Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How to move files and folders around quickly with this Apple macOs Sierra Finder "spring open" tip

You probably are aware of macOs Finder capability to "spring open" a folder when dragging/moving a file. If you hover over a folder, it will pop-open to reveal its content. That's very dandy.

What's less dandy is when you go dig into some buried folder and want to move a file back to another folder you had open a moment ago, but now is in turn buried somewhere.

Of course the easy trick is to have two windows open at once, so now you can drag/move your file from one window/folder to another. But there is a BETTER and FASTER trick!

Assuming you had the destination folder opened right before the move - as it's often my case, since I always think a file is in a folder, but noooo, it's somewhere else... So I do a Search, and ah! Ah! Here is the bugger!... But now I need to put the file in another buried folder... grrr... Where the hell was this folder again???

Well, in this case I calmly drag the file over to the Finder Back Arrow. And boom! the Folder I had opened previously pops open! And I delicately drop my file in there.  Whoa
!... FYI the Forward Arrow works as well, as do the various Views Buttons.

Maybe you already knew about this trick? Ah! I just discovered this today! - And I'm a loooongtime Mac user ;)) ...

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