved, and as a matter of facts, the window that opens is not even the correct one, it shows only a "Save As" button that doesn't save the Preset as Ingest Preset, but strictly as an Encoding Preset, unusable for Proxies creation.

It's a BUG Adobe. And it has not been fixed as of AME v 22.5.

To be able to create a new Ingest Preset, one has to use the INTEL version of AME. Accessible to launch under Creative Cloud app, AME, the three dots on the right, Open (Intel.)

Then with AME Intel running, on clicking Create new Ingest Preset you do get the proper window and the Save button, and it does save your preset as an Ingest Preset that works with Premiere.

That no one at Adobe bothered to check if this worked with the Silicon version is telling.

PS: AFTER you've created your first user Ingest Preset using AME Intel, for some reason AME Silicon allows you to create more and behaves as it should. Maddening.