Saturday, February 2, 2013

Adobe Encore Error 11 on BDR Build

Got this dreaded error today building the BD image in Adobe Encore:

Blu-ray Error: "internal error 11 (software internal error: ..\..\Private\GraphicsEncoders\PGProcessor.cpp, line 236)", Code: "11", Note: "subtitle set too close".

The fix is to make sure subtitles have 5 frames or more space between them.  Darn, I thought the belgium sub people had that covered...   
Back to Annotation Edit.

Reinhard explained it to me in an email:
Set Gaps to at least 5 frames in "General Preferences".
Use the "Fix gaps" or "Fix gaps end" function for all selected subtitles.
And... It's working! Thank you Reinhard!

- By the way, I like to add a dummy sub entry at the beginning of each reel. That helps with merging tracks and making sure subs are keeping sync - peace of mind if u will. BUT I need to remember to trash them dummies before building. So 5 reels = 5 dummies to delete.

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