Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How to prevent iTunes to automatically start when connecting a bluetooth speaker? Yes, how???

I've had it with iTunes automatically starting when I connect my bluetooth speaker. I checked bluetooth preferences, could not find anything there. I checked iTunes preferences, nothing there either.

Finally I removed iTunesHelper from the Login Items in my user account under System Preferences/Users and Groups, and YES! After restarting iTunes stays put when I connect the bluetooth speaker.

If you want to bring it back for some reason, the is inside the package. Right-click onto Package Content, inside MacOS folder you will see the, select it and drag it to the Login Items window, voilà.

Unfortunately this DOES NOT WORK!  Damned it!
I don't know why iTunes didn't launch last time, now it's just back to its old ways. No matter the iTunesHelper presence, or absence of from the Login Items, as soon as I turn my bluetooth speaker iTunes stubbornly starts... I need a solution to this madness!!!

I left a message on the iTunes feedback page, please do the same and ask Apple to give us the choice: auto start iTunes when a bluetooth gizmo is connected, or do nothing. I need the later. The more users are requesting this, the better chances are Apple will listen. Thank you!

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