Showing posts with label Adobe Premiere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adobe Premiere. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Premiere Pro 13.0.2 Random White Lines on Program Window and Output When Using Metal

Premiere Pro 13.0.2 shows random flashing lines on the Program window and it also shows on the Blackmagic Design output when selecting Metal in Project Settings/General/Video Rendering and Playback/Renderer.

In this case, I need to click on the wrench in the Program window and select "High Quality Playback". All tears and white lines are gone.

If I select "Open CL" in the Project Settings, all is fine no matter if "High Quality Playback" is turned on or not.

Metal on my machine because it exports 1min. of HD material in 25sec. Open CL exports the same 1min. in 28sec. so a little slower.  Software only is terribly slow at 1min.42sec.

I do not "Enable Display Color Management" as it makes Premiere crash all the time.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Premiere Has A Ongoing Problem With Direct Export (PP CC 13.0.2)

Premiere still has a hard time exporting just a few seconds of program via Export/Media/Export. This has been a real plague for a long time and it is a PAIN.

Of course it Freezes! I Force Quit Premiere, it stays open. As seen in the Activity Monitor, it's definitely crashed. Finally I Force Quit, Re-Open the project, nada. It is stuck there with black empty windows, doing nothing.

Alright time to TRASH Premiere preferences, super. Starting PP holding "Option"...
Open Project, going back to yesterday's version. Finally it opens. Great, trying to export a few seconds worth of program, AGAIN.

... Estimated Time Remaining: 44 seconds. 44 seconds once... 44 seconds twice... 44 seconds three times... NOTHING HAPPENS, Premiere is STUCK! I'm now spending half an hour trying to export a few seconds, do you see the problem Adobe?

Force Quit again, "Sorry a Serious Error Happened" fucking message. Launching premiere AGAIN, trashing Prefs AGAIN. Opening the project AGAIN. See the project is not corrupted, it opens fine. OK I'm making this export a whole minute, I'm exporting to another hard drive. Same thing, stuck there doing no export whatsoever. Fuck it.

Exporting and sending to AME via Queuing... WORKS JUST FINE.

Adobe, please fix this.