Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Avid MC 8.1.0 and Canon C300 footage

In order to AMA Link Canon C300 footage, you need to install Canon's XF Plugin 64 for AMA (2.0.3 in my case I'm on MacOS 10.9.4)

Canon XF Plugin 64 for Avid Media Access 2.0.3 [Mac OS X]

Available here:

It will appear as MVP_Canon X64 2.0 in the Console (AMA_ListPlugins)


  1. I installed the Canon XF Plugin 64 for Mediaaccess 2.0.3 on Mediacomposer 8.1 on Mac OS X Maverick 10.9.5 but don't manage to AMA-link Canon C300 MXF files. Any hint as to what I could do? My Mediacomposer-Installation is brand-new.

    1. I'm on 10.9.4, maybe the Canon plug-in needs an update for 10.9.5.

      Did you "AMA_ListPlugins" in the Console, and do you see the Canon Plug-in listed there?
