Thursday, December 15, 2016


Yeah baby, macOs Sierra, 10.12! 

I'm careful, I'm doing a fresh install on a fresh SSD on a MacPro 3.2Ghz quad core.

(I'm still on Yosemite on my other machines, I decided to skip 10.11 El Capitan altogether.)

So far so good, Os installed, Os updated, no problemo. Apple Pro Apps installed: FCPX, Motion, Compressor, all good.

Signed-in and installed Adobe Creative Cloud, PP, AE, PS, AI, AU, AME, all went smoothly, I even installed PP CS6 to have Encore handy, all are launching fine.

I had to migrate my font collection, and had a few red flags from Font Book. Not sure why. I didn't install the flagged fonts to stay safe.

(Note to self: I will try to keep this system drive as light and clean as possible.)

Next, I need to install Avid MC, BMD Desktop Video, Resolve and Fusion. Then ProTools, Waves and other plug-ins.

And then I need to TEST everything out! Will update soon.

---Update 4-17
All is dandy and four months (and a couple Sierra uppdates) later the main Mac is still purring nicely, nothing weird to note. So I will be updating my second machine as soon as I have some time to do so. Then the third machine should follow suit promptly.

FCPX 10.3, Motion 5.3 and Compressor 4.3 are out!

But damn it, they only run on El Capitan OS X 10.11.4 or later - I have to upgrade the OS.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How to prevent iTunes to automatically start when connecting a bluetooth speaker? Yes, how???

I've had it with iTunes automatically starting when I connect my bluetooth speaker. I checked bluetooth preferences, could not find anything there. I checked iTunes preferences, nothing there either.

Finally I removed iTunesHelper from the Login Items in my user account under System Preferences/Users and Groups, and YES! After restarting iTunes stays put when I connect the bluetooth speaker.

If you want to bring it back for some reason, the is inside the package. Right-click onto Package Content, inside MacOS folder you will see the, select it and drag it to the Login Items window, voilà.

Unfortunately this DOES NOT WORK!  Damned it!
I don't know why iTunes didn't launch last time, now it's just back to its old ways. No matter the iTunesHelper presence, or absence of from the Login Items, as soon as I turn my bluetooth speaker iTunes stubbornly starts... I need a solution to this madness!!!

I left a message on the iTunes feedback page, please do the same and ask Apple to give us the choice: auto start iTunes when a bluetooth gizmo is connected, or do nothing. I need the later. The more users are requesting this, the better chances are Apple will listen. Thank you!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Premiere Pro: "This project contained a sequence that could not be opened..."


I need to do a quick fix on a short film, I'm launching Premiere to work on the cut, I duplicated the Project file first to work on a new increment.

Adobe flashes a window asking of I want to use the 7 days Demo mode, or if I want to sign-in??? I do sign-in. Premiere then takes a good 3+min. to launch, loading all the components.

Finally it's up, I open my duplicated Project and... Premiere starts with an error:
"This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."

Lovely. Don't we all need this level of stress added to our everyday professional life?

Looking for the problem, I find this page:

Oh boy... I don't want to spend three hours troubleshooting this damn app. My blood pressure is raising.

I will take it one baby step at a time, I'll quit Premiere and relaunch as starter.

Premiere takes another 3+min. to launch.

I open the Project, and... Yeah! This time it loads just fine. I duplicate my Cut19 Sequence, rename it Cut20, and off I go.


So if you get that error message, before jumping the gun and going into full-on troubleshooting mode, just quit and start Premiere again.
