Showing posts with label FCP7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FCP7. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2014

NLEs Timetable

Just for fun...

1989 Avid

1990 Lightworks

1991 Premiere 

1993 Media 100

1995 Casablanca (Macrosystem)

1999 Final Cut Pro

2000 Vegas (Sony 2000-2004?)

2003 Edius (Canopus)

2007 SpeedEdit (Newtek)

2011 FCPX


1971 CMX 600
1984 EditDroid (Lucasfilm)
1995 DraCo
Renomee Plus (Macrosystems)
Pinnacle Studio
Ulead Video Studio (Corel)
Fina Cut Express
Avid Free DV
DPS Perception RT
Velocity HD

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sony XDCAM Transfer to FCP7

People are reporting problems with importing Sony's F5, F55 Mpeg2 into FCP7.

I installed the XDCAM HD Transfer app:

In FCP7 I use: File/Import/Sony XDCAM

That opens the XDCAM Transfer app, from there you can point to your camera card, and the clips will load in the Transfer window. Select the clips you want to import and click Import button.

For me Log &Transfer does not work with Sony's XDCAM in FCP7. (FCP7.0.1 / 10.9.6 Snow Leopard.)

What's your experience?

For memo:

XDCAM FCP7 plug-in v1.2:

Sony's XDCAM software page:


Current Sony Software:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Final Cut Pro 7 Log & Transfer - Warning: do not play media while transcoding!

    In Final Cut Pro 7, viewing / playing back a clip while it's Log & Transfer transcoding is happening might lead to a incomplete transcode of the media - a truncated / shortened clip.

This happened to me several times with some Canon MXF and P2 footage.  And with short duration media for what I can tell.  Long media files seem to be immune.

So no playing around while transcoding, and for added safety, after the transcoding is complete, I check the duration of each clip against the original media duration  before I move on.  If they appear different, I trash the transcoded file/clip and re-transcode.

Why is that Apple?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Close all gaps in Final Cut Pro 7

    I always forget this one, so there it is:
- Move the last clip in the timeline to the upper empty video track.
- Select the gap into that upper track + hit and hold "delete".
It will effectively delete all gaps in the tracks below.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Canon 5D MarkIII funky TimeCode

I believe the Canon 5D MarkIII has a funky TimeCode track, which wreaks havoc in FCP7 Log & Capture.  L&C wrongly shows clips with a duration of 23h+, or does not transcode some clips, what the heck?

Some people use an 3rd party app to convert the h264 to ProRes. But some apps loose TC (Compressor, Mpeg Streamclip), read it wrong (Brorsoft Video Converter), or have the user insert TC by hand (Grinder). I don't like it. 5DtoRgb works fine, but for an online/offline workflow, multicam situation, a 3rd party app is not ideal - I prefer Log&Transfer and to stay within FCP.

After reading Oliver Peters' blog I had the idea that Canon's TC track was to blame.–-round-iii/

So I made a copy of the files, ran them through VideoToolShed's QTChange and the Refresh TC Track tool.

Bingo! The new set of file is perfectly recognized and transfers smoothly with Log&Capture, including TC.  Thank you Oliver, thank you Bouke.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Panasonic AF100 Post

Macs can read SD cards, so no driver required. Same as with P2 cards.
This camera uses AVCHD, so it's already populated by default in the FCP7 Log & Transfer.
Panasonic white paper here:

I prefer ProRes 422. But I'll use LT for some projects. Or Proxy for offline/online.

Sony EX3, EX1 XDCAM Post

Sony software for working with XDCAM footage:

You need to create a pro account in order to download some of it.  There are plug-ins for Avid and FCP7 (via Log&Transfer), a clip browser and a SXS card driver.
Someone had listed the steps on his own blog/website (links do not work anymore though, so go direct to Sony Service Plus link above.)