Showing posts with label Sierra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sierra. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2017

Updated to Avid Media Composer 8.9.2 on macOs Sierra 10.12.6

Updated "manually" again via downloading the installer from my Avid Master Account.

I always Uninstall the previous version completely before I install the new one. Worked great this time, no problem whatsoever, all plug-ins up to date, all good. :))

If you are updating via the Avid Application Manager, a reminder that the app downloads the installer(s) into the following folder: MacHD/Library/Caches/Avid/AppManager/Downloads

From the AppManager, I update in two steps: I click "Update" in the App Manager window. It first downloads the installer - you will see a progress bar.

Step 1 - Downloading

When this is done I do not click "Install" from the App Manager, instead I Quit the app, go to the Installer, and move it to a different location.

Step 2 - At this point, Quit the app, do not click "Install".

Step 3 - Copy/Move the installer to wherever you want it.
(I keep all installers together in case I need them later.)

Step 4 -  install "manually" from the newly copied installer.

This way I'm not dependent on AppManager behavior and I can keep the installer where I want it. After installation, the app restarts automatically.

In the case of MC itself  I can uninstall before I install, note that the Installer for the AppManager does not offer the option to uninstall.

I've had less problems doing it this way than blindly clicking "Install" from the AppManager.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Sapphire Radeon 7950 Mac Edition on MaPro 5,1 macOs Sierra

I moved my Sapphire Radeon to my MacPro 5,1 over a year ago and everything has been fine. I have no glitch and things are smooth. I wish I could upgrade to a Sapphire RX580 8GB and get more power with FCPX, Premiere, Resolve, Motion and After Effects - my staple apps.

Apple has announced some support for external GPUs in masOc High Sierra, and the Radeon 580X is one of the few card that seem to be supported. Although as a single GPU in a MacPro we probably wouldn't see the splash screen at startup. The card is hard to come by though. I am still on Sierra, and I might wait until the end of the year to upgrade os + GPU. We'll see.

The card has seen a lot of usage, and has been working flawlessly, so I'm not complaining. I read on the internet that the 7950 glitches happened in a single monitor configuration. Might be why I have been immune on my station since I am using two monitors. My previous post about this problem was back in 2014 in a MacPro 3,1:

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to playback Blu-ray discs and files on a Mac?

Try Leawo Blu-ray player app:

Free, simple, supports full screen playback and subtitles. Works great on macOs Sierra.

There is a version for Windows as well.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Adobe Encore CS6 (basic BD screener) works fine on macOs Sierra 10.12.2

I just created a short BD screener with Encore CS6 on Sierra 10.12.2, everything worked, Preview worked fine.

I encoded m4v and AC3 with Media Encoder, imported the files into an Encore project.

Created a new Timeline, dragged files in, set First Play to Timeline/Chapter1 ("autoplay".)

The project checked OK, I built a Blu-ray image, it went through without hiccups.

Will burn with Toast and check the disc at a later time and report.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

macOs Sierra 10.12.3 does not recognize some USB devices

I have a problem with a USB audio interface not being recognized under Sierra 10.12.2, and I'm not the only one having this kind of problem:

I confirm that the same USB box is properly recognized under Yosemite and El Capitan (no driver necessary), so it is definitely a Sierra bug.

10.12.3 beta is out, I hope it's being fixed and we'll soon have a public update that solves this issue.

--- Updated to Sierra 10.12.3 and the problem still exists... Please Apple fix this!

Monday, January 9, 2017

USB audio interface Aimpro21 HD USB audio (Model AS372N) on macOs Sierra limited to 48K 16bit (even though it's 192K 24bit capable)

The 5.1 / 7.1 usb audio interface Aimpro21 HD USB audio Model AS372N, (sold under the name: Sewell SoundBox Pro on Amazon), needs to be set on "U1" in order to be recognized by macOS Sierra. If set on "U2" it does not work at all. (NOTE that it does not need a driver, so it's not a driver issue.)

With Sierra, "U1" mode - Limited to 48K 16bit...

With Sierra, "U2" mode - NOTHING THERE!? The device is not recognized!

The thing is "U1" limits the device to 48K 16bit audio, the superior "U2" mode goes all the way up to 192K 24bit.

With Yosemite and El Capitan, "U2" mode - Superior 192K 24bit available! Yes!

Why is the best mode not recognize under macOS Sierra? It is available and working great under Yosemite and El Capitan. Again, it does not need a driver: as soon as it is plugged to the computer running 10.10 or 10.11, the device shows instantly in the Audio MIDI Setup and Sound Preferences. Not so with 10.12...

Please Apple, fix this asap! A large number of sound pros rely on usb interfaces, we need the best sample and bit rate available. Sierra has been out for a while already v. 10.12.2.

Let me know if you experiencing a problem with your audio interface under Sierra, USB or other protocols (Thunderbolt, Firewire), and please send feedback to Apple:

It now works with High Sierra! As noted previously by Fabien in the comments, works with 10.13.2 for him. I'm on 10.13.4, still working. Good news.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Where are my contacts stored? MacOs Sierra

I find that there is some conflicting information online about the storage location of contacts in macOs Sierra.

The local contacts in Sierra are into the same location than before under Yosemite (and I assume El Cap as well): MacHD/Users/*you*/Library/Application Support/AddressBook

If you have installed a fresh macOs Sierra (as I always do) as opposed to migrating the system form a previous version, your Contact app is now empty.

Simply copy and paste the AddressBook folder from the previous Os - you still have the old system disk available right? And copy it to the new Sierra location.

Done, all you contacts are now showing inside the Contacts app under Sierra.

People get confused with iCloud storage and servers and what not. If you use the Cloud, that's another story, but for LOCAL contacts it's the same old.