Friday, August 19, 2016

ProTools 12.5 gives me an error: "The Video Engine had an unrecoverable error" - (not) fixed

I found an answer here:

I already had problems with Blackmagic Design Desktop video and FCPX, now it's also creating problems with ProTools.

I had just upgraded to DV 10.7, but because of this ProTools error had to downgrade down to 10.3.7 and... The error goes away.

Maybe one of these days when I have some free time I will figure which number of DV I can safely go up to without problem.

--- Update 1...
Nooo..., it was to good to be true, of course the damn error is coming back constantly.

---- Update 2...
I'm stuck with DV 10.4.3, anything higher FCPX dislikes and crashes eventually.

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