Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Final Cut Pro and Davinci Resolve Scopes Compared

 Resolve scopes: hard to read, distorted, not showing out of range values.

FCP scopes: easy on the eyes, clean, showing out of range values.

Now, Resolve is the reference color correcting software. Reflect on this for a moment.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Premiere Pro 13.0.2 Random White Lines on Program Window and Output When Using Metal

Premiere Pro 13.0.2 shows random flashing lines on the Program window and it also shows on the Blackmagic Design output when selecting Metal in Project Settings/General/Video Rendering and Playback/Renderer.

In this case, I need to click on the wrench in the Program window and select "High Quality Playback". All tears and white lines are gone.

If I select "Open CL" in the Project Settings, all is fine no matter if "High Quality Playback" is turned on or not.

Metal on my machine because it exports 1min. of HD material in 25sec. Open CL exports the same 1min. in 28sec. so a little slower.  Software only is terribly slow at 1min.42sec.

I do not "Enable Display Color Management" as it makes Premiere crash all the time.