Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Apple Motion adjust Timeline duration

    To adjust Timeline duration in Motion:
- Click on the arrow located right to the counter display.
- From the drop down menu select: Show Project Duration.
- Adjust time by click+dragging into the HH:MM:SS:FF display.
- Then click on the arrow again and select back to Show Current Time to display cursor position.

Apple Motion and FCPX

I cannot import Motion files into FPX the way I did with FCP7.  But on Apple's website it says:
"Shared Render Engine
Final Cut Pro shares a render engine with Motion and Compressor for consistent speed and quality. The shared engine allows Motion templates to play back in Final Cut Pro without rendering. The engine renders in linear-light color space for exceptionally realistic results.

Well Motion templates, not really useful at this point.  
But then it also says:
"Shared Render Engine
Motion shares a render engine with Final Cut Pro and Compressor for consistent speed and quality across applications. The engine allows Motion projects to play back in Final Cut Pro without rendering, so you can get to work immediately."

Motion projects, OK great! But HOW??? Templates?  I don't see this working.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Apple FCPX OpenGL error 506 workaround

From time to time, FCPX 10.1.1 gets stuck rendering.
The background task hourglass is stuck in a 0% - 100% loop and nothing happens.
Up to now I had to restart each time this happens (several times a day) to get out of the dreaded loop.

For info, when force-quit Apple report says:

"Final Cut Pro[1385]: *** OpenGL error 0x0506 (invalid framebuffer operation) in function "GL_CHECK_CURRENT_ERROR"

This morning after getting stuck again, I clicked: Modify/ Render selection.  That got FCPX out of stuck mode and to render normally again!  No need to force-quit/restart!
So this might be a workaround until the problem gets fixed in future version.  Make sure that something is selected in the timeline/project. Shortcut: Control + R

--- Update (March 20):

It does not always work unfortunately, if I react took late, I cannot get out of the loop.
The weird thing is that sometimes several hours pass before I get the dreaded loop. And then it happens a lot. After a while, it does not appear again.  I can't figure a reason yet.

--- Update (April 23):

I've now worked several days and the dreaded loop has not showed up. ;)   Same project(s).
What's different?
- I moved all the media outside of the FCP bundle.
- I also purged a bunch of old rendered files.
- I moved all the media and the FCP bundle to a larger Raid drive. It was a similar Raid before, but smaller, with only a few 100'sGB of free space left. Now I have several TBs of free space.

--- Update (May 9):
Alas... It's creeping back. Again I've been crippled by this error. Not sure why or when this happens. There is nothing in particular that I can pinpoint as the culprit.
If only I could use my Control + R in time, but I'm usually too late.  Cringe, cringe.

--- Update (much later)
Someone is asking if I figured this out... I don't remember!...

Since then I swapped my MacPro 3,1 for a MacPro 5,1 and all is fine.  I also upgraded to newer OsX (from Mavericks to Yosemite) and newer FCPX versions.

I believe upgrading FCPX to 10.1.2 and subsequent versions, and upgrading the OsX got me out of trouble on the MacPro 3,1: Yosemite=good, Mavericks = bad.

Another thing for sure is that I turned background rendering OFF in FCPX and that is now my default setting. This probably helped as well, or at least it sorts of became a non issue.

Let us know how it goes for you, and list your specs in the comments.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

FCPX 10.1.1 on Mac Pro 3,1 2008

FCPX 10.1.1 runs relatively smooth and fast, on Mac Pro 3,1.
OSX Mavericks, 16GB RAM, Sapphire Radeon 7950 Mac edition, BMD Mini Monitor PCIe.

It crashes occasionally, once every other day or so... But I have not lost a single move so far. i.e. after reloading, I'm right where I was before the crash.  Except for the Timeline randomly loading / closing projects.
It lags at times when I have the Inspector and the effects Browser open at once. It is smooth when they are closed.
See my other post about the Open GL error.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Final Cut Pro 7 Log & Transfer - Warning: do not play media while transcoding!

    In Final Cut Pro 7, viewing / playing back a clip while it's Log & Transfer transcoding is happening might lead to a incomplete transcode of the media - a truncated / shortened clip.

This happened to me several times with some Canon MXF and P2 footage.  And with short duration media for what I can tell.  Long media files seem to be immune.

So no playing around while transcoding, and for added safety, after the transcoding is complete, I check the duration of each clip against the original media duration  before I move on.  If they appear different, I trash the transcoded file/clip and re-transcode.

Why is that Apple?

Radeon 7950 Mac edition on MacPro 3,1 early 2008 OS X Mavericks

Reporting Radeon 7950 Mac edition in MacPro 3,1 working fine.
Plain Mavericks, no drivers installed (Sapphire or others.)
No glitch, no flicker, no lag, no hang to report after over 40hrs.  400hrs. of use.
--- Update (May)
I do get the occasional "flicker" reported by other users, on single monitor config, odd.
It's more like a "zap" though. It really happens rarely, but I noticed it up to three times on a single day while working in FCPX.
It's very short, less than a second and I didn't notice it before with two monitors attached.
Graphic card working well with FCPX, Motion, and Adobe CC suite (Premiere, AE, PS, AME.) 
Radeon 7950 3GB Mac edition
MacPro 3,1 early 2008
Quad Core Intel Xeon 2.8GHz
16GB Ram
OS X Mavericks 10.9.2 (upgraded from 10.9.1 clean install.)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Close all gaps in Final Cut Pro 7

    I always forget this one, so there it is:
- Move the last clip in the timeline to the upper empty video track.
- Select the gap into that upper track + hit and hold "delete".
It will effectively delete all gaps in the tracks below.