Showing posts with label AU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AU. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2018

After Upgrading Adobe Premiere Pro CC Version 13.0 (October 15, 2018), Do Rescan and Enable Audio Plug-ins

For those of you upgrading to the new Premiere CC available today Oct 15, 2018, remember to Scan and Enable your Audio Plug-ins.

I use Audio Filters bundled with Premiere and I also use a bunch of Audio Units plug-ins from macOS (AU) and plug-ins from different vendors (AU, VST.)

When updating Premiere, all non-Adobe plug-ins are disabled by default, which might lead to a "Audio Filter Missing" message on loading a previous Project:
I had a missing Audio Filter in my Project, showing as "Offline".
Turns out, the missing Filter is the AU Multiband Compressor, which is a macOS Audio Filter. (I still have the previous version of Premiere and I opened my original Project to see what was missing.)

With this confirmation, this is how to turn these plug-ins back on:
 Go to Premiere Pro/Preferences/Audio. Click on Audio Plug-in Manager.
Click on Scan for Plug-ins, and then click Enable All (or select plug-ins individually) and Click OK.

That's it! Now all your "external" audio plug-ins will appear in Premiere Pro Audio Filters Menu.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Final Cut Pro 10.2.3 refuses to launch

Today FCPX 10.2.3 got stuck on opening, displaying only an empty splash window and not loading anything... Frustrating.

Some users have reported that Audio Components can be creating such a problem when FCP does not start.

So I proceeded by elimination: pulling recently installed AUs from my Plug-Ins folder (in BootHD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components) to see if it helped.

Indeed I found my culprit: and audio component I installed a few weeks ago: "MIGIC.component."  After removing it, FCP started no problem.