Thursday, November 10, 2016

FCPX 10.2.3 refuses to delete a clip!

That's a new one!  I have this lonely clip at the end of a Timeline, nothing special about it, when I select and hit delete... NOTHING HAPPENS!

What the heck is this? I have to MOVE TO TRASH the media from the browser first before I can get rid of the damn clip in the Timeline. This is annoying.

Monday, November 7, 2016

ProTools 12.5.2 "The Video Engine had an unrecoverable error" - now fixed, (sort of.)

I got aggravated with ProTools 12.5.2 previously, so I will share this tip:

Do not use h264 or ProRes, or whatever codec for the video, use only DNxHD.

I repeat: forget anything but DNxHD. I assume any Avid codec might work just fine, but I have not tested.

- I got to work on  a new project, I received a h264 movie from the client, this time ProTools would not start the Video Engine no matter what. Click yes, click no, reopen the session, whatever, nothing worked.

- I transcoded the h264 to ProRes with AME, same thing, did not work.

- I transcoded the h264 to DNxHD (MXF OP1a) with AME, WHAM! ProTools opened, Video Engine started, movie was online instantly. Worked all week without any problem.

Obviously you end up with a file that's 20 times bigger than the meager h264, but it works!

ProTools is still a pretty good and solid piece of software, didn't crash once. The weak link is the Avid Video Engine.

Thanks Avid, so instead of waisting our time why don't you specify: Avid Video Engine only works with DNx? That would make for less aggravation. Thank you.