Showing posts with label Effect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Effect. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Adobe Media Encoder Stops Encoding In The Middle Of A Job - Warp Stabilizer Bug

Mac M1, macOS Monterey, Premiere Pro 22.6.2, AME 22.6

  Two weeks on Adobe Premiere / AME and I'm fighting hell daily. Premiere is the plague of the business.

OK so after the unresolved issue of Premiere tearing up h264 footage on export, now AME decides to stop in the middle of a job (Premiere Project / Timeline / Export Media / Send to Media Encoder.)

The program is 21min., AME stops at 11min. No warnings, no message, nothing, just stops as if it was done. Whatever Entire Source or In/Out Selection is used, same result.

Checking the Timeline I see that Warp Stabilizer has been used on some clips (I inherited this project) right where AME calls it quit.

In the Timeline it actually shows a black frame at the tail of each of these Warp Stab clips. Why? Another Premiere bug.

I killed all these stabilization effects, and what do you know, it goes through encoding the entire program this time, no problemo.

So basically Warp Stabilizer in Premiere is UNUSEABLE, at the minimum UNRELIABLE and it makes AME stop encoding the program as soon as it is encountered.

Adobe, fix this NOW!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

FCPX Missing Plug-in (Effect) difficult to track down - pt5 (X-FX Handler)

Couldn't hunt this missing Effect down, so I downloaded X-FX Handler from Spherico:

Exported an XML of the Project, loaded it into X-FX Handler, and Kaboom!
Look at this missing Hawaiki Effect! FASLE! That's right! But, but, hold on a second... That's fine and dandy, but WHERE CAN I FIND IT IN THE TIMELINE?

Ah! Ah! Here is the secret weapon: double click on the missing Effect and Kabaaahm!
It's enabled on CLIP0000180 - THAT I CAN SEARCH FOR IN THE INDEX.

Three Clip0000180 in my Timeline indeed, and the third one wins the missing Effect prize.
(It was actually OFF!) Delete. Good riddance.

Thank you Andreas Kiel, Spherico.