Monday, September 12, 2016

IBC 2016 Avid feel the b(md)urn!

So now BMD has the whole apps deal:
- A NLE (which need more work for sure) and a robust image finishing solution in an all-in-one platform: Resolve,
- A robust GFX solution: Fusion,
- The seeds for a robust audio finishing solution: Fairlight.

Are you feeling the burn Avid? Yes obviously you are! Good!

Get ready to lower your prices though, because I don't think BMD will offer Fairlight "Studio" software-only at $999, no, no, I think more like $450ish, but I might be wrong.

Think for a second, we''ll get a free version as well, just so it matches the rest of BMD software offering. Eh, eh, and I bet it will have 5.1 capabilities. Maybe if it does not, you can kill this sorry ProTools FirstFree of yours Avid.

Difference between Fairlight "Studio" and free? More than 48 I/O, beyond 256 tracks, 256 busses, 256 inserts; beyond 5.1 (7.1, Dolby Atmos, etc.)

Then you'll be able to buy some crazy modular Fairlight hardware: tactile mixer, I/O boxes, DSP galore, and more starting at a few thousand $.

If I were BMD, I would split Resolve and the NLE. Ala FCP "legacy" + Apple Color. But FCPX, Premiere and Avid are still big players and competitors. And after all, Apple Color got killed eventually, so... What do I know.

What to make of all this? Well, I expect Avid to do the right move and up its offering all the while lowering their prices. It won't take long for BMD to set foot into the ProTools sandbox, and if PT is not significantly more attractive it will perish. As I said you can forget ProTools First, and ProTools vanilla will quickly start to look pretty limited.

Avid has really made huge progresses with Media Composer, thanks to the pressure exercised by Adobe and Apple, maybe they will continue to push ProTools to keep competing.  I say it's good news for us users in the long run. Of course all manufacturers keep their promises more or less loosely... Right?

OK, who's next? Apple, something to announce maybe?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My favorite Premiere screen... Not!

Coffee time...

Merged clips are still unreliable in Premiere Pro CC 2015.4

This is an ongoing issue, since Merge Clips feature has been added, since CS5.5, what the hell is Adobe doing?

Merge a video file with a separate sound file, great, auto syncing to audio waveform works just fine.

Then slice this long merged clip into subclips in the Timeline, all is good.

But then try to Option or Command+Drag select clips to a bin, everything goes to hell!

Premiere looses the video, looses the in/out points, creates a subclip that has nothing to do with the selected clip.  It's all wrong.

It's an issue - (and many more related to Merged clips) that's been documented since 2014, CS5.5...  Hello Adobe?  When is a fix coming?

Monday, August 29, 2016

Mac OSX 10.10.5 does not Search in Library folder? Why?

Mac OSX 10.10.5 does not Search inside the Library folder, that's a pity.

- All categories are selected in the Spotlight preferences in System Prefs.

- I tried the "System files - are included" trick, nothing.

- I tried the Search: "filename:the_actual_file_name" query trick, nothing.

Does someone know how to tweak Mac OS to perform Searches inside the Library folder???

Avid Application Manager - Pro Tools Plugins installers location Mac OsX

FYI, Avid Application Manager downloads Pro Tools Plugins installers into the following folder:

Mac HD/Library/Caches/Avid/AppManager/Downloads

After a particular installation is complete, the Avid installer removes itself from the Download folder.

So if you want to save the installers in order to avoid downloading again, make a copy prior to installing.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Avid MC (previously 8.5.3) rock n' roll

Updated to (8.5.3) without any problem, running fine on Mac OS 10.10.5 Yosemite.

One thing I've noticed: it now wants 2048 MB of GPU Memory...  I got only half that much on this machine, so GPU accel is disabled. Well...

It's loosing my Font size settings, so I get to set that again: Make a particular Window active and then go to:  Menu / Window / "Set Font..." and set them again to what it used to be... BIG! As I like them.  Unfortunately this does not apply to the Effects tab. And neither to the Info tab for that matter, though I don't care much about Info, but Effects yes I do, and that's too small for me.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pro Tools "The Video Engine had an unrecoverable error."

Avid!  Why do Pro Tools QuickTime Server [2679] and QuickTime_OPServer [2690] are freaking NOT RESPONDING?

And likely this is causing all the stupid Video Engine errors that are constantly plaguing the system:

By the way, the Avid Video Engine is opened TWICE in the Activity Monitor, and each instance is eating 3GB of memory!  That's 6GB to (NOT) play a video file? What?

Do something already!

Duh!?  What do you think?

And no it' not BMD or AJA drivers, they are both UNINSTALLED on this system.
ProTools Avid Video Engine is way too temperamental, guess what, it's 2016 Avid!  People are running their soft on all kinds of machines, with all kinds of codecs THERE IS NO EXCUSE, make the thing WORK!

Really? Plain ProRes 422, no it's certainly NOT MISSING.

Once the Session opens fine, once it doesn't because of the finicky Video Engine, this is crap!  Why did you have to fudge with the working video function as it was?  We just want to put a damn film in the video track and play it in sync with the audio.  That's IT!  Is this difficult or what?

Are you too busy taking basic functionality out of the low-end systems to give a shit?  For what I can see online, even the HD systems are plagued by errors:

Why would film and TV pros want to spend any money on you?  Here is a tip for you: drop PT First, drop PT/PTHD segregation. Just make ONE piece of amazing software: "PRO TOOLS" that does it ALL and WORKS on anything, with or without hardware. Sell it for $40/mo, sell the hardware separately, sell the plugins separately, and then focus on customer service = fixing bugs and making enhancements as fast as you can. You cannot sell any hardware nor plugins if the core app is not working.
Put your shit together and fix it now because confidence in your brand continues to erode and you will soon be left with nothing.