Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How To Change Gnucash Font Size On macOS Mojave 10.14.6

 Gnucash is a great Open Source accounting software, but the default fonts are quite small (Arial 10pt) there is no easy way to make the fonts bigger.

On top of it there seem to be many esoteric ways to achieve that outcome, which make searching for and finding a proper how-to quite daunting.

This is how I did it on macOS Mojave:

1) Go to the

2) Right click and Show Package Content

3) Navigate to: Content/Resources/share/doc/gnucash

4) Select and COPY the file "gtk-3.0.css"

5) Navigate to: Mac HD/Users/Your Home Folder/Library/Application Support/GnuCash

6) Copy the file "gtk-3.0.css" into the GnuCash folder

7) Open the file with Text Edit

8) it  will look like the below lines of codes. Change the size of fonts (highlighted) to your liking and SAVE.

9) Restart Gnucash

10) You are welcome.

=== Content of "gtk-3.0.css" after opening it with Text Edit ===

/* This is an example GTK CSS file that can be used with Gnucash.

   Simply copy this file to the location specified below according

   to your platform and then restart gnucash.

  - Windows: CSIDL_APPDATA/GnuCash

    (or the default is users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash)

  - OS X: $HOME/Application Support/GnuCash

  - Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gnucash

    (or the default is $HOME/.config/gnucash)

  These settings are mainly to do with register colors and can be seen

  when the preference setting 'Register\Use GnuCash built-in color theme'

  is unset.

  Note: Widgets obtained from Glade files will not be addressable

  directly by name as these are not brought in when loaded, only

  the widget type can be configured unless they are named in code.


/* Application wide font setting */

* {

  font: 10px arial;


/* Scollbar size */

scrollbar slider {

    /* Size of the slider */

    min-width: 20px;

    min-height: 20px;

    border-radius: 22px;

    /* Padding around the slider */

    border: 5px solid transparent;


/* Register sheet font setting */

gnc-id-sheet {

  font: 10px arial;


/* Register header font setting */

gnc-id-header {

  background-color: pink;



/* Register cursor font setting */

gnc-id-cursor {

  background-color: #BDB76B;

  color: white;


gnc-id-cursor button {

  border-width: 1px;

  border-color: green;


/* Register sheet calendar */

gnc-id-sheet calendar {

  font: 10px arial;


  border-color: green;

  border-width: 1px;


/* Register User Colors, remove 'user' for builtin register values */

.gnc-class-user-register-header {

  background-color: seagreen;

  color: white;


.gnc-class-user-register-primary {

  background-color: pink;


.gnc-class-user-register-primary:disabled {

  background-color: plum;


.gnc-class-user-register-secondary {

  background-color: lightgreen;


.gnc-class-user-register-secondary:disabled {

  background-color: plum;


.gnc-class-user-register-split {

  background-color: lightblue;


.gnc-class-user-register-split:disabled {

  background-color: plum;


.gnc-class-user-register-cursor {

  background-color: #00BFFF;

  color: white;

  border-radius: 0px;


/* Toolbar Button size and spacing */

toolbar {

  background-color: darkgrey;


/* Toolbar font size, 0 to remove text */

toolbar toolbutton label {

  font-size: 0px;


toolbar toolbutton button {

  padding-left: 4px;

  padding-right: 4px;


toolbar toolbutton label {

  padding-left: 4px;

  padding-right: 4px;


/* Negative number color */

.gnc-class-negative-numbers {

  color: orange;


/* Gnucash Main Window, reduce size */

#gnc-id-main-window notebook tab {

  min-height: 0px;

  min-width: 0px;

  padding-top: 3px;

  padding-bottom: 3px;

  margin-top: 0px;

  margin-bottom: 0px;

  border-top: 0px;

  border-bottom: 0px;


#gnc-id-main-window notebook label {

  font: 14px arial, sans-serif;


#gnc-id-main-window notebook tab button {

  min-height: 0;

  min-width: 0;

  padding: 0px;

  margin-top: 0px;

  margin-bottom: 0px;


/* Dense Calendar Settings, use widget name gnc-id-dense-calendar

 * or gtk css name calendar which would also apply to other calendar

 * widgets */

#gnc-id-dense-calendar .frame {

  border-color: blue;

  border-width: 1px;


calendar .frame {

  border-color: blue;

  border-width: 1px;


#gnc-id-dense-calendar .header {

 background-color: lightgreen;


calendar .header {

 background-color: lightgreen;


#gnc-id-dense-calendar .primary {

  background-color: darksalmon;


#gnc-id-dense-calendar .secondary {

  background-color: darkseagreen;


#gnc-id-dense-calendar .markers {

  background-color: indianred;


#gnc-id-dense-calendar-popup {

  background-color: darksalmon;

  color: black;


#gnc-id-dense-calendar-popup treeview {

  background-color: lightcoral;


/* Progress bar */

progressbar progress {

  background-color: lime;


/* Status Bar */

statusbar frame {

  margin-top: 0px;

  margin-bottom: 0px;


statusbar label {

  font-size: 12px;

  color: red;


/* Reconcile Window */

#gnc-id-reconcile-totals * {

  background-color: darkgrey;


.gnc-class-credits treeview {

  background-color: pink;


.gnc-class-credits treeview:selected {

  background-color: cornflowerblue;

  color: white;


.gnc-class-debits treeview {

  background-color: lightblue;


.gnc-class-debits treeview:selected {

  background-color: cornflowerblue;

  color: white;


/* Highlight Text */

.gnc-class-highlight {

  color: blue;


/* Summary bar */

#gnc-id-summarybar {



#gnc-id-summarybar .gnc-class-highlight {

  color: red;


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