Thursday, May 4, 2023

Apple Numbers, How To Copy / Paste Text And Adjust Columns

 When Copying/Pasting Text in Apple Numbers, it often creates too many columns, using what feels like random separators. The result is sometimes hair pulling...

Now there is a way to adjust things, but it is not obvious, and you have to be quick to spot it because it quickly disappears unless you click on it right away.

What I'm talking about is the "Table data was imported and can be adjusted." Pop-up Button.

Once you click on this button, you are presented with an Import Settings window in which you can tweak a few things, including how many columns you want in fine. Very useful.

Here is a screen capture sequence so you can see how it works:

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Safari Decided to Reset All My Open Windows to Empty Start Pages

 Lovely Apple. I always have Safari Windows open from previous sessions, that reminds me that I have to go and read, or do something about each one.

Today Safari decided to reset all my open windows to empty Start Pages. In the process I lost all my train of thoughts, all the things I was in the process of doing are now lost. Thank you Apple.

I had started Bookmarking a bunch of these pages, knowing that they had accumulated badly, but I wasn't done yet with all of them.

So now I have to peruse through my History and try to salvage what I can. Again, thank you Apple.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

RED Raw Files Become Black In Final Cut Pro

 Often when opening an old library, FCP doesn't read or recognize RED raw files properly, and displays black clips instead. Audio plays fine, but there is no image. The RED plugin is properly installed, and the clips are online.

A way to force FCP to read these files properly is to hold Option+Command at launch which will reset FCP preferences. Then as it rebuilds previews and all, magically the RED clips images re-appear.

I wish there was another way to force FCP to read RED files without having to erase the prefs. If it exists I have not find it.

EDIT: Another way :)

 Today I had yet another case of black Red footage in FCP. Going to the clip Settings, even though clicking on Modify RED Raw Settings and changing the values does nothing to help, I noticed a message from FCP saying something like "Cannot modify .RMD file, make sure it is not used by another application", or something like that.

So I thought about permissions. I went and set the entire media drive to Ignore Ownership on this Volume / Apply to enclose items.

Lo and behold, after restarting FCP normally (without resetting preferences), it fixed the problem, R3D files are back to normal.

EDIT: This darned "bug" is still creeping out :/

Again today the R3D files are black, what a pain. This happens on spanned clips by the way. In any case, today the simple solution was to restart FCP. That's it.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Final Cut 10.6.5 Share h264 Video + Audio Settings, Result Is Audio Only ?! It's A🪳

 Final Cut Pro 10.6.5, Monterey 12.6.1 on Mac M1 continues to give me a hard time. Today I'm exporting (Share) a h264 preset, two projects at once.

The first Project exports correctly. The second one does not, I get a notice: Share has failed.

Resulting in a QT file for the second Project has no video in it, only audio... What is going on???

Upon restarting FCP, the Export / Share goes through no problem.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Epic Games Launcher 14.4.1 On Mac M1, Unreal Engine Tab Is Slow, And Buggy 🐛🪲

 Why is Epic Games Laucher soooo sticky and buggy on Mac?

Each time I go browse for an asset, click on the asset to see the details, and if I click the back button, or if I go browse again, this is what I get:

Epic Games Launcher is STUCK, endlessly spinning

Not good Epic Games! The only way to get out of the endless spiral is to click on the Library, or on the Store Tab, and then click on the Unreal Engine tab again to force reload... It's terrible and slows down operations. Please fix this.

It's really annoying that any filtering is lost when you go browse a different category. I'd like to set my filtering to UE 5.1 and MacOs once and keep that selection always, no matter where I go browse.

Also please update the free content so that more is available for UE 5.1. I mean what's the point of touting the last shiny 5.1 version if there is little content for it?

Monday, December 19, 2022

Final Cut Pro 10.6.5 Corrupted Library / Project

 FCP has been pissing me off all day today 😡. After having a problem earlier with a Project Snapshot that I could not move, nor delete; FCP refused to Share on export and nothing happened...

I had to create a brand new Library, import my cuts / Projects, and all Media, while omitting the f$%ck@#p 🤬 Snapshot of course. And here goes a couple of hours.

Then I had to restart the computer because FCP still didn't want to export anything 😤.

Finally after restart it's behaving normally again. It's exporting, and the exported files look good. Pffui!.. 🥵

Final Cut Pro 10.6.5 The Operation Couldn't Be Completed. Invalid Argument. Error Message

 FCP 10.6.5 is giving me a hard time. I've created a Snapshot of a Project. I want to move the Snapshot from the Event it resides currently, into another Event.

FCP does not comply and gives me this error message:

The Operation Couldn't Be Completed. Invalid Argument.

Workaround: Duplicate the current Snapshot, then the new Snapshot can be moved to the other Event without problem.

Only... I cannot delete the original! FCP is being stubborn and I can't move this Snapshot to the trash. Something is rotten.