Showing posts with label Vimeo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vimeo. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2020

Is Vimeo Not Reseting 5GB "Plus" Weekly Quota In Time?

It's Monday January 20, 2020 in Los Angeles, I uploaded my last video on January 17.

Vimeo alerts: "You've used 81% of your weekly storage limit, Upgrade". "Quota 4GB of 5GB, Upgrade". "Your weekly limit will reset on January 18 at 11:50 PST."

"WILL RESET ON JANUARY 18" ??? What? Hello?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Publish to Vimeo from, and Publish to YouTube and Facebook from there!

I use for clients reviews, I use Vimeo for storing final videos.

New to is the ability to push a (finished/approved) video to Vimeo - from within!
You need to link your Vimeo account, of course, and there it is! I say: pretty cool feature!

When the video is on Vimeo, you have the capability from there to push it to Social Platforms, namely YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Mighty convenient if you ask me, when you have to have the same video on all platforms quickly.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Why is Vimeo Player so sluggish and unresponsive???

Vimeo, please address your Player sluggish behavior ASAP. It's unbelievable how slow and unresponsive the Vimeo Player is right now.

Often one wants to pause and back a little to replay something that one didn't catch right away. IMPOSSIBLE at the moment, as Vimeo player gets stuck into limbo. The smallest click backward will freeze the whole thing.

It's incredible frustrating, we shouldn't have to buffer the entire video to be able to swing forward and backward with ease, its 2017. Please make it better, please!