Friday, October 21, 2016

Premiere vs. FCPX - Part 4

When there are lots of media files inside a folder (I have folders with 800 files in them) Premiere does not load all media and skips files (randomly? I can't tell...) That's NOT GOOD! How am I supposed to track what's been ingested, and of what's not???

I talked to the DP and he was referring to a particular shot that I had not seen in my bins. Bizarre, I had to go back to the drive to look at the original media, and bingo! The shot was there and it had not been imported! I had to go through all my import bins, and I found out a bunch of files that were missing, I had to re-import them one by one. Adobe you MUST FIX this!


Now, what?  I needed to use my media drive onto another machine, when I came back to continue editing in Premiere it lost track of some files... Why is that?  It's the same drive, same folders, same folder structure. How is that possible? Got the relink window open waiting for me to point at media files... Forget this.

OK so after I closed everything and restarted and launched Premiere and opened the project again, the third time Premiere started finding the missing media by itself, good.  Now it's recreating waveform and all this crap, so I got to wait.   All right, the cut is back, at least nothing is missing.

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