Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Avid Application Manager different expiration date than Master Account

Are you experiencing the App Manager not updating the Expiration date of your Standard Support Plan?

Even though it's updated and show the correct date on the My Avid Master Account (I just bough the yearly plan for another year until dec 2016), Application Manager refuses to show the new Expiration date - it still is stuck in 2015.

Hey! We are not alone:

Oh boy! And now I even get emails from Avid telling me my plan is about to expire... Even though it's good up to dec 2016... Get it together Avid!


Renew your Upgrade & Support Plan
Renew your Upgrade
& Support Plan


Important Notice About Your Product

Dear Media Composer Customer,

This email is to notify you that your Media Composer Upgrade & Support plan is expiring.

In order to receive software upgrades, your Media Composer perpetual license must be covered by an active Avid Upgrade & Support plan, or you must have an active Media Composer Subscription. To ensure you can receive future software updates and support, you can either renew your Avid Upgrade & Support plan within 30 days of expiration or switch to a subscription license.

To renew, contact your reseller or log in to your Avid Master Account. For complete instructions on the renewal process, please review this article. For those customers that have Symphony and Newscutter, don’t forget to renew and upgrade here along with your Media Composer.

To switch to Media Composer subscription, visit the Avid Web Store and purchase a Subscription Crossgrade, or click here to have an Avid representative contact you.

Notice: if you choose not to renew your Upgrade & Support plan or to switch to a subscription license, your Media Composer software with a perpetual license will continue to work. However, you will not be able to upgrade your license or receive software updates.

Thank you.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Avid Media Composer 8.4.2 Upgrade... Like a Boss!

All right people rejoice! There is an Avid MC update waiting for you!

I'm a "perpetual" licensee meaning I have to fork $299 each year, and if I ever want the Symphony option it's a one time $749 fee on top of the rental. I use no dongle - the devil.

This time I know what to do:

1) Update Application Manager right from Application Manager.

2) Login to my Avid Master Account (from me web browser.)

3) Click on "My Products and Subscriptions".

4) Click on "Show" Products Details and Download Links.

5) Yooohou!!! "Media Composer 8.4.2 Installer (Mac) 1.77GB" shows up!!!  Click on the thing.

6) Go get coffee / tea  / soy milk whatever hydrator works for you while the goodies get transferred to your machine.

7) INSTALL like a boss!

8) Test and have fun!

Don't get too excited as it looks like there are no new features, only some fixes.  Too few fixes? Oh well, better than nothing since I expect we won't see anything new until next year. 


Friday, September 25, 2015

BMD DaVinci Resolve 12.0, 12.0.1 and 12.2.2 on Mac - What a pain!


- Crashes A LOT !!!

- Crashes when deleting or duplicating a Timeline (opened or not.)

- Takes forever to load a project and to save a project, and there is a long lag after the save window closes and before you can get back to work without any kind of feedback (is it doing it?) Each time you save you loose 1min. Each day you loose hours.

Apple is leading the charge in terms of functionality, EVERY SINGLE PRO APP must be saving in the bkg like FCPX does, save your every move until the last before the crash, and restore the project to the last move so that you do not loose anything.

- With Resolve 12, one looses work when the app crashes.  Again, should be like FCPX: nothing is ever lost when it crashes. Not only but you have to go through this cumbersome loading of backup projects from the Settings window / Auto save. Why can't backups be accessed from the Project Manager window????  This takes too long and is unnecessary. Just save the damn project once properly and do not corrupt project files to start with.

- Sometimes it crashes without telling you it does, great, project gone, app closed. You come back to the Projects Manager window and they are new projects files here... Or EMPTY Sequence Containers, all with weird names.  Open your project just saved a moment ago you will see that ALL THE TIMELINES ARE EMPTY!!!!  What the hell is that?  Yet again, the only way to go back to your hard work is to load a backup project.  Forces you to auto-save every 5min. (and of course loose 1min. every 5min.)  Still you've lost the last 5min. of work.

- There are ghosts lines that appear in the Node window, making it hard to visualize links.

- Copying a grade to another clip or multiple clips in the Timeline hangs/crashes the app once in a while.

- When mouse-dragging a value drastically (like Saturation) the timeline jumps to some random clip before or after the one you're working on. Yes, I do drastic moves sometimes. This is a pain, please fix this behavior.

I will continue to vent my frustration here as I battle Resolve 12, otherwise a great app... If only it would WORK!

--- Update and more aggravation ---
Updated to v12.0.1 ... promises more stability... right... Nope.

- I need to EDIT the Timeline (1), supposedly that's what Res is all about now, but when I select a large number of audio clips (that are unlincked from video) and delete them, it crashes. Great!

- I need to EDIT the Timeline (2), but when I select a single clip and try to Trim Edit, it crashes. Awesome!

-  And now it crashes on loading the project... This can't be better!

- All right, reloading a recent backup through the stupid Auto Save page...

- Project opened, worked on, saved several times, closed, opened again, all is well.  Except I cannot use anything but copy and paste, select and move clips around, delete one or two clips her and there, and that's it.  Any attempt to Trim, delete a bunch of clips.... Crashes the app immediately.

- Project saved the day before, opened the following day ... make the app CRASH. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the dreaded "this project has not been saved..." etc. bullshit message that pops up without any reason - I just saved the Project and waited 3 min. before closing to be sure.  But no, it had to ask again, all right, I clicked SAVE, I had to close Resolve what else can I do?  What do you know, instead of saving, it CORRUPTED the Project file.  Well thank you so much.  Yet again, back to restoring an Auto Saved Project... And making sure all your last moves are still in there. Great way to start your day.

--- More updates and more aggravation ----
Another thing that's driving me CRAZY!  Why does UNDO work on certain things and not others???  If I do a color correction, and then I do a resizing and undo, it ONLY undo the CC, not the resizing.... What?  This is utterly confusing.  Please undo the LAST MOVE whatever it is, resize, tracking, pasting...  Or at least give us the option to choose what gets undone.

--- Update
So I installed RESOLVE 12.2.2, created a project.  Then I quit the app, came back a few minutes later, tried to open the project I just created... It CRASHES. And again generates the stupid ".tmp" files ad nauseous.  At least the auto-generated ".tmp" opens fine.  But then I have to do the dance: trash the original project, rename the ".tmp"... Pfff, come on BMD, fix the code please.

--- What's your experience with Resolve12.x.x on Mac?

I know my config is not optimum: MacPro 5,1 Quad, OSX 10.10.5, AMD Radeon HD 7950, Dual 1980x1080 displays, Decklink Mini Monitor PCIe, Desktop Video Utility 10.5
II am OK with real time (or less than) rendering, I'm only dealing with HD ProRes files, not exotic formats.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Automated Photo stitching in Photoshop - Photomerge

Great Photoshop tool to stitch photos together: File / Automate / Photomerge

I wanted to stitch a couple 4k background photos together to give me a super wide background image that I can move and pan within.

I used "Auto" Layout and checked "Blend Images Together" - obviously, "Vignette Removal" and "Geometric Distortion Correction".

Selected my source files, one Left file and one Right file and a few seconds later, perfect wide background image.

Great time saver.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

com.aladdin.hasplmd.plist crashes and respawns constantly

Found a fix here:

Thank you!  And although it's for v6, it also works in my case for v8 - and I don't even have a dongle, so why is this even running?  Avid???...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

How to continue drawing an interrupted Mask in After Effect

It's frustrating in AE  that if you interrupt the drawing of a Mask, the app makes a new Mask instead of continuing the first one.

First be aware of the interruption, then go back to the Pen Tool, select the Convert to Vertex Tool, and then click on the last point of your interrupted Mask.

Then go to and select Pen Tool again, and continue to draw the same Mask. Aaaah!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Apple Motion - How to stop (hold frame) the Numbers Generator

Trying to Hold Frame on the Text Generator - Numbers, does not register in Apple Motion.

I wanted to have a ramp and then hold onto the last number, but no go as the Hold Frame Effect has no traction on the Generator, nor on a Group containing the Generator.

The solution: uncheck the Animate checkbox in the Text Generator/Generator, and then add keyframes to Values, voilà!

Now I wanted to have 2 digits at a larger size than the 2 decimals, but I can't find a way to do this easily. I suppose I can always animate two sets of digits, the second one being smaller and then group them together to simulate a single counter, but it's a bit long and convoluted.

Tip anyone?

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Media 100 for $99 - Yosemite supported!

UPDATE: Media100 now FREE!

Good old Media100 is available for a paltry $99! The price includes a copy of Boris Red.

It used cost x100 times that much back in the days... With cards and all, and it only did SD. Still a fraction of what an Avid would cost, for a very high quality, and it crashed less.

I labored on this marvel of technology for a few years in the 90's At some point the switch to FCP was made. The two co-existed for some time, and then HD came along and M100 was abandoned. FCP was more fluid in daily use, so even if M100 had survived the HD shockwave, there was no coming back. 

I think I once downloaded the software only version after the acquisition by Boris Effects, I had to re-open an old project, and it did that just fine if I remember right.

Now M100 is revamped to deal with resolutions up to 4K, Aja cards are supported for I/O, 60 days trial available. The UI looks just like the same old though, and it looks like it still has all the same convoluted ways of doing things. Talk about back in the future!

I'm not sure I would recommend it to anybody, but for the curious among us, here it is:


Scrolling down that page, I also found a Boris Continuum Image Restoration Promo ($99 instead of $299) good until June 30, 2015 "MacVideo Promo".

Actually Toolfarm has a similar Promo, good until end of Sept 2015. Toolfarm Exclusive Promo - July 1 - Sept. 30, 2015

Friday, May 29, 2015

Apple Motion 5.1.3 and FCPX 10.2.1 crash when using CMYK slider in Color Picker

I have a precise color I need to use and the reference is in CMYK.
I am able to switch the Colors selector from RGB Sliders to CMYK Sliders, but when I try to adjust a slider, Motion crashes, FCPX as well.

Are you too experiencing this? Obviously others do:

I thought I could workaround this bug by doing this:
Open Textedit, select Format / Font / Show Colors.
That will open the Color Picker floating window identical in all Apps including Motion and FCPX.
Go to CMYK Sliders, and create your colors without crashing, save them in the color swatches (buckets).  Then go back to Motion, FCPX - the colors are there in their buckets, ready to use.
Except that when I pick one of these newly created color swatch, Motion CRASHES.
So no luck...

But then, I had this idea:
Open Textedit, select Format / Font / Show Colors.
That will open the Colors floating window identical in all Apps including Motion and FCPX.
Go to CMYK Sliders, and create your colors without crashing, SWITCH the slider to RGB slider, THEN save your color in the color swatches.  Go back to Motion, FCPX - the colors are there in their buckets, ready to use.
This time, no crash! But, come on Apple, can you fix this please.
From there You can create a new Palette and save and organize your new colors.
PS: I can't find a way to "erase" a color swatch (bucket). It seems the only thing one can do is replace a color with another, but no way to drag out a color to empty the swatch. Has someone found a way? Let me know.
PS update: Drag a color swatch to another and that'll empty it. So basically all buckets can be erased but one.

Apple has corrected this bug in FCPX v10.2.2. Thanks!

FCPX 10.2.1 Cross Dissolve bug - Luma drop

A one second in duration Cross Dissolve (Look: Video. Ease: In and Out, Ease Amount: 0) applied to a Prores 4444 clip (first clip in the Timeline), in a Prores 442 Timeline playback correctly .

When I Export the timeline to Prores file though, there is a drop in Luma at the end of the fade in the exported file.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

FCPX Missing Plug-in (Effect) difficult to track down - pt2

Please Apple make it easy to find a missing Effect or Transition in FCPX.

I'm spending hours pulling my hair and agonizing. It's just untenable having only an exclamation mark over the Event icon to alert you that something is missing.
Some Title is missing...

Some Effect is missing...

Nothing pointing at the culprit Project or Compound Clip. Where to search without a clue?

How about a Timeline tab showing missing Effects? Or make searching for Effects, or missing Effects available in the Browser.

At least missing Media is easy to spot, and then to fix using the Relink Missing Media Files.

How about a Relink Missing Effects Files?

Apple has to make it easy to find missing Effect or Transition. If you think like me, please send your feedback to Apple:


Ah, ah! maybe this tool can help:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite, Error Message: "The operation cannot be completed because an item with the name ".DS_Store" already exist"

I got this error message trying to do a basic thing: copy a folder from one drive to another.

Not sure how/why this bizarre error is showing up, in any case the workaround seem to be to simply copy again, at which point you're asked the usual: "A folder named ' ' already exists in this location, do you want to replace it with the one you are copying?", click "replace" and off you go.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Premiere Pro CC powerful feature: Import selected Sequences or Bins from another project

Premiere Pro CC Import selected Sequence or Bins is a powerful tool, I wish FCPX had something like this - instead of merging entire Library or Events.

Use Import, and let the user point at the Library, and access all Events, Bins, Collections... And import only the ones selected.

That would beat the cumbersome merging of Libraries, described in a previous post: http://tinyurl.com/lvsqmlp

Friday, May 8, 2015

Yosemite WiFi dropping connection

So I updated to Yosemite and FCPX 10.2, so far so good.
Except that WiFi is constantly dropping the connection. It's driving me nuts.

I've tried this re-ordering of the services within System Prefs/Network/Gear thingy.
"System Preferences > Network > Gear Icon > Set Service Order (Make Sure Wi-Fi is at the top of the list) "

I'll update with results. Hopefully positive.


Yep, for me it seems to be working, no more loosing WiFi connection :-)

Interestingly enough, this feature was in Mavericks as well, but Mavericks wasn't dropping the WiFi connection.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Annotation Edit fcpxml import crashed with no warning FCPX (10.1.4)

I as doing subtitles for one of our projects, and I was using Annotation Edit - great software by the way for subs work.

When done, I exported PNGs and a fcpxml from AE to import into FCPX.

In FCPX I selected Import/XML and it crashed...

After some troubleshooting, I figured I had one sub with a duration of zero.

So, instead of crashing without telling you anything when you import a XML file with such error, it would be great if FCPX were to pop a message with some explanation.

"Entry error, line XX - cannot import fcpxml", would be sooo nice for troubleshooting and saving time.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

FCPX (10.1.4 and 10.2) bug with stills in a Storyline, with Ken Burns applied

I have a problem where I have a few pictures with the Ken Burns effect applied to them, and I put these few photos in a Storyline.

Then at some point I have to retouch one photo in Photoshop, maybe to crop it, apply some effect, whatever, and then I save the photo.

When I go back to FCPX, the picture externally retouched in Photoshop updates fine in the Timeline, but it's reduced in size in the frame, and FCPX similarly screws all the other pictures contained in the same Storyline, they are all smaller in the frame than they were before.

The workaround is to Lift the stills from the Storyline, at which point they come back to their normal size, and then put them back into a new Storyline.

It's really annoying, and it still is present in FCPX 10.2. Can you fix this bug please, Apple?

It's a problem that I also have with Motion Templates in a Storyline. If I tweak the Template in Motion, then come back to FCPX, it's sized down in the Storyline... Same workaround.

Pond5 Public Domain Project

Pond5 Public Domain Project, is an ongoing collection of clips digitized from Archives around the country (the world?)
They are free to download from the site - you need a Pond5 account.
Usage is still a grey area tough... Editorial OK, but commercial? Not really. And what's Public Domain in the US is not necessarily in other territories.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

FCPX (10.1.4) Batch Generating Proxy Media after Import.

And now to generate Proxy Media after Import, select Clips in the Browser, then right-click select: "Transcode Media", and check the box: "Create Proxy Media."

Before this, I make sure to specify a destination folder for the Media, in Library Settings.  Usually I do this when I create a new Library, so I don't have to think about it later.

FCPX creates a "Final Cut Proxy Media" folder inside my Library Settings Folder, with a Subfolder with the date of the original Media creation.  All the transcoded clips go in there.

More info here:

FCPX (10.1.4) how to copy Folders, Keywords Collections from one Event to another. And between Libraries.

Today I have to Merge three different Libraries into one, and as I was trying to organize things, it looked like I could not copy Clips, or Folders or even Keyword Collections from one Library to the other, or from an Event to another... OK.

First, I needed to simplify Libraries, and grouping everything under a single Event. But I could not drag Clips nor Folders or Keyword Collections from an Event to another within the same Library...

Well the trick is to select the Event itself, and then drag it over to the second Event. This has for effect to copy all Folders, and Collections with the Clips to the new Event.

Note that dragging an Event to another within the same Library effectively discards the original Event, while all its content is now inside the receiving Event.

I found that from a Library containing several Events, I could keep my organizing by creating a main Folder with the same name as the Event and then after consolidating my Events into one, I still have things ordered within Folders.  Quite handy.

Then, I wanted to copy Events from different Libraries into a common receiving Library.  But I could not copy an Event from Library 1 to another Event in Library 2.  The second trick is to drag the Event from Library 1 to Library 2 directly.

Then a window pops up:

"Copy items to the library "Library2".
Selected items and original Media will be copied to the storage location for the library "Library 2".
"You can include available optimized or proxy media in the copy. Media stored in external folders will be left in place."

And the check boxes to include said optimized or proxy media.

I keep all my Media external, so they stay in their respective places, which is what I want for now.

After clicking OK, it took a few seconds and my Event now appears into Library 2 with all the contained Folders, Keywords Collections and Clips, grand!  And as one would expect, the Event is still present in Library 1.

Monday, March 30, 2015

G Drive 4TB USB3.0 crashes Mac OSX 10.9.4

I'm having problems with the new G Drive 4TB USB3.0 (Version 26.02)

When The drive is idle for a while, it goes into some sort of sleep mode, and when it has to wake up it invariably crashes the Mac on OSX 10.9.4

In Energy Saver I have turned off Every sleep mode, so the drive is doing this by itself, it's not ordered by the OS, and obviously this is creating havoc.

Note that the G Drive only holds Media, no system files whatsoever.  And it's formatted HFS+ Mac OS Extended (Journaled) GUID.

I don't know what's causing this and if there is a remedy, but it is extremely annoying.

Are you experiencing this as well? Let me know.

Update: I received a second G Drive 4TB USB3.0 and it too is exhibiting this problem.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

FCPX (10.1.4) screws with Titles Templates with a Transition applied

I create a Title from the Bold Fin Template in the Primary Storyline, it looks great.

I apply a Fade To Color Transition at the head and tail, still looks fine.

I come back later and the Title is scaled down significantly.

I duplicate the Title, it looks normal again.  Add Fade To Color, Render, still looks Fine.

The old Title is smaller and I can't find a way to make it back to normal size.  Annoying.

FCPX (10.1.4) Ken Burns Effect snafu with stills

Again FCPX screws up with animated stills using the Ken Burns effect.

If I have a still that's in a Storyline, chances are that FCPX will not behave properly.
In my case it scales the image wrong.  Taking the still out of the Storyline and bingo, everything is fine.

What I've noticed with the Ken Burns is that when it is applied to a photo that's been retouched externally, for ex. a photo sent to Photoshop and cropped/rotated and then saved, it updates fine in FCPX but the KB is all fucked up and shows the Start and End frames with improper Aspect Ratio.
When this happens, the only thing I found to fix this is to over cut with the still from the Browser.

If the retouched photo is in a Storyline, every other photo in the Storyline is affected, i.e. framed improperly.  Again, the only way I find to fix this is to remove the photos from the affected Storyline.  I can even bring them back into the Storyline and they stay fine.

Another thing about the KB visual representation is that it overrides the other effects.  So If I apply a rotation on a still, and then a KB, the KB user interface does not take the rotation into account. Note that the rotation is applied after I close the KB UI window.   I can't work without seeing what I'm doing, so it forces me to go to Photoshop.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Avid MC 8.3.1 Update, Yeah! ... yes! ... ok ... oops ... hhmmm .... ... .....

All right people rejoice! There is an Avid MC update waiting for you!

v8.3.1 is there, as I can see in my Avid Application Manager, there is an Update available.

With support for "XAVC-I UHD 4k"! Could this also give me support for the A7s XAVC-S, or whatever it's called?

I want it! I want it!

OK let's click on UPDATE in Avid Application Manager then!  ....

Geez, NOT ALLOWED?  I am on an active Support plan people... What gives?
All right, I suppose the AAM is still just a crappy news feed and nothing else. Well, I get the info faster on the net anyway, so Avid you can just scrap that piece of useless software from my computer.

What to do now?...

" This update will show up as an Editor Patch or Full Installer in your Application Manager when connected to the Internet. If you don’t have an internet connection on your edit system, just download the latest version from your Master Avid Account or the Video Download Center."

Got it! Let's go to Safari and log into my Master Avid Account!  All right, my Perpetual Product is still Active... Pffffu!  Hold on, where the heck is the Upgrade thingy? ...  Can't find it ...

No worries! Let's go back to my own "How-to":  http://humanuser.blogspot.com/2014/12/how-to-update-to-avid-media-composer-83.html

Oh yeah!  Got to click on "SHOW" damn it!

Product Details and Download Links Show

Aaaahhh!, there you are:
Media Composer 8.3.1 (Mac) 1.72 GB
All right downloading now, 'sgonna take abit of timeo soooo... catch you guys (and gals) later.

Ah! Today, a day later, the Aplication Manager wants to update...  Let's give it a try...

Downloading now... Although if it does not add any new features, I doubt I will be able to upgrade from the newer AAM either.  OK now it says INSTALL, so I click on it.

And it goes... to a normal Finder level installer... OK, then this AAM is really just a news feed.  I must close the AAM in order to install the update, fine.  The installation was successful! Yeah!  OK, so now it's syncing...

AAM is now current, and an UPDATE is still available for MC, let see...

... Nope, no new features like the ability to upgrade directly from AAM. Sorry folks.

All right then, back to the previously downloaded stand alone MC 8.3.1 installer.
And let's install.

Ah, OK there is a Uninstall Media Composer app, do I have to do that? I forgot. Got to read the documentation.

I have a headache already after page 6, still does not tell me if I have to uninstall first... 
Hold on! Pages 27-36 are NINE pages full of KNOWN BUGS for the CURENT v8.3.1 VERSION ???
In contrast to the pages 2-3, so two pages full of bugs that were in v8.3.0 that are fixed in the new version... ... ...
That's a net gain of 7 pages of NEW BUGS ???  What the hell?

Here it does not say to uninstall, so I will then install directly.

Here, restarting, AAM is syncing...  ...  ...  And now all is current.  Firing up!
All right. it's opening, project loading, Info tab showing Sony AMA pug-ins, cool.

Let's try to load some A7s MP4 clips... ... ... And... NO LUCK, Avid MC v8.3.1 still cannot import A7s clips.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dealing with Convergent Design Odyssey Q+ in post

We've started using the Convergent Design Odyssey Q+ to record directly to ProRes 422.

In addition to the more robust codec, we wanted to save time as well.  But there are a few things that we didn't expect.

For one, it records clips in sections that need to be assembled in post.  

CD has an app for that, the "CD Prores Transfer" available here:

From CD website:
"The ProRes Transfer Tool copies and combines Odyssey 7Q & 7Q+ ProRes (.mov) clip files into a single file.

Odyssey 7Q & 7Q+ ProRes files have a 4GByte size limit within the Odyssey, therefore any ProRes recording on the Odyssey that exceeds approximately 2 1/2 minutes will create more than 1 ProRes file for that clip.

This tool allows to have each ProRes clip as a single file rather than multiple files.

This tool also optimizes Odyssey 7Q & 7Q+ ProRes files for playback efficiency on a computer and in editors."

I wonder what else except assembling the tool does to optimize and make playback more efficient?

The thing is that this unexpected step makes the post slower, as one needs to process the original Odyssey files before editing and create a new set of files. Which by the way doubles the amount of data.

Second, we use the Analog input to record reference audio in order to facilitate syncing when the audio recorder is not using Timecode. FCPX does that fairly well.

But we found that the audio is 3 frames early in the recorded ProRes files. So that's another step to adjust the audio by +3fr. slowing us down as well.

Apart form these two quirks, so far so good.

Monday, February 16, 2015

DaVinci Resolve LUTs (on Mac)

To use LUTs with DaVinci Resolve, copy them to:

HD / Application Support / Blackmagic Design / DaVinci Resolve / LUT

Restart Resove for the LUTs to appear in the drop-down menus.

Note that the folder structure is respected, that's a great way to keep your LUTs organized.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Adobe Premiere Pro Merged Clips export without audio

This is a problem that's been there since at least August 2012 !

HELLOOOOO????  Adobe what the ???  TODAY the problem STILL EXIST !

It's like Photoshop not rendering certain colors, "SORRY the red does't work folks."

It was supposedly fixed in PP 2014.0.1, but clearly it's still there in 2014.2 (v8.2.0)

• Exporting merged clips could generate silent or missing audio
Try it: merge a clip with some audio, Export the Merged Clip to AME, it renders SILENT.

Using Queue Export via AME, or direct Export, same thing.  So clearly this Premiere BUG is still there, or it CAME BACK which is even WORSE.

No audio on export

This question is Not Answered.

 Lockwood Media Group Aug 27, 2012 7:31 PM

I'm baffled by this problem and really need to find a solution ASAP. I am using creative cloud, and files fed directly into media encoder are exporting silent audio tracks. Media encoder appears to complete the export, but the resulting files have no sound.

If I export the same clip from premiere pro from the timeline it works just fine and audio is present.

My theory is that media encoder isn't conforming the audio clips it imports. Any thoughts or fixes? Has anyone here had this issue? Thanks!



Monday, January 26, 2015

FCPX (10.1.4) Missing Plug-in (Effect) difficult to track down - pt1

FCPX shows a really haiku like "something's wrong" message in the form of a road sign: yellow triangle with a question mark in the Browser.

It does not tell you what is wrong.  So you have to dig inside the project.

When it's some media missing, you finally get to where the problem lies, and you get a red screen and a line of text that tells you "Missing File", so you finally know what's wrong and you can remedy.

But in the case of missing plug-in, no explanation. I get a red screen where the plug-in is missing, but it does not tell you anything else.  Hard to know what's going on.  Granted, the red screen looks different, a strip of film with some sort of overlay layer  - hint  hint.

It would be so helpful and immediate to have at least a line of explanation: "Missing Plug-in", or "Missing Effect" would be great. Just like we get "Missing File" when some media is gone awol.

In addition, or alternatively, the question mark/yellow triangle could pop onto the missing plug-in in the Effects window, and / or in the Video Animation. (Currently nothing happens.)

That would make tracking down missing plug-ins a breeze.

Next would be to display some Metadata (Right-Click) for the plug-ins, which would give you the info as to where the hell they are coming from, say if you want to download or buy them to finalize a project.

Currently you only have the name and that's it.  Good luck tracking down the developer, especially with generic names like "Vignette"...

I can see how using many custom Effects / Plug-ins can quickly become a troubleshooting nightmare when sharing projects.

After digging into the FCPX manual, I have to say there is a pretty thorough list of alerts. 
Still it would be so helpful to have text in addition to the icon itself (like the Missing File one), so one doesn't have to learn all these...