Monday, January 17, 2022

Adobe Hates You. If You Ever Cancel An Adobe App Install From CC App, You Will Be Stuck There For A Long Time

 This is so infuriating Adobe, I clicked to install Premiere and realized I needed to do something before I installed, so I clicked Cancel...

And Now all that CC App is showing is "Canceling". And it's not going away.

So stupid, so retarded. I bet no one even in-house testers never ever clicked Cancel on an install. Right? Never tested. If you had you would have seen this stupid situation.

What are we supposed to do Adobe? I've been waiting for 20min. already. Restarting CC App does nothing. I cannot Sign Out, it's greyed out.

OK, enough, I am uninstalling CC. Of course it too is stuck in Adobe nowhere land of stupid. Nothing is happening, great.

 Finally 5min. later it has been uninstalled.

Of course the installer is nowhere to be found having been removed from my download folder by Adobe, without asking for permission. Fine, I'll re-download the installer and re-install. 5 more minutes later, here we go installing Premiere again... Do not press Cancel!
Yeah, yeah, Apple Silicon, blah, blah. 

OK looks like it's happening, fingers crossed.

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