Showing posts with label fcpxml. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fcpxml. Show all posts

Monday, March 5, 2018

FCPX 10.3.4 to DaVinci Resolve 14.3 Observations

I just downloaded DaVinci 14.3 and out of curiosity exported a fcpxml of my current FCPX project to see how well things translate. I'm currently using FCPX 10.3.4.

Let's start with audio and then we'll look at picture:

1) My FCPX project starts at 23:59:57:00 to allow for a 3 sec. preroll and then start the first image at 00:00:00:00. Well Resolve handles this differently and continues playing Timecode at 24:00:00:01 and counting... What?
What is this BMD?

Fairlight counts correctly to 00:00:00:00 pass 24hr., but does not like crossing over and plain STOPS there. Even signifies its refusal with a "T" mark in the time bar. And trying to click further down the time bar doesn't do anything.

You won't go pass that 00:00:00:00 point.

Changing the Timeline Starting Timecode to 00:00:00:00 or 01:00:00:00 effectively removes the "T" mark, or better it's out of the way, and Fairlight plays happily.

2) The Disabled Clips in FCPX Timeline are correctly Disabled in Resolve/Fairlight Timeline, EXCEPT for clips grouped into a Secondary Storyline, see below, thus creating chaos.

3) Stereo clips are brought in as Mono L/R. Why we still have to deal with this ancient mode in modern NLEs are beyond me. Are you listening engineers, programmers? We want proper multi channel audio track handling.

3) The order in which Resolve brings audio clips seem very random, and in any case doesn't take Roles into account in any way.

4) Audio grouped under a Storyline in FCPX translates into Resolve as "Secondary Storyline_L/R clip instead of the proper audio clips name. Thus creating additional chaos.

5) Some audio grouped under Storylines are NOT PRESENT in Resolve Timeline. I don't know why some audio is being dropped. That's wrong.

I guess we cannot use Secondary Storylines for audio for this workflow or we have to take all audio clips out of Secondary Storylines before exporting fcpxml.

6) Gain (a Logic Pro Effect) is ignored. Alex4D Sound Only (a FCPX/Motion Transition) is ignored.

7) Volume is ignored.

8) Fades are ignored.

So all in all, not a very satisfactory first impression audio wise  I mean we live in times where we must keep as much as possible of the information from system to system, and this is clearly not a good example of that. Sending fcpxml to X2Pro to ProTools via AAF is a much more advanced workflow. As far as Audition goes, it still can't open fcpxml, you have to roundtrip through Premiere and loose most of the info there. Audition cannot open AAF, so cannot make use of X2Pro either. Then there is Logic, but I don't have any info at this point. If you do, please leave a comment.

As for picture:

a) Basic Titles with single formatting/font translate correctly. All others do not.

b) Speed changes have been working correctly for some time now, and still do.

c) Stills translate correctly, but not the Ken Burns Effect which is IGNORED. Stills in Secondary Storylines translate as "Secondary Storyline" instead of the name of the still. Plus some seemingly random stills are discarded, and I cannot figure the reason why. That's WRONG.

d) Fades and Cross-Disolves still translate correctly.

e) Effects (Vignette, Color Correction, Gaussian Blur, Drop Shadow) are discarded.

f) Transform and associated keyframes do translate, but appear quite shifted, so adjustment will be necessary.

g) Generators are not understood and continue to be replaced by Roundtrip Dummies.

At this point all the known limitations are still in action, we continue to be in "Bake everything into QT before exporting to fcpxml" mode, or too much is lost in translation. Secondary Storylines are still a no-go and a cleaned-up FCPX timeline is your friend.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Export XML in FCPX stalls / seems to freeze

Quick note re. Export XML in FCPX: it can take a while!

Sometimes one can feel that it's frozen and that something is wrong, but it just needs some time to complete.

As an example I have this 4min. cut that took over 5min. to export to XML.  That's a long time!

At first I thought something was wrong because the Export bar was stuck at 25% and FCPX icon was bouncing from the Dock.
Stuck there for 5min.

But after patiently waiting for 5min. it went through. I suppose the more complex your Project, the longer it takes to complete.

Monday, April 18, 2016

How to sync mixed audio into FCPX

After the cut is locked, I export a fcpxml of the project, then run X2Pro to create a ProTools Session. (See:

Mixing is done into ProTools, and a 4 tracks mix (Stereo Dialog stem/ Stereo Music stem) is Bounced out of ProTools to sync back into FCPX.

In the Timeline, select the original Music and click (V) to mute it.  Select all the video clips, and then "Expand Audio Components" (Control+S), then select the audio portion only of the clips and click (V) to mute the audio only.

Now all your audio is muted. Collapse Audio/Video (Control S.)

Import your mixed stems, make sure to select the proper Pan Mode - stereo in this case, and sync them to the In-point. Done, now your final image plays with your final mix, ready for Share / Export.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

FCPX to ProTools via X2Pro - ironing out the hiccups

1) If the ProTools session shows mono music where it was stereo in FCPX, chances are the music clips are connected to a video clip as opposed to the "empty" Primary Storyline.

How to fix:
- Select the video clip(s) and Lift From Storyline so that the connected music connects to a Gap in the Primary Storyline.
or (faster),
- Select all the connected music clips and Create new Storyline. Make sure the newly created Storyline connects to a Gap in the Primary Storyline.

2) When using L and J cuts - or overlapping audio in FCPX, X2Pro will checkerboard the audio onto multiple tracks.

How to fix:
- No need to fix this as it is a necessity going from trackless FCPX to tracked ProTools.

3) ProTools is showing the same audio clip multiple times: 2 instances on two different tracks, even up to 9 instances on 9 different tracks!

How to fix:
- The same separate audio clip got connected twice to the video clip, probably confusing X2Pro, or FCPX XML Export. Select the clip in question, Reveal In Browser (Shift F), Right+Click the Clip to Open in the Timeline.  Check the presence of dupe audio, delete the extra audio.  Now go back to your Timeline and for each instance of the clip, Matchframe (Shift F) and replace the clip in the Timeline with the "fixed" synchronized clip from the Browser.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Annotation Edit fcpxml import crashed with no warning FCPX (10.1.4)

I as doing subtitles for one of our projects, and I was using Annotation Edit - great software by the way for subs work.

When done, I exported PNGs and a fcpxml from AE to import into FCPX.

In FCPX I selected Import/XML and it crashed...

After some troubleshooting, I figured I had one sub with a duration of zero.

So, instead of crashing without telling you anything when you import a XML file with such error, it would be great if FCPX were to pop a message with some explanation.

"Entry error, line XX - cannot import fcpxml", would be sooo nice for troubleshooting and saving time.