Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Epic Games Launcher 14.4.1 On Mac M1, Unreal Engine Tab Is Slow, And Buggy 🐛🪲

 Why is Epic Games Laucher soooo sticky and buggy on Mac?

Each time I go browse for an asset, click on the asset to see the details, and if I click the back button, or if I go browse again, this is what I get:

Epic Games Launcher is STUCK, endlessly spinning

Not good Epic Games! The only way to get out of the endless spiral is to click on the Library, or on the Store Tab, and then click on the Unreal Engine tab again to force reload... It's terrible and slows down operations. Please fix this.

It's really annoying that any filtering is lost when you go browse a different category. I'd like to set my filtering to UE 5.1 and MacOs once and keep that selection always, no matter where I go browse.

Also please update the free content so that more is available for UE 5.1. I mean what's the point of touting the last shiny 5.1 version if there is little content for it?

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