Showing posts with label waveform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waveform. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Adobe Premiere Does Not Draw Waveforms Properly, Another Bug 🪳

The bugs 🐛 🪲 🪳 are crawling around with Premiere. This time it's in the form of finicky waveforms drawing... Or lack of shall I say...

Isn't this a wonderful behavior?

Good luck keeping your sanity with this kind of waveform drawing! Oh! By the way, as you see here, it will draw eventually after you playback or zoom-in/out, but next time you open the same file, the same empty sections reappear.

I always remember Premiere being shitty with waveform drawing, so it's not like this problem is brand new. Who cares? Just delete these pesky peak (.pek) files once in a while, what are you complaining about?

Who f$c^*ng cares!?? Not Adobe obviously! Good luck editing audio.

The bugs 🐛 🪲 🪳 are everywhere with Premiere!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Premiere Pro Multicam Clip Not Showing Audio Waveform

 Premiere 22.5.0 on macOS Monterey.

One thing that has been plaguing Premiere for years: audio waveforms snafus. Last in a row of a long list of aggravation, Multicam Clips not showing any audio waveform in the Timeline.

In this example, the first Multicam Clip shows the waveform, the second does not:

Why? You'd rightfully ask. Well it's because of the way the Mulicam Clip is panned. I kid you not.

The fist Multicam Clip is panned as follow:

The second Multicam Clip is panned as follow:

Do you see the difference? Track A1 is not panned all the way to the left to -100%. It's at -98.8%.

And that is enough ladies and gentlemen to trip Premiere and cause it to not display waveforms in the Timeline for any Multicam Clip that's not panned 100% left or right.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Final Cut Pro and Davinci Resolve Scopes Compared

 Resolve scopes: hard to read, distorted, not showing out of range values.

FCP scopes: easy on the eyes, clean, showing out of range values.

Now, Resolve is the reference color correcting software. Reflect on this for a moment.