Thursday, April 2, 2015

FCPX (10.1.4) how to copy Folders, Keywords Collections from one Event to another. And between Libraries.

Today I have to Merge three different Libraries into one, and as I was trying to organize things, it looked like I could not copy Clips, or Folders or even Keyword Collections from one Library to the other, or from an Event to another... OK.

First, I needed to simplify Libraries, and grouping everything under a single Event. But I could not drag Clips nor Folders or Keyword Collections from an Event to another within the same Library...

Well the trick is to select the Event itself, and then drag it over to the second Event. This has for effect to copy all Folders, and Collections with the Clips to the new Event.

Note that dragging an Event to another within the same Library effectively discards the original Event, while all its content is now inside the receiving Event.

I found that from a Library containing several Events, I could keep my organizing by creating a main Folder with the same name as the Event and then after consolidating my Events into one, I still have things ordered within Folders.  Quite handy.

Then, I wanted to copy Events from different Libraries into a common receiving Library.  But I could not copy an Event from Library 1 to another Event in Library 2.  The second trick is to drag the Event from Library 1 to Library 2 directly.

Then a window pops up:

"Copy items to the library "Library2".
Selected items and original Media will be copied to the storage location for the library "Library 2".
"You can include available optimized or proxy media in the copy. Media stored in external folders will be left in place."

And the check boxes to include said optimized or proxy media.

I keep all my Media external, so they stay in their respective places, which is what I want for now.

After clicking OK, it took a few seconds and my Event now appears into Library 2 with all the contained Folders, Keywords Collections and Clips, grand!  And as one would expect, the Event is still present in Library 1.

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