Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pro Tools "The Video Engine had an unrecoverable error."

Avid!  Why do Pro Tools QuickTime Server [2679] and QuickTime_OPServer [2690] are freaking NOT RESPONDING?

And likely this is causing all the stupid Video Engine errors that are constantly plaguing the system:

By the way, the Avid Video Engine is opened TWICE in the Activity Monitor, and each instance is eating 3GB of memory!  That's 6GB to (NOT) play a video file? What?

Do something already!

Duh!?  What do you think?

And no it' not BMD or AJA drivers, they are both UNINSTALLED on this system.
ProTools Avid Video Engine is way too temperamental, guess what, it's 2016 Avid!  People are running their soft on all kinds of machines, with all kinds of codecs THERE IS NO EXCUSE, make the thing WORK!

Really? Plain ProRes 422, no it's certainly NOT MISSING.

Once the Session opens fine, once it doesn't because of the finicky Video Engine, this is crap!  Why did you have to fudge with the working video function as it was?  We just want to put a damn film in the video track and play it in sync with the audio.  That's IT!  Is this difficult or what?

Are you too busy taking basic functionality out of the low-end systems to give a shit?  For what I can see online, even the HD systems are plagued by errors:

Why would film and TV pros want to spend any money on you?  Here is a tip for you: drop PT First, drop PT/PTHD segregation. Just make ONE piece of amazing software: "PRO TOOLS" that does it ALL and WORKS on anything, with or without hardware. Sell it for $40/mo, sell the hardware separately, sell the plugins separately, and then focus on customer service = fixing bugs and making enhancements as fast as you can. You cannot sell any hardware nor plugins if the core app is not working.
Put your shit together and fix it now because confidence in your brand continues to erode and you will soon be left with nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever find a solution to this? I am feeling the same frustrations...
