Thursday, October 16, 2014

NLEs Timetable

Just for fun...

1989 Avid

1990 Lightworks

1991 Premiere 

1993 Media 100

1995 Casablanca (Macrosystem)

1999 Final Cut Pro

2000 Vegas (Sony 2000-2004?)

2003 Edius (Canopus)

2007 SpeedEdit (Newtek)

2011 FCPX


1971 CMX 600
1984 EditDroid (Lucasfilm)
1995 DraCo
Renomee Plus (Macrosystems)
Pinnacle Studio
Ulead Video Studio (Corel)
Fina Cut Express
Avid Free DV
DPS Perception RT
Velocity HD

FCPX (10.1.3) Adjustment Layer is de-activating Crossfade to Color transition

If I had an adjustment layer on top of a clip with a Crossfade to Color transition applied, the transition would be ignored.

This was a problem in early versions of FCPX, it has been fixed in FCPX 10.1.3

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

FCPX (10.1.3) Media Offline - (Opening a Library with Media that's been moved to a different HD)

When I complete a project, I move the entire folder from my working Raid drive to a set of backup drives.

Sometime I need to open the Library to check something, or re-export something, or to create a new cut from the old one.

If it's a small thing, I will not copy the whole folder back onto the working Raid, I just want to open it on the backup drive.

First I duplicate the Library, so to keep the old version as-is.

Then I open the duplicate, but when I do, the Media shows OFFLINE.

I need to Relink files to the actual location, i.e. the Media Folder (I have my media external) onto the backup drive:

- Select the Event containing the footage
- Go to: File / Relink Files
- Relink Missing, Locate All
- Select the first File in the list that match.

FCPX will check and recognize the candidates and ask you:

"Click Choose to verify matches for XXX of XXX files found."

Click Choose, and Bam! They're all relinked. Sweet.

Avid MC 8.1.0 and Canon C300 footage

In order to AMA Link Canon C300 footage, you need to install Canon's XF Plugin 64 for AMA (2.0.3 in my case I'm on MacOS 10.9.4)

Canon XF Plugin 64 for Avid Media Access 2.0.3 [Mac OS X]

Available here:

It will appear as MVP_Canon X64 2.0 in the Console (AMA_ListPlugins)