Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Adobe Auto-Update F%$#@ery

 Adobe is shoving auto-update down our throats at every turn. Again today CC app is STUCK in update mode because it turned auto-update on BY ITSELF and decided to start the updating without me knowing. Only I turned the computer off as it was doing it, and since then has been stuck. Stupid Adobe, when will you let the user decide what s/he wants to do?

Idiotic Adobe trying to sneak an auto-update and FAILING! Which by the way #$cks-up Activity Monitor as well, just to make sure that you cannot see what's happening.

All right, next I go to Adobe Creative Cloud folder and run the Uninstaller. Because the only thing that has worked in the past when Adobe CC is stuck is to do that.
Only now Adobe is a bit more savvy and offer to repair the stupid installer that get stuck each time it's interrupted. Fine, I'll run the repair.

And so it goes, great.

Almost there.

Ah! Not so fast! Adobe needs to update first...

Finally we get somewhere.

You can see here that I am turning the freaking CC auto-update OFF, like I always do. It does not matter because sure as hell Adobe will auto update CC anyway next time, count on it.

And here is an additional fu%$ery by Adobe as soon as you hit any app's update button:

Ah! Ah! Ah! Really Adobe? I see, trying to force users to auto-update apps at every corner!
Do yourself a favor and click CANCEL. Adobe, NO ONE WANTS TO AUTO-UPDATE APPS, or auto update anything really. It's a recipe for disaster when you are in the middle of a job, at best you're gonna loose precious time to cancel/stop/install a previous version. Auto-update is  BULLS%^t!  Don't do it! Make sure to go to Preferences and double check that it is turned off.

See, after clicking Cancel the MANUAL update goes through.

Again, make sure auto-update is OFF, else turn it off here (in Preferences / Apps.)

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