Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to Copy and Paste keyframes from Object to Group in Apple Motion

You might think that's not possible to copy keyframes from an object to another object or a Group in Motion, but it is totally doable.

The trick is to first Select the Object in the Keyframe editor. By default it is not selected and the Paste function does not work.

Keyframes added on the Circle Object

Select all (Command A) and Copy (Command C)

Trying to Paste to a different Group or Object (Command V), nothing happens :((, no Keyframes added. That's because you must first select the Group or Object.

First Select the Group, then Paste, Boom! Keyframes added.

First Select the Rectangle Object, then Paste... Wham! Keyframes added!

Friday, May 5, 2017

How to Fade in/out completely with Ramp Behavior applied to a Bezier Shape in Motion 5.3.2

If you've applied a Fade in/out to an Bezier Shape that also has a Ramp Behavior you will notice that the Fade does not start at 0 and does not end at 0. In other words, the Bezier Shape is still visible on the first and last frame.

See below, I have a Bezier Shape with a Ramp and a Fade in/out applied to it.

Without a Ramp Offset, the Fade does not start at 0 = my Shape (Arrow in the Viewer) is still visible on the first frame

In order to start with the Shape completely invisible on the first frame and disappear entirely on the last frame you must adjust the Ramp Behavior by adding one frame at the Start Offset and End Offset.

With a Ramp Offset of 1, the Fade starts at 0 = my Shape is invisible on the first frame in the Viewer.

Detail of the Start and End Offsets for the Ramp Properties.

Why is Vimeo Player so sluggish and unresponsive???

Vimeo, please address your Player sluggish behavior ASAP. It's unbelievable how slow and unresponsive the Vimeo Player is right now.

Often one wants to pause and back a little to replay something that one didn't catch right away. IMPOSSIBLE at the moment, as Vimeo player gets stuck into limbo. The smallest click backward will freeze the whole thing.

It's incredible frustrating, we shouldn't have to buffer the entire video to be able to swing forward and backward with ease, its 2017. Please make it better, please!

Monday, May 1, 2017

How to upgrade to Avid Media Composer 8.8.2 - Part4

Allright, then onto Canon for updated AMA plug-ins.

Of course I am not able to download anything from the Canon USA page that Avid links to ...
The drop down menu on the right is not operative for me. What? Is it my browser?

OK fine, direction: Canon Europe.  What?!... Five software available...

1) AMA Raw
2) Mac OS X Raw
3) Canon LUTs
4) XF Plug-in for FCPX
5) XF Utility for MacOS X.

Alright grabbing the whole lot, but I will refrain from installing anything at this point.

Next step is loading my collection of camera footage to see what works and what doesn't. Until next time.

How to upgrade to Avid Media Composer 8.8.2 - Part3

Finally, I am able to launch AMC, and what's that? The Sony AMA plug-ins need an update. Alright.
"The AMA plug-ins that provide support for Sony XDCAM, XAVC, HDCAM-SR and SonyRAW are now being developed by nablet. Please uninstall the Sony AMA plug-ins and download/install the tablet AMA plug-ins from Avid.com/ama"

Recap of my installed AMA plug-ins in the console window:

OK then, FYI the AMA plug-ins live here:
MacHD/Library/Application Support/Avid/AVX_2Plug-ins/AMA

I'm moving the SonyXDCAM.avx and MVP_SonyXDCAMEX.avx to my "Old & Obsolete AMA Plug-ins" folder.

Then go to: http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/Download/en394827 to download the new plug-ins.
Oh boy!

Landing page on nablet.com. Three plug-ins to choose from: XAVC-XDCAM, the one I'm interested in, also HDCAM-SSR and Sony RAW.
(Note to self: another possible point of failure?... Or an improvement? Time will tell.)

OK, downloading the goodies, and installing.
Four new plug-ins added.

And there you go, nablet AMA plug-ins for Sony.

How to upgrade to Avid Media Composer 8.8.2 - Part2

Allright, so the installation finally went through, firing up the software... And here we go again with the stupid "This software was released past your contract expiration date (12/1/2016) Please go to Avid Support Website for more details".

The lovely message, thanks Avid.

Just like a year and a half ago... I have a PERPETUAL plan, my contract expires on 12/1/2017. I don't know what to say.

So I'm signing out, restarting. Waiting for the Application Manager to do its thing... Be patient.

Alright, now deactivating and reactivating... Be patient.

Signing-in again, waiting for the account to synchronize... Be patient.

Firing-up the App, and... SUCCESS!!!

How to upgrade to Avid Media Composer 8.8.2 - Part1

Avid has a new look for the Application Manager (v. 17.4.0):
New look for AAM

I had problems before with AAM and had to download the installers from my Avid Master Account instead. See this post.

This time however, the installer takes forever to verify, showing no progress it seems that it is stuck. I'm not sure why.

Installer downloaded from Avid Master Account stuck there for over a minute. Be patient it will open eventually.

Anyway, not a big deal, I believe it should just work fine if you use AAM to download
and install the update.

One thing that I do not like with using AAM is that Avid is hiding the actual installers from you, and after installation it deletes the installer automatically from your drive without asking for permission. Tss, tss.

So FYI Avid downloads the installers in: MacHD/Library/Caches/Avid/Downloads

Avid is hiding the installer files in here.

Before you hit the "Install" or "Update" button though, copy the installer to another location on your drive, this way you will still have a copy after installation is completed.

One thing I always do is to Uninstall AMC before installing a new version:
Run Uninstall first, then run Install.

Here we go again with another verifying window that seem to be stuck, showing no progress. Again be patient, it takes a couple minutes.