Showing posts with label Keyframe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keyframe. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to Copy and Paste keyframes from Object to Group in Apple Motion

You might think that's not possible to copy keyframes from an object to another object or a Group in Motion, but it is totally doable.

The trick is to first Select the Object in the Keyframe editor. By default it is not selected and the Paste function does not work.

Keyframes added on the Circle Object

Select all (Command A) and Copy (Command C)

Trying to Paste to a different Group or Object (Command V), nothing happens :((, no Keyframes added. That's because you must first select the Group or Object.

First Select the Group, then Paste, Boom! Keyframes added.

First Select the Rectangle Object, then Paste... Wham! Keyframes added!