Showing posts with label Compressor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compressor. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

Apple Motion 5.8 And Compressor 4.8 Updates

 With Final Cut Pro 10.8, Apple also update Motion to 5.8 and Compressor to 4.8.

Like FCP, Motion 5.8 gets Enhance Light and Color Filter powered by machine learning. But no sign of Smooth Slo Motion powered by ML. Hmmm. Testing soon. The rest is mostly (and welcomed) bug fixes.

Compressor 4.8 gets bug fixes, spacial video enhancements and new Canon codec support.

And that is all folks.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Something is up with h264 encoding on Final Cut Pro 10.4.1, Compressor 4.7

 h264 encoding using either Compressor 4.7 or FCP 10.4.1 on M1 with Sonoma 14.2.1 are showing blockiness with busy/semi busy imagery.

It wasn't like this with previous versions on FCP/Compressor/Pro Video Formats/macOS that I recall.

 h264 encoding behaves very poorly compared to Adobe Media Encoder. I tested both on the same ProRes master, Apple output is dirty where AME is relatively clean. Same data rate, using the default settings.

I tested previous versions of FCP/Compressor on the same machine: Monterey and Ventura, and results are the same: blocky, sloppy, prone to artifacts on certain images.

It was not like this before: I looked at the same h264 export I did in June 2023 with FCP 10.6.6, Pro Video Formats 2.2.5, and Ventura, it was clean throughout. Same machine.

Something happened since, and now it's screwed. What is going on Apple? Anybody seeing a similar problem on their setup?

Below are 4 frame exports of the same image:

  1. ProRes export
  2. h264 export from FCP
  3. h264 export from Compressor
  4. h264 export from Adobe Media Encoder

Superimposed to the original sequence. Opacity switched to Difference, and Midtones Exposure pushed to 100%.

1) ProRes
2) h264 Final Cut Pro
3) h264 Compressor
4) h264 Adobe Media Encoder
5) h264 DaVinci Resolve

ProRes looks the best as expected. Clearly Media Encoder h264 output looks much better than Compressor, Final Cut Pro, and Resolve h264 outputs 😵.

Final Cut and Resolve are close, both doing a sloppy job at encoding h264 compared to Adobe Media Encoder. Compressor is the worst of all 😩.

NOT GOOD APPLE!! Not great Blackmagic Design!!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

My Final Cut Pro Vertical Videos Exports Look Blurry! Why?? It Has To Do With Custom Destinations

 I was using a previously created custom settings preset to export a vertical video in FCP and my export was really blurry.

 I just updated to Monterey 12.6.7 and immediately thought the update broke my custom presets/destinations.

It only happened with vertical / portrait videos, in this case 1080x1920. Horizontal / landscape videos were unaffected.

See for yourself:

On the left, blurry export using previously created destination/custom preset. On the right, export using Export File (default) and how it should look: crisp. (Click on the photo to see it properly.)

This shit happened on FCP Share/any previously created custom presets/destinations, and in Compressor as well if I used any of the previously created custom presets.

Creating a new custom preset worked just fine in Compressor and in FCP as well after adding the presets as destination. Exporting to File, using h264 or ProRes was not affected, just custom presets, and only the ones that I created before (or so I thought) 12.6.7 update.

And it was not just the custom h264 presets, previously created custom ProRes presets were blurry as well, less so, but still visibly blurred.

And it was not a case of a corrupted Project. I created a brand new vertical 1080x1920 Project and the same thing happened.

Horizontal / portrait videos, ex. 1920x1080 below, were not affected:

On the left, export using previously created destination/custom preset. On the right, export using Export File (default.) They both look fine. (Click on the photo to see it properly.)

So to me it looked like all custom presets created in Compressor prior to Monterey 12.6.7 were now screwed when exporting vertical videos... 🤬

Or were they?

Not so fast grasshopper!! I was quick to blame Apple on this one, in fact I was the one to blame!

What was the cause of my torments then?

Simple: I created and saved custom presets that LIMITED THE RESOLUTION TO 1920x1080. 

You see the problem? My vertical video that's 1920 pixels tall was resized to 1080 pixels tall, of course it was blurred! On top of this I had modified the Quality settings of my saved presets which COMPOUNDED THE BLUR problem.

And actually, if I had looked at the Inspector within Quicktime Player, I would have seen that the video had a resolution of 608x1080... Way smaller than the Project's 1080x1920 resolution.

And so, that's why horizontal 1920x1080 videos exported just fine with the old presets still. And why creating a new preset, leaving the resolution to the default 4K, exported just fine as well.

That's it, a small thing indeed. So next time your export looks blurry, maybe it's just a setting somewhere in your custom presets.

By the way, last tip on this topic, after it's imported as a destination inside FCP, no matter how you modify the custom preset into Compressor, it will not update as a destination in FCP. You have to go to Add Destination, select the preset you want to update, click Change, and point at/select the updated preset within Compressor's list.
Modifying the preset in Compressor does not update automatically inside FCP. To update a destination, click Change. Select the modified preset and click OK.

That's it. Happy Exports!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Final Cut Pro 10.6.6, Compressor 4.6.4, Motion 5.6.4 Updates

Cheers to FCP 10.6.6. update, release by Apple today. As always out of the blue, although people who follow these kind of things, like Richard Taylor at, said an update was coming on Tuesday, and there it is.

Like Rich, I wish Apple put more dedication and enthusiasm into developing FCP new features and improvements, instead of branching into a subscription only iPad version. 😩

macOS Monterey 12.6, or more recent. Small update better than no update I suppose. Here is what's new (I'm skipping the iPad blah, because at this point I don't care about it.):

  • Automatic HDR/SDR color management with tone mapping. This should be helpful.
  • New titles, effects and generators. We'll see how nice they are.
  • Color Adjustment effect with presets. Hmmm, kinda like under the previous bullet point isn't it? I hope it's not too gimmicky.
  • Again falls under the second bullet point. Scene Removal Mask to remove bkg without green screen. AI powered I assume, we'll see if it's any good.
  • ProRes RAW Settings window. That's good. I hope it gives access to all the tweaks available.
  • ProRes RAW plug-ins from various camera manufacturers. OK.
  • HEVC export up to 8K, hardware accelerated on silicon Macs. I like.
  • Export to EXR with Alpha channel. I don't care, but OK.
  • Handful of bugs fixed.

Compressor gets updated to v4.6.4. A few improvements: auto center crop, Copy/Paste files now allowed, improved IMF packages, auto surround channels labelling when using command line. What an obscure last entry!
Motion gets updated to v5.6.4. Nothing to get excited about really: auto color processing for better HDR/SDR workflow between Motion and FCP, HDR optimized color processing, no green screen background removal, improved playback/export times on silicon, improved Slice Scale filter, stability improvements.
All right, well I shall update soon as I am in between projects, and I'll report when I get cutting / compressing / motioning on these new versions.

Apple, it's getting boring other here in Pro Apps land... iPad version, who cares? You're getting lazy, imitating Resolve/Blackmagic design, and not leading anymore. Wake up!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Apple Releases Final Cut Pro 10.6.5

 Oh my! The updates of FCP, Motion and Compressor are here!

FCP, Motion, Compressor, free updates.

FCP goodies

Compressor goodies. Darn! Some of them require MacOS Ventura.

Motion goodies

Nothing major, just bug fixes and acceleration. I'll take it!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Apple Pro Apps and Apple Pro Video Formats Updates

Apple Pro Apps, Final Cut Pro, Compressor and Motion got an update on 11/15/18, showing up in App Store:

Apple Pro Video Formats 2.0.7 is also showing up in the Software Update on Mojave:
FYI here are the differences between 2.0.6 and 2.0.7:

Monday, November 5, 2018

Which is faster? Mac mini 2012 vs. classic Mac Pro 2012, Encoding HD 1080 h264 comparison

Encoding a 60min. HD ProRes422 to HD h264 (Best/MultiPass Quality) file on cMP (6 cores Xeon), and on Mac Mini (quad core i7)

1) Using Compressor:

1a) cMP = 210min. Abysmal!

VTEncoder almost never goes over 400% CPU
Using only 6 cores at 70% and 6 cores at 10%. Total never goes over 40% User CPU load.

1b) Mini = 50min. Best results!
VTEncoder barely goes over 200% CPU
Using only 4 cores at 10% and 4 cores at 5%. Total never goes over 40% User CPU load.

2) Using Adobe Media Encoder:

2a) cMP = 90min. Meh.

AMEncoder goes up 750% CPU
Using 6 cores at 80% and 6 cores at 60%. Total goes over 65% User CPU

2b) Mini = 84min. Meh.

AMEncoder goes up 600% CPU
Using 4 cores at 80% and 6 cores at 60%. Total goes over 65% User CPU

3) Machines configs:
cMP 2012 6 cores 3.46GHz, 32GB Ram, Radeon 7950 3GB.

Mini 2012 4 cores i7 2.3GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz), Intel 4000 1.5GB

Conclusion: Even though its specs are underwhelming compared to the cMP, the Mini wins with Compressor.

The cMP is really terrible! (x4 real time!!! What?) The Mini encodes the 60min. file in less than 50min. - under real time. 

On the other end with AME (which is much more power hungry) it's about the same on both machines and it takes longer than real time (x1.5 real time more or less.)

The Mini sports a dedicated h264 encode/decode chip, makes sense that the performance is better, it seems though only Compressor is accessing this added power. Adobe? What the heck??

Have a good day!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Adobe Encore CS6 still works on macOS 10.14 Mojave

Event though DVD Studio Pro is deprecated, Adobe Encore CS6 is still kicking on Mojave and with it the ability to author (relatively simple) DVD and Blu-ray Discs.
Check this previous post for how to download Encore CS6. You cannot install Adobe Media Encoder CS6 anymore though, so you are loosing the ability to encode Dolby AC3 audio with Adobe. Fortunately for us Mac users, we have Compressor for that!
And by the way DVD Player is still there on Mojave, only buried under: System/Library/CoreServices/Applications.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How to render Apple Motion Projects by dropping them directly into Apple Compressor

I don't know if a lot of users are aware of this: you can render a Motion Project by dropping the file directly into Compressor.

I am working on a project with a really tight deadline and lots of graphics. To speed things up I am rendering graphics in Motion at Draft Quality settings, dropping them into the cut in order to expedite a screener for client approval.

For the final version though,  I want to re-render all my graphics at Better Quality settings, which is more time consuming.

Instead of loading each graphic into Motion, changing the settings to Best, and hitting Command+E, waiting for the render to complete, closing the project, opening the next one... There is a better option. It's kind of like "Send to Compressor", but better.

Open all Motion projects and switch the settings to Best and save them all. Then grab all the Motion Projects files and drop them into Compressor. Select the Preset, select the destination and let Compressor batch rendering! Much faster and streamlined.

Unfortunately, prior to batch rendering with Compressor, you must save each Motion project with the actual Render settings you want Compressor to render at. If the Project is set to render at Batch Quality inside Motion, that's what Compressor will render at. That's kind of a limitation.

There should be a way to override the Motion Render settings inside of Compressor, even better, since Compressor "understands" Motion project files, we should have access to all the Motion Render settings in the Job window inside Compressor. That would make this workflow more efficient, but I am not seeing anything of the sort.

 If you have a tip, please let me know in the comments. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Apple Compressor still cannot deal with XAVC-S or MXF files from Sony A7RII and FS5

Compressor 4.3.2, the current one, cannot open A7RII MP4 files.

It has no clue with FS5 MXF footage either and transcodes to an all black/empty file.

OK, mmhm, how long has this Sony codec been out again? Is this another codec war Sony and Apple are waging?

Short of using Sony's Catalyst software, you have Adobe Media Encoder and EditReady that can transcode your Sony footage to Prores on a Mac.

Good luck.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Final Cut Pro 10.3.2 !!!

Apple updates Pro Apps across the entire line!

The new Final Cut Pro (10.3.2) is out!

So are updates of Compressor (4.3.1), Motion (5.3.1) Logic Pro X (10.3) and Garage Band (10.1.5)

Final Cut Pro puts a big emphasis on the new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar:
The ecosystem is featured:
Supported cameras:

Motion is still a 2D app with limited 3D for text:

Compressor - Where is h265? Maybe I missed it:


Note that Pro Video Formats (2.0.5) was updated on Jan 1:

From Pro Video Formats (2.0.4):

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Software Frame Rate Conversion 23.976 to 25

There is a variety of ways to achieve frame rate conversion.  Using Hardware boxes like Terranex, Alchemist PhC, or... Software that's available to you.

And there are two ways to tackle it, you can either:

1) maintain the duration (= modify the number of frames) which has the effect that the footage will play at the same speed in the new 25 fps frame rate. This process is slower, takes more processing time,


2) reduce the duration (= maintain the same number of frames) which has the effect of speeding-up the footage in the new 25fps frame rate. This process is faster since no new frames are created.

Below are a few examples using different Software.  As a general rule, use the best settings possible and the best codec/export settings, knowing that highest quality equals longer render times. Run tests.

1) Maintain duration (plays at same speed) 

Use Apple Settings QT ProRes with pass through audio as a starting point.
Go to Inspector, Encoder, Video Format Select Frame Rate 25, make sure AR is correct. Verify your media source, check your Geometry tab, set Frame Size 1920x1080 and Pixel Aspect Square if necessary (Open Preview Window and look at the results)  Something is set wrong in the AR or Geometry if you are getting a squeezed or stretched image.
Go to Frame Control. turn Controls ON, select Rate Conversion: Best (You might see ghosting with the other settings, test on a short clip.)

After Effects:
import your footage, right-click / New comp from selection.
Go to: Composition / Settings, change Frame Rate to 25. Click OK.
In the Composition window, enable Frame Blending, set Layer / Frame Blending to Pixel Motion.
Optional: add Force Motion Blur to taste.

Import your footage.
File / New Project, set Frame Rate at 25
Drag your footage into the Project Timeline
Select the clip, Go to the Inspector /Video /Rate Conform, Select Frame Sampling = Optical Flow (best.)

2) Reduce duration (plays faster)

Cinema Tools
This one is probably the easiest of the bunch, but USE THIS ON A DUPLICATE FILE as it will modify the QT and not create a new one -- no rendering needed.  Open Clip, click Conform, Select Conform to 25, Click Conform. 

Use Apple Settings QT ProRes with pass through audio as a starting point.
Go to Inspector, Encoder, Video Format Select Frame Rate 25, make sure AR is correct. Verify your media source, check you Geometry tab, set Frame Size 1920x1080 and Pixel Aspect Square if necessary (Open Preview Window and look at the results)  Something is set wrong in the AR or Geometry if you are getting a squeezed or stretched image.
Go to Frame Control. Click so Source Frames play at... Select 23.976 @ 25.

After Effects:
import your footage, right-click / interpret footage / Main
conform frame rate to 25, click OK, Export.

Import your footage.
File / New Project, set Frame Rate at 25
Drag your footage into the Project Timeline
Select the clip, Go to the Speed button, select Automatic Speed.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Apple Compressor "3x crash service down" error message

Got several Apple Compressor "3x crash service down" error message while encoding Mpeg2 for DVD.

There are several posts on the subject, but what worked for me was to lower the max VBR to 8.5 (instead of 9)  and check + uncheck the Adaptative Details box.  I also moved the Anti-Alias cursor to 100 then back to 0.  I then re-submitted the batch, and the encode went through.

Does this workaround work for you?