Wednesday, October 1, 2014

FCPX (10.1.3) Media Offline - (Opening a Library with Media that's been moved to a different HD)

When I complete a project, I move the entire folder from my working Raid drive to a set of backup drives.

Sometime I need to open the Library to check something, or re-export something, or to create a new cut from the old one.

If it's a small thing, I will not copy the whole folder back onto the working Raid, I just want to open it on the backup drive.

First I duplicate the Library, so to keep the old version as-is.

Then I open the duplicate, but when I do, the Media shows OFFLINE.

I need to Relink files to the actual location, i.e. the Media Folder (I have my media external) onto the backup drive:

- Select the Event containing the footage
- Go to: File / Relink Files
- Relink Missing, Locate All
- Select the first File in the list that match.

FCPX will check and recognize the candidates and ask you:

"Click Choose to verify matches for XXX of XXX files found."

Click Choose, and Bam! They're all relinked. Sweet.

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