Showing posts with label NLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NLE. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Premiere Pro - Generating Peak Files & Workspaces Aggravation

I wish Premiere would not generate f*&^# Peak Files constantly. What does it even have to do this? Modern NLEs should be able to deal with this shit behind the scenes with no impact on performance.
Why on earth does PP need to do this? I worked all day yesterday onto the same project, didn't add any Media whatsoever.

Now let me tell you, the way PP manages Workspaces / Windows / Tabs is at least as arcane as the way Avid manages Workspaces and Windows. I wonder if I even prefer how Avid does it.

Adobe, this is a LAME way to deal with this, it's 2018! This is all too convoluted, we spend way too much time dealing with these freaking Windows / Panels / Tabs / Docking / Undocking / Workspaces / Layouts; find a better way already!

- And now to all NLEs manufacturers: why is it that we cannot control simple things with our VOICE? "Open file", "Get selection tool", "Cut", "Play", "Stop"? We can control our houses with our voice damn it! Why not NLEs?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Premiere Pro CC powerful feature: Import selected Sequences or Bins from another project

Premiere Pro CC Import selected Sequence or Bins is a powerful tool, I wish FCPX had something like this - instead of merging entire Library or Events.

Use Import, and let the user point at the Library, and access all Events, Bins, Collections... And import only the ones selected.

That would beat the cumbersome merging of Libraries, described in a previous post:

Thursday, October 16, 2014

NLEs Timetable

Just for fun...

1989 Avid

1990 Lightworks

1991 Premiere 

1993 Media 100

1995 Casablanca (Macrosystem)

1999 Final Cut Pro

2000 Vegas (Sony 2000-2004?)

2003 Edius (Canopus)

2007 SpeedEdit (Newtek)

2011 FCPX


1971 CMX 600
1984 EditDroid (Lucasfilm)
1995 DraCo
Renomee Plus (Macrosystems)
Pinnacle Studio
Ulead Video Studio (Corel)
Fina Cut Express
Avid Free DV
DPS Perception RT
Velocity HD