Showing posts with label Ken Burns Effect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ken Burns Effect. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2015

FCPX (10.1.4 and 10.2) bug with stills in a Storyline, with Ken Burns applied

I have a problem where I have a few pictures with the Ken Burns effect applied to them, and I put these few photos in a Storyline.

Then at some point I have to retouch one photo in Photoshop, maybe to crop it, apply some effect, whatever, and then I save the photo.

When I go back to FCPX, the picture externally retouched in Photoshop updates fine in the Timeline, but it's reduced in size in the frame, and FCPX similarly screws all the other pictures contained in the same Storyline, they are all smaller in the frame than they were before.

The workaround is to Lift the stills from the Storyline, at which point they come back to their normal size, and then put them back into a new Storyline.

It's really annoying, and it still is present in FCPX 10.2. Can you fix this bug please, Apple?

It's a problem that I also have with Motion Templates in a Storyline. If I tweak the Template in Motion, then come back to FCPX, it's sized down in the Storyline... Same workaround.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

FCPX (10.1.4) Ken Burns Effect snafu with stills

Again FCPX screws up with animated stills using the Ken Burns effect.

If I have a still that's in a Storyline, chances are that FCPX will not behave properly.
In my case it scales the image wrong.  Taking the still out of the Storyline and bingo, everything is fine.

What I've noticed with the Ken Burns is that when it is applied to a photo that's been retouched externally, for ex. a photo sent to Photoshop and cropped/rotated and then saved, it updates fine in FCPX but the KB is all fucked up and shows the Start and End frames with improper Aspect Ratio.
When this happens, the only thing I found to fix this is to over cut with the still from the Browser.

If the retouched photo is in a Storyline, every other photo in the Storyline is affected, i.e. framed improperly.  Again, the only way I find to fix this is to remove the photos from the affected Storyline.  I can even bring them back into the Storyline and they stay fine.

Another thing about the KB visual representation is that it overrides the other effects.  So If I apply a rotation on a still, and then a KB, the KB user interface does not take the rotation into account. Note that the rotation is applied after I close the KB UI window.   I can't work without seeing what I'm doing, so it forces me to go to Photoshop.