Friday, October 12, 2018

Adobe Encore CS6 still works on macOS 10.14 Mojave

Event though DVD Studio Pro is deprecated, Adobe Encore CS6 is still kicking on Mojave and with it the ability to author (relatively simple) DVD and Blu-ray Discs.
Check this previous post for how to download Encore CS6. You cannot install Adobe Media Encoder CS6 anymore though, so you are loosing the ability to encode Dolby AC3 audio with Adobe. Fortunately for us Mac users, we have Compressor for that!
And by the way DVD Player is still there on Mojave, only buried under: System/Library/CoreServices/Applications.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

macOS How To Migrate Your Fonts and Fonts Collections

I do not migrate my complete user profile when I upgrade to a new macOS, I prefer to start clean. Less problems this way, less trouble shooting.

One thing I find annoying is I have to lug my Fonts from the previous OS to the new one. I have over 700 Fonts in my FontBook and they are all ORGANIZED into Collections.

I'll show you how to bring in all your fonts AND your Fonts Collections into your new system, follow along.

Obviously you keep a copy/clone of your old OS boot drive just in case something does not work in the new one and you need access to a specific app: boot from the clone and  PRONTO! You're in business.

1) Start your computer from the new OS boot drive. Mount your old OS boot drive.

2) Go to your previous OS home folder / Library / Fonts. Copy all the Fonts content from that folder and Paste it into the new OS home folder / Library / Fonts.

3) Go to your previous home folder / Library / FontCollections. Copy all the FontCollections content from that folder and Paste it into the new OS home folder / Library / FontCollections.
Copy from old OS boot drive / Users / "your user" / Library / Fonts
(And then do the same with FontCollections)

Paste to new OS Home folder / Library / Fonts
(And then do the same with FontCollections)

4) Open Font Book and check that everything is in order.

5) Enjoy!  You are welcome!

Note: if you do not see the Library folder, select your Home folder in the Finder Sidebar, then Select View, Show View Options, check the box "Show Library Folder".

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Apple macOS 10.14 Mojave is up and running!

Mojave is now running on cMP 5,1 Intel 6 core 3.46GHz, Radeon 7950 (Metal compatible), 32GB RAM. It needed a firmware update prior to install.
After that was done, Mojave installed just fine. I made sure to disconnect all RAID and single media drives just in case. 
Done installing.

Firmware has been updated to Boot ROM Version

Only thing not working is Airdrop sharing. Apparently cMP 2012 are not compatible

AirDrop system requirements

To share between a Mac and an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you need any of these devices and operating systems:
That's a real drag Apple!

Working on a short and small multicam project in FCPX 10.4.3 with 4K footage in a 1080p Timeline. I'm letting FCPX transcode the XAVC Long GOP and h264 originals to ProRes422.

Slowly working with the originals until all the transcoding is finished in the background. I can perform basic editing in Multicam mode without much problem although it is pretty sluggish each time I stop/play or try to scrub.

After transcode and waveform generation is completed, everything is very responsive. Moving quickly through the first cut. No weird behavior, no hangs to report.

Exporting a h264 one pass TC screener via Send To Compressor was at first about real time: 15min. Timeline compressed in 15min. After the second and third export for screener 2 and 3 the time went down to 8-7min so half real time. Not too bad.

Just tried a few BruceX exports and got 44sec. Not great, not too disgusting either.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Random "Modified File" message in FCPX - Offline Media.

I'm being hit by a random media getting offlined by FCPX. The Clips show the Message: "Modified File", even though nothing changed to my knowledge.

Relinking doesn't work, weirdly. FCPX shows the proper file name, but trying to reconnect to the actual media does not work.

I thought of re-importing and manually replacing the clips, but what seems to miraculously work is to actually drag the offending media file from the Finder into the Browser.

All of a sudden the media gets recognized and the clips are re-linked and online again.


Getting Stuck With Apple's iOS "Apple media terms and conditions have changed" Blank Page / Nothing Happens

This stupid bug has been going for a while now, tracing back to iOS 8, people -me included- are still facing this with iOS 11.

At some point Apple updates its Terms and Conditions and forces you to accept them in order to download new apps from the App Store.

But again and again when the user clicks the OK button she is faced with a BLANK SCREEN. Nothing happens. And after quitting the App Store and trying to download again, same scenario. BLANK SCREEN nothing happens.

Like other users I've tried everything: quit the App Store, log-out, log-in, restart the device, wait for 5min., wait for 10min., in any order, NOTHING WORKS.

- This is the ONLY THING THAT WORKED for me - WARNING you must have access to an Apple Computer.

Create a new account, open App Store on your Mac, log-in WITH THE SAME CREDENTIALS you use on your iOS device.

Download a random App. At which point Apple will flash the "Apple media terms and conditions have changed" message. Click OK, log-out.


Now if you go back to your iOS device, the message WILL NOT SHOW since you've already accepted the terms on your computer. Is this STUPID or what?

Really Apple, really?

Monday, September 24, 2018

Apple's macOS Mojave 10.14 is Upon Us! How to make a bootable USB installer

Apple just released macOS 10.14 Mojave!


Mojave is brand new, and even though it is stable a lot of plug-ins, apps and add-ons shenanigans are not yet 100% compatible. So BEWARE and TEST your stuff before diving-in. I have a Mule machine that I load with new installs for my own tests, and I'm very thorough and prudent. I won't upgrade my main system before some time.

Apple conveniently explains how to make a bootable USB flash drive installer with Mojave  in this support page, using the 'createinstallmedia' command in Terminal.

But first, download Mojave from the Apple Store, and Quit the installation when the installer opens.

Mojave install file is 5.7GB according to Apple.

Check that your computer and graphic card are on the list

For MacPro owners like myself, the upgraded graphic card must be Metal capable:

macOS Mojave requires a graphics card that supports Metal, an Apple technology that lets the system and apps efficiently tap into the capabilities of today’s graphics processors (GPUs). The graphics cards offered by Apple in Mac Pro (Mid 2010) and Mac Pro (Mid 2012) don't have GPUs that support Metal, so these systems require upgraded graphics cards in order to install macOS Mojave.

And for some reason you must be on High Sierra before the upgrade:

Before you upgrade to macOS Mojave on these Mac Pro models, you need to update to macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 and then make sure that your graphics card is compatible. You also need to turn off FileVault. First, use the Mac App Store to update your operating system to macOS High Sierra 10.13.6. Don't upgrade your Mac Pro (Mid 2010) or Mac Pro (Mid 2012) to macOS Mojave directly from macOS versions prior to 10.13.6.

I will soon install Mojave on my second MacPro machine and will report any hiccups with my usual apps in future posts. Let me know how it performs on your system in the comments below. Cheers!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Publish to Vimeo from, and Publish to YouTube and Facebook from there!

I use for clients reviews, I use Vimeo for storing final videos.

New to is the ability to push a (finished/approved) video to Vimeo - from within!
You need to link your Vimeo account, of course, and there it is! I say: pretty cool feature!

When the video is on Vimeo, you have the capability from there to push it to Social Platforms, namely YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Mighty convenient if you ask me, when you have to have the same video on all platforms quickly.