Monday, October 1, 2018

Getting Stuck With Apple's iOS "Apple media terms and conditions have changed" Blank Page / Nothing Happens

This stupid bug has been going for a while now, tracing back to iOS 8, people -me included- are still facing this with iOS 11.

At some point Apple updates its Terms and Conditions and forces you to accept them in order to download new apps from the App Store.

But again and again when the user clicks the OK button she is faced with a BLANK SCREEN. Nothing happens. And after quitting the App Store and trying to download again, same scenario. BLANK SCREEN nothing happens.

Like other users I've tried everything: quit the App Store, log-out, log-in, restart the device, wait for 5min., wait for 10min., in any order, NOTHING WORKS.

- This is the ONLY THING THAT WORKED for me - WARNING you must have access to an Apple Computer.

Create a new account, open App Store on your Mac, log-in WITH THE SAME CREDENTIALS you use on your iOS device.

Download a random App. At which point Apple will flash the "Apple media terms and conditions have changed" message. Click OK, log-out.


Now if you go back to your iOS device, the message WILL NOT SHOW since you've already accepted the terms on your computer. Is this STUPID or what?

Really Apple, really?

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