Thursday, April 14, 2016

FCPX to ProTools via X2Pro - ironing out the hiccups

1) If the ProTools session shows mono music where it was stereo in FCPX, chances are the music clips are connected to a video clip as opposed to the "empty" Primary Storyline.

How to fix:
- Select the video clip(s) and Lift From Storyline so that the connected music connects to a Gap in the Primary Storyline.
or (faster),
- Select all the connected music clips and Create new Storyline. Make sure the newly created Storyline connects to a Gap in the Primary Storyline.

2) When using L and J cuts - or overlapping audio in FCPX, X2Pro will checkerboard the audio onto multiple tracks.

How to fix:
- No need to fix this as it is a necessity going from trackless FCPX to tracked ProTools.

3) ProTools is showing the same audio clip multiple times: 2 instances on two different tracks, even up to 9 instances on 9 different tracks!

How to fix:
- The same separate audio clip got connected twice to the video clip, probably confusing X2Pro, or FCPX XML Export. Select the clip in question, Reveal In Browser (Shift F), Right+Click the Clip to Open in the Timeline.  Check the presence of dupe audio, delete the extra audio.  Now go back to your Timeline and for each instance of the clip, Matchframe (Shift F) and replace the clip in the Timeline with the "fixed" synchronized clip from the Browser.

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