Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Vimeo Direct Links Look Crappy, Display Self-Serving Banner And Button

 Vimeo has decided to force promoting itself on the back of its users by displaying a huge banner and a "Join Vimeo" button on every shared link.

Look at this crap. I share these links with clients! It's ugly! Instead of a clean display, we get a self serving prominent banner that actually OBSCURES the title of the video! What is this Vimeo?

As this was not enough, you have to add a "Join Vimeo" button on top of it? Do you really thing it's the way to get new people to sign for your services Vimeo?

There is no way for me to turn off this banner and that button. The viewer/client has to click on the banner to make it disappear, after seeing how ugly and invasive it is...

In addition, there is no way to turn the "Like" button off either, even though there is a Player setting to turn it on or off, the direct link disregards the off preference.

 I've complained to Vimeo already, some doofus pretended to not understand my email, and instead sent a long answer about embed code, which this is not.

Vimeo direct links now look like a sack of balls. Thanks Vimeo! Well done!

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