Showing posts with label Subtitles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subtitles. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Adobe Encore Error 11 on BDR Build

Got this dreaded error today building the BD image in Adobe Encore:

Blu-ray Error: "internal error 11 (software internal error: ..\..\Private\GraphicsEncoders\PGProcessor.cpp, line 236)", Code: "11", Note: "subtitle set too close".

The fix is to make sure subtitles have 5 frames or more space between them.  Darn, I thought the belgium sub people had that covered...   
Back to Annotation Edit.

Reinhard explained it to me in an email:
Set Gaps to at least 5 frames in "General Preferences".
Use the "Fix gaps" or "Fix gaps end" function for all selected subtitles.
And... It's working! Thank you Reinhard!

- By the way, I like to add a dummy sub entry at the beginning of each reel. That helps with merging tracks and making sure subs are keeping sync - peace of mind if u will. BUT I need to remember to trash them dummies before building. So 5 reels = 5 dummies to delete.

Adobe Encore Specify Link

In Adobe Encore, to select which audio track gets played, right-click on the Menu Button, Specify Link.  Select the Audio and Subtitle track targets from the drop-down menus.